Team UK - October 2011



  • LilMissFoodie
    LilMissFoodie Posts: 612 Member
    Good evening :)

    Just about ready for our guests to arrive. Read some bad reviews on the crab cakes so decided to make hommus and veg instead for the starter. Everything is ready to put together so it shouldn't be too difficult.

    Didn't get out for my second walk though, was far too hot at the time we would have had to go! (Yes Scots, I know we should stop complaining :P). So I will be 500 over which I could avoid if I didn't have any cheesecake but I spent 2 days making this cheesecake so I want to try it (and the 500cal portion is pretty small already hahaha!). Still way under for the week though, plus I'm set up in 1000cal deficit so 500cal isn't that big a deal.

    Have a fab night everyone xx
  • bluefox9er
    bluefox9er Posts: 2,917 Member
    Iv'e burnt 2,000 calories celebrating Leicester City's 2 goals so far V Derby County. Should I log these????
  • IronSmasher
    IronSmasher Posts: 3,908 Member
    We went to my first exercise class today. It was Body Combat. We arrived 20mins early, I'd heard some classes show some basics if you turn up 15mins early. The class started 5 mins late. The instructor tested the sound system, sounds good, turn it up, that's distorting, turn it up more, yeah that's really badly distorting now, turn it up more, completely unintelligible? Excellent!
    Is anyone a complete beginner, never been before? I stuck my hand up, so did my wife. She quickly said with the kicks turn your foot so that you're 'opening your hips'. Having 18 years experience in martial arts, I knew what she was trying to say, although not convinced she knew why.
    Off we went, no notice, no more instruction. Instictively, we did what the teacher was doing, which was wrong. I figured quickly she was doing a mirror image and switched stance. The teacher, started shouting (from what I could make out through the distortion and terrible music) about right foot inside, inside! Whaich makes no sense at all, but she was trying to tell my wife to switch to right stance like the rest of the class. I followed what the teacher did, which meant I stopped punching whenever she did, realising my mistake when the rest of the class continued the practised routine. What followed was an abomination, no notice before we started moving and punching, no notice or instruction when we switched to hooks, or uppercuts, when they started trying to get us to jump backwards and forwards and cross you legs I was ready to leave, luckily for me my wife was already out of the door.

    I've been to some really bad teachers before, but I've never been anywhere, where they had an extra teacher (which they did at this class) where that teacher wouldn't have joined the beginners and taken them through stuff while the rest of the class did their thing.

    I've been in the RAF 12 years, including a year at Cosford where we were pretty much trainee PT instructors' guinea pigs, and I've never seen such a poorly organised class with such terrible (non existent basically) instruction.

    I've seen Les Mills classes on youtube, and they show you the moves you'll be doing next. I need to write a letter and get her sacked. Or let it be, and start my own instruction.........
  • IronSmasher
    IronSmasher Posts: 3,908 Member
    Phew! Drunken rant over!
  • V44V
    V44V Posts: 366 Member
    Iv'e burnt 2,000 calories celebrating Leicester City's 2 goals so far V Derby County. Should I log these????

    Why not? It can't be classed as normal activity ;)
  • lwoodroff
    lwoodroff Posts: 1,431 Member
    Feeling chuffed I get on the scales at the gym once a month as they do body fat % not only were they almost the same on weight from my home scales, I'm under 30% fat finally! Woo :)
  • Juleeroch
    Juleeroch Posts: 98 Member
    Evening everyone. It's been a glorious day today. Went to Shepperton to see the grandson - biking (as in motorbike) in this weather is fantastic. Was a bit naughty today cos `i had a small bowl of chips - BUT i have been under my allowance each day so hopefully no damage done. Cant wait til Monday cos that's weigh-in day. Gonna be another hot one tomorrow - either going to Ipswich (bike show) or to the coast. Will decide in the morning.
    night everyone
  • becka63
    becka63 Posts: 712 Member
    Just checking in before nitey nites!

