Team UK - October 2011



  • sammylc
    sammylc Posts: 433 Member
    Good Morning Team UK and what a gorgeous morning it is. Isn't it fabulous that everyone sounds so motivated. I'm doing a little less today after my 2 hour walk yesterday, which has left me with rather stiff legs. Supermarket shopping, some housework and probably some gardening for my day, so not exactly a rest day but no actual workout.

    Have fun in the sun everyone! Sam
  • lwoodroff
    lwoodroff Posts: 1,431 Member
    Goooood morning! Had pt sesh even though I have whacked my shin getting off the x trainer. Blood and bruise! Bit accident prone... Plan today is kids swim lessons then sort out garden. Might be a bit hot for it though...
  • gorgeousgunner
    Morning all :)

    Here's to enjoying a beautiful weekend of weather. Going to venture out soon after preparing some food for next week, this planning stuff really works!

    Have a great weekend everybody
  • LouLouUK
    LouLouUK Posts: 136 Member
    Good morning team!

    Got my exercise done early today (spin class). Off to London for the day today before early birthday celebrations with family tonight. We are going to a local Italian restaurant so lots of Italian meat and pasta to tempt me! BUT i have already had a look at the menu and have planned what im going to order. I love fish and they have sea bass on the menu tonight (my sister HATES fish so we don't eat it very often :sad: ) YUMMY

    I hope everyone has a great day!! :smile:
  • moon_light10
    Happy october and happy weekend!

    Gonna be a hot one - woohoo! Get out in it, catch some rays! :-). Im after a base tan for Cuba which is just over 7 weeks now.

    Went out last night in London, and somehow managed to resist the lure of junk food at 10pm when we were heading home having not eaten. Subway salad box to the rescue. :-). Lots of temptations (malteasers in the theatre, large glass of wine in interval, fast food for dinner - resisted them all). Had spritzers which helped. Im on a promise (so to speak)... My weigh in sat morning (any minute now!) - if i lose 2, my OH is taking me out 'all you can eat chinese' at my fave restaurant. Well it is spike day! :-) so wish me luck.

    No gym today, heading to the park in a bit to watch my gorgeous nephews play football (aged 7 and 11). Watch this space... Weigh in coming up..... Eek! God i'd lovvvvve to get another 2 lbs and get my 14lbs/1stone. :-). Gulp............

    Have a great day all, and weekend of sun. That cheesecake sounds divine, as does the jammy dodger one! :-)

    WELL ?????? did u do it???
  • MEMoggridge
    MEMoggridge Posts: 151 Member
    Hi all!! Hoping to make the most of the wonderful weekend before working the next 2 weekends!! (and in the week of course!!!) Busy day planned with looking around a new school for my son and friends coming over before dropping son off for sleepover and collecting daughter from stables this eve!!! It might be wine o'clock after that!!!
    Had a great Sept - lost 5 lbs!!! But managed to put on 2.2 lbs overnight!!! (hope it's mainly water!!!) will be drinking like a fish (water lol!!!) to try to get rid of it over the week-end!!!!
  • moonlightuk
    moonlightuk Posts: 42 Member
    Good morning everyone and hope you are enjoying this lovely sunny weather. Had my first lie in for ages and now just need to motivate myself to move. Going to go for a walk later and maybe go for a swim to cool off in the pool. Have a great weekend all :), Susan
  • nadiaez
    nadiaez Posts: 132 Member
    Morning all, hope you are enjoying the lovely weather (even Manchester has been blessed!) and baby are going to meet the hubby on his break from work...a bit of walking combined with basking in the sun sounds good!

    Good luck to everyone on their weight loss journeys and lets make October a great month for us all! x
  • stargirl99

    Well the sun hasn't reached Glasgow, its pouring! Just getting shopping list together to do a big food shop for the week and then heading to the gym. Off out tonight, looking forward to it :smile:

    Have a great weekend everyone!
  • Elmaunie
    Elmaunie Posts: 78 Member
    Morning MPFers :bigsmile:
    First ever exercise class today, combat at DW Dundee

    Ooh I keep looking at this! I'm a member at DW too but haven't quite plucked up the courage to attend any classes yet. Please let us know how it goes and good luck :smile:

    Oops edit: was quoting Ironsmasher but it didn't include the name...
  • bjshooter
    bjshooter Posts: 1,174 Member
    Bump for later
  • Amie_LR
    Amie_LR Posts: 50
    Hello Team UK!

    My first post after finding this wonderful site on Thursday! Such a great place and full of inspirational stories and people, surely a help in motivating me to met my goals along my much needed weight loss journey!

