Team UK - October 2011



  • lacewitch
    lacewitch Posts: 766 Member
    Hi all :)

    Can i join in too?? I didn't know there was a Team UK :D

    Hope u are all well :)

    I'm not the boss just a poster but as far as i know anyone can join. and a new thread will be created each month ( to prevent massive threads with millions of pages)
    hope to see you around.
    have a good day!
  • kpnuts23
    kpnuts23 Posts: 960 Member
    Its soooo nice to see this group still going!!! Well done UK'ers!! xxx
  • Hello everyone,
    I'm pretty new to MFP and got reccommended the group :) Awesome!!
    I'm a pretty fun girl who loves to exercise (My new craze is Military bootcamp style at the moment with ex army people who trains us) and also love to eat whether that's cooking at home, socialising with friends, going out for something to eat! The stuff is great lol

    But.. A couple of stones later, I have developed chubb around the belly, butt and thighs and hopes this will help me be a bit more in control!

    Look forward to making new friends :)
    Kt-Lou x
  • fimm
    fimm Posts: 191 Member
    Oooh I got some friend requests :flowerforyou: thank you :smile:
    I'm afraid I'm not very good at logging everything - I'm mostly using this as a maintanance tool at the moment so it is a metter of staying roughly on track...
  • nic81081
    nic81081 Posts: 46 Member
    Well that's me finished my course of antibiotics. Yay!!! Feeling so much better and lost a pound at weigh in this morning. I'm super motivated to losing 8lbs before Christmas now as that will be me at the 30lb mark. Going to take it easyish on the exercise this week as i don't want to overdo it and am still a little bit chesty but will try and get some sit ups in and maybe some zumba for the wii or wii sports. At least that way i can stay in the warm haha. It really is miserable out there today. Keep up the good work guys and thanks for the get well wishes over the last wee while :flowerforyou:
  • carolineb81
    carolineb81 Posts: 459 Member
    Finished my 30ds today and lost 6lbs and 18 inches - pretty pleased although I would have liked a few more pounds if im honest!!

    Ive started ripped in 30 today and it is a killer!!! looking forward to seeing the results that it gives me though.

    Hope everyone is having a good monday xx
  • Amie_LR
    Amie_LR Posts: 50
    Finished my 30ds today and lost 6lbs and 18 inches - pretty pleased although I would have liked a few more pounds if im honest!!

    Ive started ripped in 30 today and it is a killer!!! looking forward to seeing the results that it gives me though.

    Hope everyone is having a good monday xx

    I've just done my 12th day of the shred, 2nd day for me on lvl 2. My shoulders are feeling all that planking!
    Good luck with your ripped in 30 journey!
  • Amie_LR
    Amie_LR Posts: 50
    Monday again Team UK!

    How were your weekends?

    Mine was fab but a bit naughty due to meals out and a theatre trip with snacks! Need to refocus today though - 6 weeks until Paris and Berlin and I really want to get down to at least what I was at my wedding earlier this year. I've been to both before and really looking forward to it. I didn't like Paris last time but it was the first place in Europe I ever went - I think things will be different now I've had time to adjust. I loved Berlin, going to check out the Christmas markets this time - the Berlin part was a wedding gift from hubby's work (on a side note: NEVER buy someone flight vouchers, lovely thought but what a nightmare!).

    Take care
    Dotti xo
    Glad you had a good weekend! I'm thinking the upcoming weekend will be a bit on the naughty side for me, so I'll be working extra hard this week so I don't feel extra guilty... but it is my birthday on sunday, and well, we all deserve a treat on our birthdays right?

    I went to Paris for the first time this june, and liked it more than I thought I would! Never been to Berlin but it somewhere I'm interested in seeing.

    Have a great week!
  • lrns88
    lrns88 Posts: 151 Member
    Morning all - fantastic to see so many new faces on the Team UK posts! I was around up until May but then fell off the bandwagon (:ohwell:) so now I'm sheepishly coming back and trying to get back into it.

    The past few month's damage hasn't been too bad......I had originally lost 12lbs, and still have kept 5lbs off, and I'm hopeful a couple more should drop quite quickly since I've stopped drinking during the week etc!

    Just moved out of home and into London which is SO EXCITING!! :happy: Good thing is I have complete control over my food, whereas the bad thing is I find it so difficult to cook for just 1 person!! I've also just joined Fitness First until December so will be getting my bum back to the gym as well.

    Looking forward to chatting to you all loads :smile: and hope you're having a great week! xxxx
  • SuperScrabbleGirl
    SuperScrabbleGirl Posts: 310 Member
    Does anyone do water aerobics? I'm going tomorrow, but the last time I went (admittedly I was about 12) I remember it being really, really easy, but like I say, I was 12.
  • LouLouUK
    LouLouUK Posts: 136 Member
    Does anyone do water aerobics? I'm going tomorrow, but the last time I went (admittedly I was about 12) I remember it being really, really easy, but like I say, I was 12.

    Yes i did do water aerobics - it was great fun!! Unfortunately our instructor left our gym and they never found anyone to replace her :(
  • rdpixie
    rdpixie Posts: 93 Member
    Morning all - fantastic to see so many new faces on the Team UK posts! I was around up until May but then fell off the bandwagon (:ohwell:) so now I'm sheepishly coming back and trying to get back into it.

    The past few month's damage hasn't been too bad......I had originally lost 12lbs, and still have kept 5lbs off, and I'm hopeful a couple more should drop quite quickly since I've stopped drinking during the week etc!

    Just moved out of home and into London which is SO EXCITING!! :happy: Good thing is I have complete control over my food, whereas the bad thing is I find it so difficult to cook for just 1 person!! I've also just joined Fitness First until December so will be getting my bum back to the gym as well.

