Team UK & Ireland - April 2011



  • Mairgheal
    Mairgheal Posts: 385 Member
    Jenny, wow only 8 weeks!! Best of luck on your weight loss journey - don't get too stressed now!!
  • Mairgheal
    Mairgheal Posts: 385 Member
    (Is it very obvious that I can't be arsed working today?)
  • fatlass70
    fatlass70 Posts: 136 Member
    Happy April to you all!

    I'm now just 5 weeks away from my friends wedding and so April will be the month that I push myself really hard so that I can get my *kitten* into something small and gorgeous to wear for the big day. I'm now been on MFP for almost 14 weeks and am rolling along knocking off about 1lb a week on average. I'd like to have lost 1.5 stone (or more of course!) before the wedding which means I need to get my average up a bit over the next month.

    I am already seeing encouraging signs though - I put my belt on it's tightest notch this morning and it's still comfortable when I sit down (he he). This means I have dropped 2 belt notches in 14 weeks which is about 2 inches on this belt. I had an hour to kill at a train station yesterday so found myself wandering around the shops and trying on clothes (just window shopping) and found myself picking up a smaller size, getting the clothes on and zipping them up with room to breathe and sit down so was pretty pleased with myself.

    I have been rubbish on the exercise front this week so I'm glad it's April as it's making me realise that the clock is ticking and I have got to get on with being good!

    Be nice to your mums this weekend - we're hard working souls who just need a cuddle and a cup of tea to make us happy not chocolate!!
  • emlov81
    emlov81 Posts: 128
    Happy April All,

    Not a good exercise week for dreading weigh day a bit tomorrow...eek!!!

  • cesctheman
    cesctheman Posts: 139 Member
    Good luck for April everyone
    Add me as a friend if you want
  • yvonnej1
    yvonnej1 Posts: 904 Member
    Well, I did weigh-in this morning and am 0.6kg down (about 1.5 lbs), am very pleased with myself, lol!
    Getting so close to my target (but also close to bankrupcy (sp?), I have chucked ALL my size 14 clothes so am in urgent need of a new size 12 wardrobe. :laugh: ), another 2.7 kg to go and I'm at 65kg (10st). I reckon I'm done then.

    I have a surplus of size 12 clothes as I've moved down a size and am lacking anything that fits too! Still searching for the perfect pair of jeans as well, but being petite limits choice a bit. I have hardly any spare money for clothes and I'm getting fed up wearing things that are too big and baggy. Would be good if there was some sort of clothes swap shop for people who have lost weight.
  • Enchantica
    Enchantica Posts: 117
    Good Morning Everyone and Happy April to you. I've excelled myself this month and found the thread before the last 7 days of the month - a result in my book!

    I did a weigh in this morning and I've lost weight again. Hurrah you say? Nope, not hurrah at all - I reached target last week and now I've dipped under it. I've been poorly this week though so that will explain things as I've not had much of an appetite.
    On the bright side, I did want to reach 8 stone by my 50th birthday (which is on Wednesday) so I suppose that's good but I certainly didn't want to go any lower than that. As luck would have it we're visiting friends up in Driffield today so at least I can eat drink and be merry and not worry too much about gaining a little!

    Hope you all have a fantastic month and continue to head towards your fitness goals.

    If anyone wants to add me please do so - it's always great to have new friends
    Netty :flowerforyou:
  • Annerea
    Annerea Posts: 104
    Good luck for April everyone
    Add me as a friend if you want

    Not with that user name I won't!! Come on Liverpool!!!
  • BettyandVeronica
    BettyandVeronica Posts: 333 Member
    To all who are fitting into the size 12's good on you...My 14's are too big but the 12's a a touch snug.It's so frustrating.I end up with this unsightly bulge over my trousers when i button up my 12's LOL

    This means hit the treadminll and eat healthy...we can do this (I seem to have a pirate living inside me, as I am seized by the urge to roar and wave a fist around like one.)
  • RGPargy
    RGPargy Posts: 285 Member
    Good luck for April everyone
    Add me as a friend if you want

    And me!!
  • littleoldme1981
    Oh well it is a lovely sunny day in Scotland (our day of summer??) so when the load of washing is finished I am going up to the stables to see my horse (not riding due to sore knee) and then will come back and head out for a long walk (unless it is pouring with rain again by then!!)
  • Mairgheal
    Mairgheal Posts: 385 Member
    Morning all!

    Well Dublin is cold, grey and windy at the moment, but it's meant to get better this arvo. I hope so, so I can go for my walk again. Haven't been able to stay within calorie goal this weekend, so coming few days have to be serious again. Seems to work for me though, being goodMon-Fri and go over a bit in the weekend.

    Enchantica, wow well done on getting to target (and even exceeding it!), must be a great feeling, to have done it before the big birthday!

