lrns88 Member


  • I'm on my 4th fast today and was really looking forward to it after some over-indulgence this weekend. I struggle less with fast days and more with feed days - maybe it's because my mind is ingrained to worry about what I'm eating! I'm also attempting more exercise this week after not doing much last week - getting over…
  • I'm following the clean & lean plan - not doing the full on 14 day detox but have bought the original book and the diet book for advice and helpful information. A lot of people do comment that this is common sense - of course eating lean meats and green veggies with no sugar / alcohol / white carbs etc is going to help you…
  • Morning all! My room was sooooooo cold last night I'm contemplating buying a onesie! Brrrrr! Haven't worked out how to use the central heating in the new place yet so it was slightly arctic. Doesn't make getting up any easier! Gym day today - I always try and eat my exercise calories but because I get home late I can't…
  • There have got to be some non-scale victories that will cheer you up? 16KG loss is no mean feet! Did you do any measurements before you started? If not, maybe do some now and see how your body is changing without the kgs going down? When I first started in January, in 2 months I only dropped like 6 lbs (should have been…
  • Morning all - fantastic to see so many new faces on the Team UK posts! I was around up until May but then fell off the bandwagon (:ohwell:) so now I'm sheepishly coming back and trying to get back into it. The past few month's damage hasn't been too bad......I had originally lost 12lbs, and still have kept 5lbs off, and…
  • amazing that you've given up smoking!! hows it going? cut yourself a bit of slack if you're struggling because of that though - once its out of your system then you can work on the food! When I stopped a few years ago I puffed out massively - damn smoking! Makes you thin, but is naughty!! I've been out of the loop too -…
  • Trying to pass yourself off as a newbie KP?!? xx
  • Hello! In my gym sessions I do 50% strength, 50% cardio. The main argument is that whilst cardio burns fat, muscle gained through strength training uses more calories when you're not doing much. I'd suggest doing your strength training before your cardio, so I normally do 5 min warm up, 25 mins strength, 20mins HIIT, then…
  • I was just thinking that too! My holidays to the Canary Islands often feature Estrella beer, some dodgy looking cocktails and trying to avoid being dragged out to sea whilst on my lilo!!
  • Happy May everybody - this year is going past like crazy!! Glad to see most people fell off the wagon over all these bank hols - its been ridiculous :( And I have 3 manic (and boozy) weekends in May lined up so my 80% angel 20% devil foodwise is taking a serious beating. Grrrr!! It's 7 weeks until Glastonbury, and I want…
  • Is anyone else ridiculously excited about the royal wedding tomorrow?!?! I'm a bit concerned about how giddy I am about it! I work just off Oxford Street in London, so tonight I'm going to wander down to Westminster Abbey and Pall Mall with my camera just to check out the amazingness of it! Not coming to London tomorrow to…
  • Hello :) One of the best kettlebell threads I've found is on the UK Cosmopolitan website: Also, youtube has loads and loads of videos etc for kettlebell workouts and tips, and they're free! I love kettlebells, and use them instead of dunbells whenever I can :)…
  • Now I've heard a few good things about Magnesium Oil. You're meant to apply it to your muscles after working out, and some of the girls that use it have said it has massively cut their cravings for bad things, and helped their girly weeks......I've only just bought it and since it was Easter this weekend, I can't say it…
  • Hi Zoe, No challenge here - just a thread for general chatting!! Well done on your first week's loss :) xxx
  • yvonnej1 - excuse me if I'm being blunt, but your picture is like chocolate p0rn!!! I just stare at it, longingly!! Did you eat them all?!?!
  • hi and welcome :) this thread is just for general chat, so chat away!! xxx
  • Hi all, There is a massive Team UK and Ireland thread and it's currently on April: A new thread will be setup in May and the link posted in it. Feel free to join! xxx
  • I weigh 163lbs and use a Polar HRM, and during 60mins, 25mins strength, 20mins interval and the rest warm up/down, and I burn on average 450 calories, so I'd think yours is about right!
  • This may be a silly qu, but how portable are we talking? xxx
  • Amazing!!! I dont think I would have known it was the same person if you'd shown me the pics separately - you must be so proud of how far you've come! Very inspirational too Leela, defo one of my go-to threads when I feel like I'm not making any progress - keep up the good work!! xxx
  • I'm obsessed with pasta salads, especially for work as they are so quick and easy. E.G mine today contains: wholemeal pasta celery carrot sweetcorn cherry tomatoes cucumber radish spring onion avocado little bit of tuna! Totals maybe 400 calories, takes forever to eat (we're talking like 30mins!), and fills me up no end! I…
  • That's amazing!!! Fantastic with the unassisted pull ups - I get halfway up and then kinda get stuck!! You must be very proud, and all heading in the right way :) xxx
  • Thanks hun :) I've switched to soya milk rather than dairy - higher amount of protein. So thankfully I don't have to suffer watery porridge!! Started on protein shakes after workouts too - hopefully it'll mean my muscles get into a bit better shape as at the moment I am in serious pain after the gym yesterday! xxx
  • I found it by following Mary Raynsford on twitter (@MarkPT) and he has an online forum ( The basic plan is to "reset your diet" (queue lots of comments on that!!!) by cutting out dairy, white carbs, alcohol, fizzy drinks, chocolate, etc and just eating natural stuff! So fruit, veg, porridge,…
  • Ahhh a family friend is there at the moment and loving it!!! xxx
  • Hey hun, which Uni are you off to? And what are you studying? I wish I could go back to Uni - best years ever! Loving all the tips here for food - they are fantastic! With your friend who spends £40 on food a week, is that because she has £40 free to do so? What I spent at Uni massively varied depending on what cash I had…
  • Morning all, This week has been a good week! First in quite a few weeks really food wise. Really let things slip over the past few weeks - stress at work, being poorly, then being away with work. Didn't fall into massively bad habits, but still wasn't great. On Monday I started this new plan all about natural eating - so…
  • I think it makes sense! My PT worked out my basal metabolic rate of 2200 including all the workouts I do, so I have to aim for 1700 - 1800 calories a day to lose 1lb a week. And so far, it's working!!
  • Morning all, I've been a bit AWOL as have been away with work - and working 15 - 18 hours a day is not the time to be hot on the calories! But I'm back now....... First challenge - not sitting in a beer garden all weekend with cider in my hand! Think I'm going to alternate alcohol and water, that might help a bit! Going to…
  • Morning all - how is it April already?! I'm not logging per say today, having a nice afternoon down South Bank in London (if the sun ever comes out!) Hope you all have a great Friday xxx