Team UK & Ireland - April 2011



  • Mairgheal
    Mairgheal Posts: 385 Member
    Wow well done Yvonne! I'm getting better at them, but still prefer doing them on my knees.
    The 30 day shred has them as well, but only 30 seconds at the time, which is do-able.

    Is the weather in the UK as gorgeous as it is here in Ireland? I really am lapping it up. Was hanging the laundry out at 6.50 this morning LOL. Will be lovely-smelling this evening when I'm home (yeah I know, I sound like a saddo).
    Going for a nice walk later on again in my lunchbreak. Must download a new walking cd though, getting bored with the one I have at the moment!

    I was in the corridor in work earlier on and a director and the MD both commented on my weight loss. The MD (my direct boss, I'm his PA) said how proud he was of me, which was so lovely to hear.

    Hope you're all having a good week!
  • cloggsy71
    cloggsy71 Posts: 2,208 Member
    Hello all,

    I'm up in (Very Sunny) North Yorkshire :smile:
  • emlov81
    emlov81 Posts: 128
    Wow well done Yvonne! I'm getting better at them, but still prefer doing them on my knees.
    The 30 day shred has them as well, but only 30 seconds at the time, which is do-able.

    Is the weather in the UK as gorgeous as it is here in Ireland? I really am lapping it up. Was hanging the laundry out at 6.50 this morning LOL. Will be lovely-smelling this evening when I'm home (yeah I know, I sound like a saddo).
    Going for a nice walk later on again in my lunchbreak. Must download a new walking cd though, getting bored with the one I have at the moment!

    I was in the corridor in work earlier on and a director and the MD both commented on my weight loss. The MD (my direct boss, I'm his PA) said how proud he was of me, which was so lovely to hear.

    Hope you're all having a good week!

    I'm a complete saddo too.....put a line of washing on this morn, love it!!! Loving this weather...hope it lasts :smile:
  • fimm
    fimm Posts: 191 Member
    Hello all,

    I'm up in (Very Sunny) North Yorkshire :smile:
    Hi Cloggsy! I take it from your ticker that you're a Geordie originally? :wink: (I grew up in that part of the world.)
    The haar (sea mist) is in good and proper here today - and I was under 58 kg this morning! :happy:
  • Rosy67
    Rosy67 Posts: 282 Member
    Hi All!
    I thought I'd better post on here before it turns into the May thread! I've managed to get myself back to logging much better over the last few days, so am hoping my weight loss will resume.
    Hi and welcome to al the newbies I haven't met before- it's great to see so many :drinker:
    I'm 32 cals over today...that'll do me :wink:

    Glad you had a good time Dotti....Congrats. And to Lesley....just don't let all that domestic bliss go to your hips! Connie- have you decided on a dog yet?

    Can't believe this fantablous weather. 28 degrees in Sheffield in April!!!!!!

    Ros x
  • hi all

    am new to MFP, still in wk 1, so far so gd!!

    am lovin this site and happy to have found more UK peeps!!

    what have i got to do here??? sign up??? just post how i'm doin???

  • lrns88
    lrns88 Posts: 151 Member
    hi all

    am new to MFP, still in wk 1, so far so gd!!

    am lovin this site and happy to have found more UK peeps!!

    what have i got to do here??? sign up??? just post how i'm doin???


    hi and welcome :)

    this thread is just for general chat, so chat away!! xxx
  • reander
    reander Posts: 175 Member
    Hi all, I'm Jenny. I always see these threads and mean to post, but always forget. I definitely need somemotivation so thought i'd join in with you guys :smile:

    Now the weather's started to turn nice i'm trying not to fall into the same trap I did last year (started drinking and eating far too many BBQ's). Feel free to add me, I love having new friends to chat to, and the extra support is great.:happy:
  • CharlieJuliette
    CharlieJuliette Posts: 459 Member
    Just wanted to say hello! I'm in sunny Surrey and would love to make some new UK weight-loss friends!
  • M_lifts
    M_lifts Posts: 2,218 Member
    oh thats where it is!
    been looking for an april thread!

    hope everyone is well and enjoying the lush weather! lots of excuses to go for a walk and burn the calories!

    I am in maintainance mode now so have had to drop out of the numpties v softies challange. but at 8st 10lbs im more than happy as i originally wanted to be 9st! maintainance was tricky at first but im getting the hang of it now!
  • nykdem
    nykdem Posts: 119 Member
    I'm a "newbie" on MFP. One week in and I've lost 4lbs ....... well chuffed. I joined with my wife and together we're trying to make permanent changes to our lifestyles/eating habits. We live in Sunny Southampton with our 3 teenagers. Glad to have found a UK thread and would welcome any UK friends to give mutual support/encouragement.
    Happy Easter to everyone ........ and good luck avoiding those eggs tomorrow!!
  • Martinne68
    Martinne68 Posts: 10 Member
    Am in UK, I joined with my hubby and lost 3lb in my first week, am in Southampton have 3 teenagers and a dog. really enjoying this site and this is the most motivated I have been for a long time. I am disabled so am unable to exercise so its a bit harder for me to lose weight, the amount of meds that I am on dont help either, but am so determined to lose weight.

    Would love to make more friends on here, the support the better, I look forward to getting to know you all.

    Have a good Easter
    Martinne x x
  • yvonnej1
    yvonnej1 Posts: 904 Member
    Just wanted to welcome the newbies and wish you luck, I am happy for anyone I'm not already friends with to add me. Also well done Maria for reaching maintenance, it's a great feeling but a whole different ball game from losing, I'm still having ups and downs a few months down the line.
  • MrsGaff
    MrsGaff Posts: 42
    Hiya - just wondered if I could join the thread? I'm Kelly and I live in Ireland. Waterford girl here, up the Deise and all that ;)

    Have been on MFP since January but moving house and getting internet set up (then some idiot spilled Malibu on my laptop so had to get a new one) has meant I havent been on much... but Im losing weight still which is good. I used to live all around the UK (Herts, Cornwall, Hampshire, Wales, Glos.) so its always nice to speak to people from 'home' as it were!
  • mickyloo
    mickyloo Posts: 9 Member
    I'm back after being away, again, and sorry to say that I've kinda gone off the diet rails and seriously need to get back on. I lost 6lb in about 6 wks (which I know is poor but was excited I lost) but have put all but 2.5lb back on !!!!

    I seriously need to get a grip and cannot believe that I'm living up to the 'flaky southerner' image. I am soooo cross with myself but know I only have myself to blame. I need someone to actually kick my butt !!!!

    To everyone else that has lost weight, reached their targets/goals ...... I salute you !!! :bigsmile:
  • Mairgheal
    Mairgheal Posts: 385 Member
    Just a quick wave from Dublin for everyone - hope you had a lovely Easter!

    My weekend was grand, been out and about with our little girls a lot, doing egg hunts of course, and bar a dirty Chinese take-away on Friday (which brought me over by 700 - yikes) I've been able to stay within goal, phew.
  • mickyloo
    mickyloo Posts: 9 Member
    Well done, that's really good. I gave in and had pizza tonight and that's where I'm failing at the moment, I've started comfort eating again :(
  • yvonnej1
    yvonnej1 Posts: 904 Member
    I'm back after being away, again, and sorry to say that I've kinda gone off the diet rails and seriously need to get back on. I lost 6lb in about 6 wks (which I know is poor but was excited I lost) but have put all but 2.5lb back on !!!!

    I seriously need to get a grip and cannot believe that I'm living up to the 'flaky southerner' image. I am soooo cross with myself but know I only have myself to blame. I need someone to actually kick my butt !!!!

    To everyone else that has lost weight, reached their targets/goals ...... I salute you !!! :bigsmile:

    nice to see you back, yes you might have put some weight back on but not all of it, you've done this before so you can do it again.

    Team Uk'ers I've decided to set myself specific weekly goals to keep myself on track so I'll see how that works out. I always seem to do better if I've told people what I'm committing to, it makes me not want to fail once I've said I'm going to do something.
  • lrns88
    lrns88 Posts: 151 Member
    yvonnej1 - excuse me if I'm being blunt, but your picture is like chocolate p0rn!!! I just stare at it, longingly!!

    Did you eat them all?!?!
  • fatlass70
    fatlass70 Posts: 136 Member
    Hope you all had a great easter break - I can't believe how lucky we were with the weather. having 4 days off has felt like I've been away for ages and with the sun shining I've spent most of my time outside - either in the garden or out on my bike.

    My sister asked me to go on an evening ride with her on Thursday after work and to be honest I was feeling a bit tired and thinking "hey it's the long weekend, perhaps a glass of wine instead?!". But I was proud of myself and went - and it was brilliant! We didn't go very far or fast but I was amazed at the improvement in my fitness and I realised how much I like being out and about on the bike!

    So I managed to get out on the bike again Saturday, Sunday and yesterday with the kids! Now I'm sitting at my desk back in the office wanting to go again. But hey ho - we've another 4 day weekend to look forwards to so I can't be too sad. :laugh:
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