pili90 Member


  • This might sound crazy, but I don't have any... I'm doing this with a nutritionist, and a trainer. Both suggested not to have goals, just do it. The nutritionist checks my health, sugar levels, body fat etc, my trainer my fitness progress and in the end I'm not worried. Sometimes we get a bit obsessed with the whole thing,…
  • Unless you have insulin related problems, carbs aren't the enemy. I have insulin resistance and my nutritionist told me I have to control my carbs, but I eat 175gr a day, a lot more than you, and I'm still losing weigh because it about calories, not carbs. However, if you really want to eat the 50 gr, my suggestion is to…
    in Carbs Comment by pili90 August 2015
  • I will always struggle with this... What I do is a bit different. I don't trust myself with binge worthy food, so I don't have anything. My kitchen is filled with things I have to cook to eat, and most of them healthy. I always binge eat at night, so I count on me being lazy. If I don't have it, I'm too lazy to go out and…
  • When I started this journey, my solution was to have nothing, NOTHING, yummi in the house... The only things I had were meant to be prepared, or fruit, not even sugar free. I used my laziness to my advantaged, I would never leave the house to eat comfort food, and I had tons of stress. Maybe you could try to reduce the…
  • You are amazing, but I paid more attention to that awesome dress! Great loss!
  • 25 so I'm not sure if it counts as late 20s... but my health is so bad that I could be a granny for all I know! I don't know my stats outside the metric system, so here they go... 1.64 mt SW 90kg CW 77kg GW 60kg Feel free to add, my diary is open but it is in Spanish for the most part, however I'm happy to answer questions.
  • Im not sure what health problems you have, but I now I have several.... The best advice is to go slow, and listen to your body, and if possible, get help from a professional... I wanted to start with everything at once, but my doctor said for the first couple of months focus on the food, then start adding some workouts and…
  • To make the perfect thing for salads, sandwiches and wraps... ave pimenton Chicken breast, I use about a kilo, boiled with no salt. Shred it once cooked 1 yogurt, no flavour Red bell peppers, I use canned ones, but you can use fresh ones but boiled them a little bit. Mix the yogurt and the peppers, I use the blender, then…
  • For your sweet tooth, freeze a banana (regular size), blueberries and raspberries (1 cup each) then blend them together (you can add some yogurt if you want to make it more ice-creamy) and sprinkle a couple of chocolate chips, sugar free....As for chocolate, dark is always the best....Or you can choose 2 or 3 fruits you…
  • I usually listen to their live albums, specially the one they recorded here in my country (En Vivo! Chile) :)
  • I'm not sure I'm anonymous here, I wouldn't mind if people knew me.... but it is unlikely, as I live in Chile. I haven't met anyone here from my country. I like the way this site works, I like the people I find, and I love the fact that although people are contients away sometimes, they still care....I think some people…
  • I don't need to lose that much, but in my case the strugle is a lot like that....I would advise to go see a doctor.... I had a lot of problems losing weight, I went to the doctor and I had several conditions that needed to be controled, insuline problems, hypothyroidism, cushing syndrom, pcos, you name it. I had it all. My…
  • You could try to have a juice, yogurt, milk with chia seeds, they"grow" with water and you feel less hungry.... One tablespoon or two can duplicate overnight =) Look them up, they may get a bit pricey, but they are worth it and they last a lot...
  • I think I love this and you sir! Thanks for sharing it!!! I'll try to emulate this!!
  • Yeah it does that, that's what I did today, but I was still unsure about the whole process, thanks! by the way, what a lovely pup in your photo!
  • Thanks, I never eat back my calories because I'm not sure how much I burn... I don't think MFP numbers are too accurate and my nutritionist told me not to do it anyway... I have a bunch of conditions, so my doctor gave me specific guidelines.... The video helped me a lot!! This is what I needed.... I know this was a silly…
  • -Arugula, cilantro, lettuce, bell peppers(as many colors as you want), avocado and ground beef with red onions.... -Chicken breast with red peppers and (all mixed together) -grated carrots, hummus,arugula and scallions -corn, onios or scallions, tomatoes,yogurt and meat(tuna, beef, chicken) with a bit of mustard - Any…
  • Thank you so much!! I was a bit lost here... I felt like a little kid with a new toy not sure how to play with it....
  • Congrats to both of you!!! I bet you'll do this and look amazing!!!
  • I eat them every night and... I use silverware... I know, that's not the point of wraps.... But I can't eat them without a fork, not even the ones you could buy.... Worst case scenario, if you can't find a solution to the falling apart issue, at least they taste ust as nice with a fork.... :)
  • I have wraps every night.... You just fill them with whatever you have, they usually take me about 10 minutes....:)
  • I usually eat dinner at 9pm or even 10. What I do to is quite filling. I buy wraps and fill them with a bunch of salads, mostly greens leaf, spring onions, mushrooms,bell peppers, tomatoes things like that.... That way you eat something nutritious, delicious and there's less fuzz about what to prepare. Sometimes being…
  • Anything that I can eat cold, I hate using the microwave at work. This means I usually have a bunch of salads and a burger, either meat, soy or beans. Tomorrow I'm having cucumber, cilantro, corn, broccoli and a chicken burger....My snacks tend to be yogurts and fruits....I would suggest checking my diary, since it's open,…
  • If corn was bad, how come three big ancient cultures in America had it as a major part of their diet? Even now most Latin American countries have corn as a basic ingridient to many preparations....Corn could rule the world if you only let it.... Corn isn't bad, most people have commented on that, but I would avoid the…
  • I'd love to help!!! You can do this, this is actually my third time doing it.... But this time I have managed to stay on track for 95 days!! At first it was hard, but this time instead of focusing on the scale I simply focused on other things.... You can do this, we can!!
  • I'm not a mom, I'm a school teacher.... I found that moving around helps me a lot and my students...Sometimes teaching is the best workout....I love seeing mothers involved with their children's education, your choice is one of the biggest acts of love you can do. I just wanted to say that to all of you :)
  • :) Thanks to you! I also started alone the journey, sometimes the best company is not the one right next to you. If he is not ready to keep going, you can, maybe he'll join in later... The great thing about this site is that you always find someone that is willing to help.
  • Guilt won't help, and three bad weeks will not destroy all those new habits you've been acquiring. Start over, you can do this....You could change your goals, prepare new things and if working out is the problem start slowly again.... You can do this!
  • Sometimes what helps me is considering all the changes I've been doing... Today I had to have some regular coke, low blood sugar, and I realized I actually don't like it, or when I go out I have selfcontrol. This always helps me.... This journey is not about a scale number, or body fat %, is about those changes that will…
  • Mine was for 2manypushups....:)