    Beautiful weather, although the other half is complaining as he has to go and play rugby in this scorching heat rather than sit in a beer garden!

    Just been to subway and for the first time I had one of their salad bowls rather than a sub. It's the small things, right? :D

    Here's hoping you all have wonderful weekends.
  • kendrafallon
    kendrafallon Posts: 1,030 Member
    Afternoon all!!! :happy: :smokin:

    I have had the BEST morning in town!!! :happy: :happy: :happy:

    Met up with one of my TKD gals for coffee and a mooch around the shops, see what was coming in and stuff. its still a novelty for me to be able to now go into most shops and realise that they do actually do a size 18. But that's not the best bit :happy: :happy: :happy:

    Saw this skirt in Debenhams

    and loved :heart: it. They had a size 18, so I thought why not try it on. My friend talked me into taking the size 16 into the changing room too, just to see how much work I still had to do to get into it by Xmas. And guess what....IT FIT!!!! :noway: :noway: :noway: Jaw-dropping moment for me, because i tried the 18 on first and it was loose, not hugely, but enough not to be comfortable. The 16 was noticeably tight, but I don't care!! IT FITTED!!!! A bit more work on my part and I am soooo having that skirt!!!

    Anyhoo, enough of my crowing :happy: :happy: :happy: Hope you're all enjoying the fab weather and the w/end :flowerforyou: :drinker:
  • stargirl99
    Afternoon all!!! :happy: :smokin:

    I have had the BEST morning in town!!! :happy: :happy: :happy:

    Met up with one of my TKD gals for coffee and a mooch around the shops, see what was coming in and stuff. its still a novelty for me to be able to now go into most shops and realise that they do actually do a size 18. But that's not the best bit :happy: :happy: :happy:

    Saw this skirt in Debenhams

    and loved :heart: it. They had a size 18, so I thought why not try it on. My friend talked me into taking the size 16 into the changing room too, just to see how much work I still had to do to get into it by Xmas. And guess what....IT FIT!!!! :noway: :noway: :noway: Jaw-dropping moment for me, because i tried the 18 on first and it was loose, not hugely, but enough not to be comfortable. The 16 was noticeably tight, but I don't care!! IT FITTED!!!! A bit more work on my part and I am soooo having that skirt!!!

    Anyhoo, enough of my crowing :happy: :happy: :happy: Hope you're all enjoying the fab weather and the w/end :flowerforyou: :drinker:

    Yay!! Well done, that's a great feeling isn't it. Skirt is lovely for winter and will feel all the better knowing its a size 16 you are wearing!
  • turpz
    turpz Posts: 21 Member
    Hope everyone's enjoying the lovely weather today, spent a nice morning training in a park. Shall be spending this week preparing for/panicking about the Great Yorkshire run next Sunday hehe, dreading it!
  • Oishii
    Oishii Posts: 2,675 Member
    Had work this morning and now DH is at work :cry:

    We have a Barn Dance tonight, which we'll probably walk to, so rather than go out and exhaust my 4 year old, we're in watching Finding Nemo. I'm also just over concussion, so I need to take it easy too. Is that enough excuses :laugh:
  • bubblybabeuk
    bubblybabeuk Posts: 216 Member
    Hi everyone

    Just got back from Hull, it took over 6 hours to drive from there to home in the New Forest, Hampshire!! Gets worse the a/c in my car needs a recharge I think, drunk my body weight in water but sweated most of it out!! Still I had a free sauna I suppose!!

    Looks like its takeaway for dinner too :o((

    Have a great afternoon everyone

    Mandy xx
  • whiskey9890
    whiskey9890 Posts: 652 Member
    hi guys,
    not been a great couple of weeks for me, due to one thing and another, but i'm feeling much more like my normal (if there is such a thing) self and feel like i'm getting back on track slowly. i may be the only one but i am hating this weather, roll on next week when apparently its going to rain.

    hope everyone enjoys the rest of the weekend and has a great time for me cos i'm stuck at work till 9pm and in again 10-6 tomorrow.

    ruthie x

    (ps anybody can add me so long as they kick my butt)
  • Molly_Louise
    Good afternoon all! I've just got home from a uni open day so I'm really excited about the future. It was a lot to take in and very daunting but so so exciting!

    How is everyone?
  • carolineb81
    carolineb81 Posts: 459 Member
    Afternoon all - happy October :)

    Ive done 30ds today (day 18 but on level 3 now) and also a load of cleaning - its too hot to each much today which is good :)