Need help to start all over again- 20kgs to go

lavs21 Posts: 11 Member
Once upon a time I was MFP user and than I stopped couldn't see the weight come off, I did manage to loose some weight but have loads more to go. I don't want to give up this time- it's now or never... I want to look good not only for other but for myself get my self confidence back and start really living not just existing - anyone care to help/support?


  • pili90
    pili90 Posts: 302 Member
    I'd love to help!!! You can do this, this is actually my third time doing it.... But this time I have managed to stay on track for 95 days!! At first it was hard, but this time instead of focusing on the scale I simply focused on other things.... You can do this, we can!!
  • patmid
    patmid Posts: 45 Member
    lavs21 wrote: »
    Once upon a time I was MFP user and than I stopped couldn't see the weight come off, I did manage to loose some weight but have loads more to go. I don't want to give up this time- it's now or never... I want to look good not only for other but for myself get my self confidence back and start really living not just existing - anyone care to help/support?

    Hi lavs21 and welcome, we are in the same boat. I used MFP before but I didn't join the forum. I did well but when I stopped recording last December I put on 21 lbs, so I am back. This is my second week and have found all the posts so helpful and motivational. We can all help each other. Look forward to hear how you are getting on. :)
  • patmid
    patmid Posts: 45 Member
    pili90 wrote: »
    I'd love to help!!! You can do this, this is actually my third time doing it.... But this time I have managed to stay on track for 95 days!! At first it was hard, but this time instead of focusing on the scale I simply focused on other things.... You can do this, we can!!

    Just had to congratulate you, what an inspiration you are, 95 days, brilliant.
  • WideAgain
    WideAgain Posts: 33 Member
    And me... And me... Ideally I would also like to lose 20kg - how the hell did I put it all back again so quickly! :/

    Friend me if you're willing to give me a good kick when I 'fall off' for too long!
  • lavs21
    lavs21 Posts: 11 Member
    Thanks all so nice to get the support I think this time it will work... You are right last time I never joined the forum...
  • lavs21
    lavs21 Posts: 11 Member
    Hi all, had a very tough day finished work at 9pm luckily was at home had dinner a Pearl Barley stew I had made ahead with lots of veg, and didn't feel like doing anything. I had walked around 30mibs earlier this afternoon which equates to around 4500+ steps... I was about to settle for the day when around 9:30 my husband pushed me to go out for a walk, just to clear my head from the long stressful day- believe me I did not feel like it at all! But I got up and went out did 40mibs of brisk walking which was around 4kms.... And this completed my walking goal to 10K+ steps for today!!
    So today despite all the odds at work etc. managed tO stay on track... Let's hope the rest of the week is as good if not better... :-)
  • mrourke19
    mrourke19 Posts: 5 Member
    I'll help out however I can! I believe you can do it, just gotta keep up the motivation! I struggle with over eating at night, so I'll be happy to help and support you.
  • lavs21
    lavs21 Posts: 11 Member
    So what do I do to stop binge eating at dinner- I was late today from work, was very hungry n are whatever was in sight and too much- I know better but don't really know how to motivate myself to stop that for good? My calories are not that bad but these days completely sabotage my weight loss no wonder I don't loose!
  • downongreenacres
    downongreenacres Posts: 327 Member
    I don't make good choices when I am too hungry! I have found that planning healthy snacks is worth the calories in the long run or I will end up going for a binge. A little bit of popcorn or beef jerky or something the last hour or so of work does wonders for my willpower when I get home!
    For me it's not so much motivation as accepting what works for me and what does not and setting up my routines so that I am successful more often than not.
    Good luck!
  • lavs21
    lavs21 Posts: 11 Member
    I read somewhere that the ladies "red" days can affect the scales negatively- is that correct? That said I still don't expect a loss this week- wonder if I should even bother weighing myself...