    Great to see this thread, Saturday's are my rest day, so...yes...I have gone over. Still, turbo fire tomoro should sort that out and then it's back to enjoying the gorgeous October heatwave!!!
  • russdev
    russdev Posts: 163 Member
    Hello All

    Sounds like everyone had a good day. Day spent around village but walked into centre of village back twice. Had picnic on local park with son (as partner she was at work this afternoon) so good day and enjoyed warm weather. Town tomorrow as we hit shops for some birthdays presents we need to buy.
  • lilyinlove
    lilyinlove Posts: 441 Member
    Phew! Drunken rant over!

    Haha... Sounds like you had a great time then... Not.

    I have had one too many gins and will regret it in the morning. See you all in a few hours. Gnight all. X
  • aaleigha1
    aaleigha1 Posts: 408 Member

    I have had one too many gins and will regret it in the morning. See you all in a few hours. Gnight all. X

    I hope when you wake with no regrets :):)

    well yesterday I spent in Evesham and Tewksbury -my favourite clothes shop is in Tewksbury - so went in and spent 100 quid last month it was 133 - I really must stop visiting there until I get to target - but the things I have bought will look fine belted so should see me through at least two sizes

    today is for me a day of rest - yesterday really tired me so real rest it will be

    today is my weigh in day and on week one I am so pleased to be able to record a loss of 1.4kg so now I have under thirty to lose :):)
  • lilyinlove
    lilyinlove Posts: 441 Member
    Good morning, my boys woke me up by pouncing on me... Made sure I drank plenty of water through out the night so I am headache free this morning. The old man wasn't so lucky and is still in bed. Coffee is on and breakfast is done.

    My ankles are a killer this morning so I had to hobble down the stairs. I swear it's the shoes... They are good trainers well fitted for my feet... So I don't know why I always have pain in my ankles after a really long walk.

    Today is another shred day... And I might even try out the p90x, my resistance bands finally got here.
  • LilMissFoodie
    LilMissFoodie Posts: 612 Member
    Iv'e burnt 2,000 calories celebrating Leicester City's 2 goals so far V Derby County. Should I log these????

    Why not? It can't be classed as normal activity ;)

    hahahahahahahahaha I can't really claim to completely understand the context of this, but I love it anyway!
  • margo36
    margo36 Posts: 222 Member
    Morning All, Another working day but an early finish tonight 6pm so not too bad. Then I'm off till next Friday so time Dog Walking and Swimming. On the plus side I have survived my working days and managed to keep within my calorie allowance and avoid junk food despite Mr Chippy man from the chip shop two doors away coming in my Betting Shop last night offering Fish and Chips. He was having a slow night LOL
  • LilMissFoodie
    LilMissFoodie Posts: 612 Member
    Morning everyone!

    Ugh, I slept until 8 (usually I'm up by 6) and I feel just rubbish... don't you hate that? Also feeling progressively worse in my tummy - had a bit too much bread lately (since I moved to the UK, I can't seem to tolerate bread - weird, huh?).

    I've had quite a harsh exercise week and have been sore all week so I think I might have a light day today - maybe just a walk in the park or something :)

    The dinner party went well although, I was a bit disappointed with the cheesecake - it was pretty good but I'm a perfectionist, it seemed not firm enough in the base but I think it might be because the only pan I had was too big and so the base (and everything else) was thinner...

    What is everyone up to this Sunday? Still sunny here but seeing a few posts about incoming rain!
  • Nikkei1984
    We went to my first exercise class today. It was Body Combat. We arrived 20mins early, I'd heard some classes show some basics if you turn up 15mins early. The class started 5 mins late. The instructor tested the sound system, sounds good, turn it up, that's distorting, turn it up more, yeah that's really badly distorting now, turn it up more, completely unintelligible? Excellent!
    Is anyone a complete beginner, never been before? I stuck my hand up, so did my wife. She quickly said with the kicks turn your foot so that you're 'opening your hips'. Having 18 years experience in martial arts, I knew what she was trying to say, although not convinced she knew why.
    Off we went, no notice, no more instruction. Instictively, we did what the teacher was doing, which was wrong. I figured quickly she was doing a mirror image and switched stance. The teacher, started shouting (from what I could make out through the distortion and terrible music) about right foot inside, inside! Whaich makes no sense at all, but she was trying to tell my wife to switch to right stance like the rest of the class. I followed what the teacher did, which meant I stopped punching whenever she did, realising my mistake when the rest of the class continued the practised routine. What followed was an abomination, no notice before we started moving and punching, no notice or instruction when we switched to hooks, or uppercuts, when they started trying to get us to jump backwards and forwards and cross you legs I was ready to leave, luckily for me my wife was already out of the door.

    I've been to some really bad teachers before, but I've never been anywhere, where they had an extra teacher (which they did at this class) where that teacher wouldn't have joined the beginners and taken them through stuff while the rest of the class did their thing.

    I've been in the RAF 12 years, including a year at Cosford where we were pretty much trainee PT instructors' guinea pigs, and I've never seen such a poorly organised class with such terrible (non existent basically) instruction.

    I've seen Les Mills classes on youtube, and they show you the moves you'll be doing next. I need to write a letter and get her sacked. Or let it be, and start my own instruction.........

    This is why I'm not a huge fan of the 'body' classes, I used to be a PT and class instructor before I got sick and I have always believed it's of the utmost importance that if someone in class is doing something incorrectly or dangerous that you are able to take the time to correct and advise on how to enhance etc, otherwise it's dangerous and or you're doing a disservice to your class. The body classes are always taught from the front and the instructor doesn't move from the front of the class, if they have an assistant I would have expected the assistant to be moving around the class as and when needed. :(
  • LilMissFoodie
    LilMissFoodie Posts: 612 Member

    This is why I'm not a huge fan of the 'body' classes, I used to be a PT and class instructor before I got sick and I have always believed it's of the utmost importance that if someone in class is doing something incorrectly or dangerous that you are able to take the time to correct and advise on how to enhance etc, otherwise it's dangerous and or you're doing a disservice to your class. The body classes are always taught from the front and the instructor doesn't move from the front of the class, if they have an assistant I would have expected the assistant to be moving around the class as and when needed. :(

    At my old gym in Australia, the les mills instructors were really good and definitely moved around the room a lot... I think it just depends where you go. To be honest though, I've not found a good one in the UK yet but I already know my technique and stuff from doing it for years so it doesn't affect me so much but I always think how much of a let down it is to the beginners.
  • melanie3103
    melanie3103 Posts: 246 Member
    Happy october and happy weekend!

    Gonna be a hot one - woohoo! Get out in it, catch some rays! :-). Im after a base tan for Cuba which is just over 7 weeks now.

    Went out last night in London, and somehow managed to resist the lure of junk food at 10pm when we were heading home having not eaten. Subway salad box to the rescue. :-). Lots of temptations (malteasers in the theatre, large glass of wine in interval, fast food for dinner - resisted them all). Had spritzers which helped. Im on a promise (so to speak)... My weigh in sat morning (any minute now!) - if i lose 2, my OH is taking me out 'all you can eat chinese' at my fave restaurant. Well it is spike day! :-) so wish me luck.

    No, lost 1 though. Pleased with that. X

    No gym today, heading to the park in a bit to watch my gorgeous nephews play football (aged 7 and 11). Watch this space... Weigh in coming up..... Eek! God i'd lovvvvve to get another 2 lbs and get my 14lbs/1stone. :-). Gulp............

    Have a great day all, and weekend of sun. That cheesecake sounds divine, as does the jammy dodger one! :-)

    WELL ?????? did u do it???
  • elfy66
    elfy66 Posts: 138 Member
    Drizzling here :( My daughters 8th birthday party later, at trampoline club.

    Everyone have a super sunday x
  • LilMissFoodie
    LilMissFoodie Posts: 612 Member
    Drizzling here :( My daughters 8th birthday party later, at trampoline club.

    Everyone have a super sunday x

    Trampoline club sounds like my kinda club! *5 years old at heart*