tips to get motivated after a setback

I'm 46, and I started logging my food on MFP last August, and have lost 60 lbs. This April my identity was stolen, someone filed and got a tax refund with my info, and someone tried to empty my bank account. At the end of April, my 8 year old nephew was killed in a car accident, which has been beyond comprehension. I don't know if stress affects weight loss or not, but I've been struggling to get back on track since then. So far, I've maintained my weight loss, but I feel stuck. I want to lose the last 20 lbs., and be healthy so I can be here for my son, but I can't get motivated to care about it. I'm a vegetarian, and have been going lower carb, higher protein. I do eat dairy, but no eggs. Any suggestions would be appreciated. Thanks.


  • Imana123
    Imana123 Posts: 1 Member
    I can only send you hugs..
  • deladypilot
    deladypilot Posts: 618 Member
    So sorry you have had to go through all of that. Might I suggest setting a smaller goal for now. Maybe just to lose 5lbs or maybe to get out and walk 3 days this week. Just something small that starts the change back into the direction you want to go. You can add other changes as things go along. Be proud of yourself that you were able to maintain during all that high stress.
  • SueInAz
    SueInAz Posts: 6,592 Member
    edited July 2015
    First of all a big hug. My sister had the same thing happen to her with the taxes this year. Her husband lost his job the month before so she's been a mess, too. Stress can definitely affect weight loss. It has to do with Cortisol levels. That said, it's not a reason to give up.

    You might first think of ways to lower your stress levels. For some people, exercise helps. I know running helps me unwind a bit from my stress. Yoga, meditation and even a good, funny movie can help. The thing about motivation, though, is that it can't be given to you; it has to come from within. It sounds like you really do care, since you mentioned your son, you just aren't in a place yet where you are ready to put in the effort you know it's going to take. Maybe for the short term you should just focus on maintaining your current weight and dealing with your stress levels. Once you get the stress down you may find your motivation returning.
  • smedwhite1
    smedwhite1 Posts: 2 Member
    Thank you for the suggestions and kind words. It's appreciated. :)
  • TracyShing
    TracyShing Posts: 48 Member
    Feel free to friend me if you like. I'm all about swapping support as I find that it helps tremendously. I'm just getting back after a very difficult 6 months. I've gained back almost every pound I lost and am actively looking for motivated go getters to add to my friend list. Losing weigh is HARD, why do it alone?