    Go on B&V, get that pirate going there!!

    Yeah a clothes swap section would be good actually. My 14s have mostly gone to charity already. I just wanted them out of the house, so I won't be tempted to put them on again in a bad week.
  • nikkionamission
    Happy April everyone! Weighed in on Friday and had lost 4kgs in 4 weeks, yay!

    It's my birthday tomorrow, I'm going to have to try extra hard to avoid eating too much cake :wink:

    Hope everyone has a successful month :happy:
  • irishblonde2011
    irishblonde2011 Posts: 618 Member
    Hi everyone.

    Can i join? Cannot believe it is april already.
    I live in dublin,ireland and would like to lose 10 lbs this month.
    Looking forward to getting to know you all :smile:
  • fimm
    fimm Posts: 191 Member
    I need to get motivated to track my food properly again, having got lazy - if you believed what I put on here, all I ever ate was breakfast!! I think I've put some weight on too. :-( Going away at the end of the week for my boyfriend's Dad's birthday, but I am going to try to be disciplned until then...
  • lesley1981
    lesley1981 Posts: 329 Member
    Hiya :smile:

    Well, I had a truely disasterous weekend! I was within calories though, so that wasn't the disasterous part.

    We decided to take mum and dad out for a meal for mother's day, to a highly recommended restaurant. We drove 20 miles, and when we arrived we were told that they were so busy over lunch time that they;d ran out of a lot of stuff... this included chunky chips and wedges, mussels and....... DESSERT! Needless to say, we were not happy, and the service was shocking!

    Next year, we're taking mum and dad to the all you can eat chinese buffet.... £6 per head between 12 and 5 :laugh:

    On a more positive note! I'm moving out of the parents in the next few weeks!!! So I'll be burning lots of calories packing up boxes, shopping in Ikea and building up flat pack furniture...

    Oh, and the boyfriend came out with a shocker last night.... "if I lose two stones would you buy me an iphone?"
  • elfward
    elfward Posts: 52 Member
    Hi all,

    I'm having some issues at the moment in that I'm (relatively) good during the week, but completely let the side down come Friday night! My weekends have been a bit of a splurge recently - had some delicious pork belly on Sunday, but could feel my arteries clogging as I ate it...

    Does anyone have any ideas for keeping up motivation / not letting myself succumb to everything that's bad for me at the weekends. I know that a little bit of what you like won't hurt you, but a little often turns into a lot...
  • backinthenines
    backinthenines Posts: 1,083 Member
    ooh I thought I had posted here but I think it got swallowed up somewhere.... :angry:

    After break-up with other half allowed myself a week of meltdown and a week of pity party... now trying to get on with life without him... :frown:

    Utterly wubbish training weeks those two weeks, I mean literally naff all... so need to get my head out of the shed pronto!! Will gun for 3 training days this week, which isn't much for me normally, but enough in current state of mind. On a positive note it's wiped almost 6lb off me so... we'll take that! Cloud... silver lining... etc. :huh:

    On a more positive note size 12s are getting rather slack now. :wink:

    And I've decided to get a dog... 4 legs are they way forward, me thinks. :drinker:
  • lesley1981
    lesley1981 Posts: 329 Member
    I got some pretty good news yesterday....

    The boyfriend and I have decided that it's about time we moved forward in the relationship, so we've decided to move in together! we went to look at a beautiful little house for rent on Saturday and the guy who owns it has accepted our application!!! We just need to get the financial stuff all worked out and we should be able to move over easter :happy:

    Just think of the calories I'll burn when moving in!!

    The move will be beneficial to both of us, as we've also decided to give up smoking when we move! And my boyfriend will also be more likely to lose weight with me packing his lunches instead of his mum (6 slices of bread.... seriously) :laugh:

    The first thing I'm buying for the house won't be something "usual".... it'll be a Kinect for the xbox! I don't have the room to be jumping around like a mad woman in my parents house, but come easter I'll have all the room I need :tongue:
  • Mairgheal
    Mairgheal Posts: 385 Member
    Oooh Lesley that's great news, I'm delighted for ye! And so lucky to find something straight away as well!
    I would loooove a wii fit or something like that, but husband hates all Xbox/Ds/whatever stuff (he wants to keep our girls away from it as long as we can), so will need to work on that for a bit longer :laugh:
    I did order the "30 day shred" dvd though, which I hopefully have today or tomorrow. He even said he'd join me. He gave me dumbells for mother's day (!), so the dvd will be good to actually use them.

    Backinthenines, great about the weight loss, reason for it is not so great, hope you're felling a litte better :grumble:

    Elfward, I hear ya! Weekends are very hard for me, I usually go over on those days. I do try to keep it within limits though. So I'll allow myself to go over, but I won't allow myself to go on a "f@ck-it-binge". And in combination with being very good during the week, this seems to work for me.