    Looking forward to chatting to you all loads :smile: and hope you're having a great week! xxxx

    London is very exciting! :D I buy and cook just for me and sometimes thats tough but it makes me meal plan and budget which is just great cause I don't have much money left over after my bills! Batch cooking is key!
  • carolineb81
    carolineb81 Posts: 459 Member
    Hope everyone has had a great day. Ive done day 2 of ripped in 30, im still aching so much from yesterday though, its a real step up from 30 ds
  • Lozzy_82
    Lozzy_82 Posts: 324 Member
    October is kicking my *kitten* :grumble: I am sooo close to some great milestones (getting under 10 stone, reaching a healthy BMI, getting to my previous lowest weight) and my body is just saying "NO - I LIKE BEING FAT!" There's a lot of temptation around as well: the urge to bake is becoming overwhelming and the weather is just crying out for mulled cider and stodgy carbs! So far I'm managing to resist, for the most part...
  • kyle4jem
    kyle4jem Posts: 1,400 Member
    October is kicking my *kitten* :grumble: I am sooo close to some great milestones (getting under 10 stone, reaching a healthy BMI, getting to my previous lowest weight) and my body is just saying "NO - I LIKE BEING FAT!" There's a lot of temptation around as well: the urge to bake is becoming overwhelming and the weather is just crying out for mulled cider and stodgy carbs! So far I'm managing to resist, for the most part...
    Maybe you could bake some light and wholesome treats... carrot cake? Mini-muffins with apple juice instead of oil?

    I'm just trying to be positive about the dark mornings/nights and not worrying too much about the impending winter.

    The last few lbs are (supposed) always the hardest to lose... I don't know because I've never even got close before. But what's the worst that could happen... you stay in maintenance for 4-6 months until next spring when you can shed the winter woes and burst into a renewed plan of attack :flowerforyou:
  • lrns88
    lrns88 Posts: 151 Member
    October is kicking my *kitten* :grumble: I am sooo close to some great milestones (getting under 10 stone, reaching a healthy BMI, getting to my previous lowest weight) and my body is just saying "NO - I LIKE BEING FAT!" There's a lot of temptation around as well: the urge to bake is becoming overwhelming and the weather is just crying out for mulled cider and stodgy carbs! So far I'm managing to resist, for the most part...

    There have got to be some non-scale victories that will cheer you up? 16KG loss is no mean feet! Did you do any measurements before you started? If not, maybe do some now and see how your body is changing without the kgs going down? When I first started in January, in 2 months I only dropped like 6 lbs (should have been loads more!), but I lost 5 inches from around my chest! 5 INCHES!! shame it was my chest though.......!

    And you can always say yes to mulled cider in moderation.......! xxx
  • Lozzy_82
    Lozzy_82 Posts: 324 Member
    Cheers guys :) I am cheering myself up by digging out some lovely autumn colothes that I haven't been able to wear in a few years. The other week I found a gorgeous long, olive green skirt from Per Una which used to be my favourite til I got too big for it, and now it fits perfectly again! I'm also taking a break from weighing myself every day. I have had plateaus before and they always end eventually, so I'm just going to keep on doing what I'm doing. I saw a gorgeous looking recipe for pumpkin harvest muffins with honey, walnuts and spices so i'm going to bake those this week and take them into work. I'm doing apple cider cupcakes for Halloween, along with some regular vanilla cupcakes in black and orange :drinker: I'm only going to have a little nibble (maybe half a cake) of each batch though because it's actually the baking I get the urge for - not the eating!
  • missdaisy79
    missdaisy79 Posts: 566 Member
    Hello team UK - hope everyone is well this crisp October morning! Well, it's crisp in Birmingham anyway! Am kicking myself for overdoing it a couple of weeks ago which has left me hobbling with strained knees - had to pack in 30DS for the time being, but with my wedding next weekend and a first dance to learn and a size 14 dress to squeeze in to I'm panicking a bit! Still, if I can just stay under my calories each day I'll be doing well.
  • kyle4jem
    kyle4jem Posts: 1,400 Member
    Hello team UK - hope everyone is well this crisp October morning! Well, it's crisp in Birmingham anyway! Am kicking myself for overdoing it a couple of weeks ago which has left me hobbling with strained knees - had to pack in 30DS for the time being, but with my wedding next weekend and a first dance to learn and a size 14 dress to squeeze in to I'm panicking a bit! Still, if I can just stay under my calories each day I'll be doing well.
    Wow! You do have a busy week.

    We will all think slimming thoughts for you this and next week. :flowerforyou:
  • kyle4jem
    kyle4jem Posts: 1,400 Member
    Cheers guys :) I am cheering myself up by digging out some lovely autumn colothes that I haven't been able to wear in a few years. The other week I found a gorgeous long, olive green skirt from Per Una which used to be my favourite til I got too big for it, and now it fits perfectly again!
    How exciting and I bet that feel really good!

    I wore some jeans at the weekend that I haven't worn in the best part of 2-3 years. And they weren't even tight!!!!

    I might have to go to the Big Yellow and break out some of the vac-paks and see what's in there and what fits.

    I think I'm also going to cull some of my wardrobe. Last weekend I put on a pair of shorts that are literally falling off me now. they were only cheepos from Tesco, so not too bothered about sending them off to charity. Same goes for the XXXL shirts I had to buy this summer as I was bursting out of my XXLs.

    Now the XXLs are a bit loose on me as are all my 44" jeans, so while I'm not going to chuck they all out at once I do think they will be packed away by the end of the year. (I'm not giving everything away just yet - I did that 6 years ago and ended up having to buy a whole new wardrobe 3 yrs later :cry: so they will be vac-paked and put in storage.)

    It's Wednesday and I'm feeling FINE :happy: