Team UK - October 2011

Good Morning Team Uk-ers!

Welcome to SUNNY October!

For those of you who missed it, we had quite the revival of Team UK last month. Loving everybody's support of each other :)

In the old Team UK, we used to make a new thread every month so that it didn't end up with many, many pages and was easier to track what you had read. New members welcome at any time :)

I am having a little dinner party this evening, shall hit the gym first. I've finished making my strawberries and cream cheesecake and it looks like it worked out well :) Thinking of making thai themed crab cakes the thai fish with coconut rice. Wish me luck that everything works out!

Dotti x


  • hannydee
    hannydee Posts: 246
    Good morning! What a lovely day it is :)
    I've got a bit of a cold, which is annoying, but hitting the gym this morning with a friend to try out Zumba for the first time! Very excited :D Have a feeling it's going to be a great weekend.
  • lilyinlove
    lilyinlove Posts: 441 Member
    Good morning. Must have coffee!! Happy Saturday everyone.
  • nikki2609
    nikki2609 Posts: 128
    morning ladies, off out for birthday drinks tonight so gonna jump on the wii zumba shortly and maybe a bike ride later to burn up some calories in preperation :wink:
    Dotti your cheesecake sounds devine, i had a jammy dodger cheesecake on thursday for my anniversay treat and it was heaven on a plate.
    hope everyone has a great sun filled weekend xx

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  • IronSmasher
    IronSmasher Posts: 3,908 Member
    First ever exercise class today, combat at DW Dundee
  • meerkat70
    meerkat70 Posts: 4,616 Member
    Morning everyone. Off to gym if i can motivate myself. Hope you all have a lovely day.
  • 10fairywings
    10fairywings Posts: 136 Member
    Have fun all!!! Birthday drinks and dinner parties sound wonderful! I am planning to hit the beach this weekend, got a few things to do this morning and I'm off to the heaven that is Blue Anchor! Loving this sunshine long may it last, be nice if it lasted right up to when I go on holiday in November lol! Have a fab weekend whatever your plans everyone!!!!

    Tink :)

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  • keiraev
    keiraev Posts: 695 Member
    Hi can I join?? I am Keira and from Surrey :smile: I have been on MFP since May- have got a few more lbs left to lose and need some encouragement.

    Am feeling very positive on the first day of the month. I ate like a starving pig last week- way over my maintenance on most days coz I (unusually) went out for dinner 3 or 4 times.

    I weigh in every Sat and amazingly hadn't gained this morning. My goal for October is to lose 2lb. Doesn't sound like a lot but at this stage I am happy to be losing 0.5lb a week.

    Off to Zumba and Body Pump in a bit- I always do a big workout Sat morning so I can eat & drink what I like Sat night :drinker: !
  • netchik
    netchik Posts: 587 Member
    Morning all! Just about to hit the Farmers market for some lovely fresh fruit and veg! It is a good morning, Husband met (and surpassed) his goal weight this morning! Have a great day!
  • melanie3103
    melanie3103 Posts: 246 Member
    Happy october and happy weekend!

    Gonna be a hot one - woohoo! Get out in it, catch some rays! :-). Im after a base tan for Cuba which is just over 7 weeks now.

    Went out last night in London, and somehow managed to resist the lure of junk food at 10pm when we were heading home having not eaten. Subway salad box to the rescue. :-). Lots of temptations (malteasers in the theatre, large glass of wine in interval, fast food for dinner - resisted them all). Had spritzers which helped. Im on a promise (so to speak)... My weigh in sat morning (any minute now!) - if i lose 2, my OH is taking me out 'all you can eat chinese' at my fave restaurant. Well it is spike day! :-) so wish me luck.

    No gym today, heading to the park in a bit to watch my gorgeous nephews play football (aged 7 and 11). Watch this space... Weigh in coming up..... Eek! God i'd lovvvvve to get another 2 lbs and get my 14lbs/1stone. :-). Gulp............

    Have a great day all, and weekend of sun. That cheesecake sounds divine, as does the jammy dodger one! :-)
  • V44V
    V44V Posts: 366 Member
    Morning All

    Been up for a while already and watching the sun get higher in the sky, hoping it's going to be another scorcher. Breakfast consumed and gearing up for a run and some serious training this week... Have the Men's Health Survival of the Fittest event next Saturday and am cacking it.

    Need all the motivation and support I can find. Feel free to add me...

  • aimibean
    aimibean Posts: 243
    Good morning, Team UK! :)
    I'm at work this morning and don't finish until 5 so will miss the best of the sunshine, but hope all you lot make the most of it! :D
    Happy Saturday guys, have a fantastic day, both food and exercise-wise and other! :flowerforyou:
  • ZoeBZJ
    ZoeBZJ Posts: 12
    Good Morning All.

    I have just joined this site, so happy to find this team. I am Zoe and I'm from Birmingham (sorry don't mean to sound like I'm on blind date!) lol. Anyway I have so far lost just over 2 stone on my own and hopefully with the help of this site I will lose the rest. I will be starting C25K this week and I have also started the Insanity DVD workout. I hope everyone has a good weekend.

    Also if anyone needs an extra friend please add me :drinker:
  • julie4760
    julie4760 Posts: 125
    morning everyone sounds like everyone is motivated today, me my muscles are aching today so i'm taking it easy, I changed my exercise a little yesterday to work the posterior more so as you can imagine i've a pain in the b*m today lol enjoy the lovely wether all x
  • Monkeylost
    Monkeylost Posts: 132 Member
    Morning all, this is supposed to be forecast as the hottest October day since records began so I'm thinking of having a BBQ!!!!!! That sounds so wrong, a BBQ in Blighty normally ends in rain. Lol I've got to get the patio set back out of the shed as with the wet summer in the north it was put away in July. Enjoy your sunny Saturday people.

    Feel free to add me. Xxxx
  • martymum
    martymum Posts: 413 Member
    morning all

    Another gorgeous day,gonna do turbofire in a minute before it gets too hot. Going shopping this pm, thought I'd try julian graves for some afternoon snack inspiation.

  • msbandicoot
    msbandicoot Posts: 7 Member
    morning all
    its a lovely day, been shopping, just having coffee an a banana before doing the old mans snap and starting cleaning upstairs.
  • brit_girl
    Morning all!!!

    Im in a fabulous mood taoday - lost 4.9lb at my first weigh in!

    Busy weekend for me this week - dancing lesson with daughter this morning, shopping, hairdressers, then at a 40th birthday do tonight so have to get 4 of us ready and travel there!

    Tomorrow im heading down to visit my sister at uni for the day so that will be nice! She wants help unpacking and get sorted out!

    Have a lovely weekend everyone x

    If anyone wants to 'friend' me feel free - the more support the better i say!!!!! x
  • margo36
    margo36 Posts: 222 Member
    Morning All, Working Day for me so planned out my food and wrote a shopping list because I got no food in the house. The Bookies I'm working in is next to a major supermarket. I'm working in the same place for two days so I will be able to shop and fill the fridge with the food I need for two days. Yesterday I covered two shops so took everything with me in a cool bag. How's that for dedication LOL Happy Saturday Everyone :drinker:
  • Nikkei1984
    Morning all, would love to join in, I'm Nikkei BTW! It's going to be a busy day today, going to a book swapping event, then to have my new tattoo and then need to fit in a session of Turbofire (though I do have to say I have never felt my ribs quite like this after yesterdays workout!!!) Hope everyone has sunshine filled day X
  • tiarapants
    tiarapants Posts: 1,015 Member
    Gone shopping, back in a while! x