Ideas for quick low cal lunches??

louell33 Posts: 85
edited September 26 in Recipes

I am running out of ideas for quick, low cal lunches. I need variation or I will stray!!!!

Any ideas would be much appreciated, I'm not a fussy eater and don't mind trying something new, just seem to be stuck in a soup sandwich/wrap rut. :smile:

Thanks, Lou x


  • paced2day
    paced2day Posts: 55
    My baked potato today was good. :)
  • salad with anything you like . yesterday i had letuce cucumber cherry tomotos sesame seeds plus fryed garlic mushrroms and garlic lemon chicken was lovely
  • louell33
    louell33 Posts: 85
    I love baked pots, but have them alot with my evening meal. Come to think of it, my whole food diary may need an injection of life, I tend to eat the same things on an evening too.
  • SJT75
    SJT75 Posts: 134
    Tuna salad or baked sweet potatos are nice :)
  • rosec005
    rosec005 Posts: 67 Member
    My new obsession are Pita Pizzas. I take 1/2 - 1 pita, add about 1/4 cup of pizza sauce and 1/4 cup of low fat cheese, broil it in the oven for a few minutes and voila! Normally I can get by under 300 calories (depending on how much I make and if I put any other toppings on). If I get the pre-sliced pitas, I also occasionally cut those in half so they're really thin and do the same thing (except broil the pita before you put the sauce on, or it'll be mushy) so I feel like I'm eating more.

    Also, it's still a sandwich, but I'm hooked on them. Basically it's just grilled cheese but with turkey/ham and tomato in it. Depending on what I use it can be under 200 calories and I get almost one serving from each of the food groups!

    I got both recipes from here:
  • xraychick77
    xraychick77 Posts: 1,775 Member
    sauteed portabello caps with provolone cheese melted over top
  • MissbusyLizzie
    MissbusyLizzie Posts: 326 Member
    I had spaghetti today for lunch... but instead of pasta I used spaghetti squash! It was SOOOOO good!! I can't wait to have more tomorrow!!
  • panicintheattic
    panicintheattic Posts: 102 Member
    I'm a huge fan of the bagel sandwich! Thomas' 100 calorie bagel thin, hummus on one side and low fat cream cheese on the other, some spinach, thinly sliced cucumber, and alfalfa sprouts. A sandwich, but still delicious :)
  • kenuk1
    kenuk1 Posts: 64 Member
    How many cals would you call low?

    I make a Chilli Prawn Noodle meal on an evening and always make extra, you can split the portions down to 390 cals and it's really nice and good nutritional values too, you can have recipe if you want, UK ingredients though?!
  • louell33
    louell33 Posts: 85
    Oooohhhh...loads of ideas.Thanks so much but I want lunch now and its only 08:15!!! By low cal I would prefer something under 400 cals, so the chili prawn noodle dish sounds delish, would love the recipe. Like the idea of making it the night before, save me time during the day. (uk)
  • brittanyscherich
    brittanyscherich Posts: 355 Member
    i usually just eat lean cuisines and smart ones lunches. they pretty low cal. i guess it depends on what your sodium and other limits are, though.
  • louell33
    louell33 Posts: 85
    @ Elkovacic...please excuse my ignorance/stupidity, but what is spaghetti squash?
  • Gary1977
    Gary1977 Posts: 804 Member
    i usually just eat lean cuisines and smart ones lunches. they pretty low cal. i guess it depends on what your sodium and other limits are, though.

    Same here. I need to start making homemade meals for my work days as I do on my off days, but I never seem to have the time. I also need an extra freezer for storage if I'm going that route. :grumble:
  • jennsie
    jennsie Posts: 38
    spaghetti squash is a yellow squash.
    (Google it; I'm, sure you will find photos.)

    My fitness-obsessed colleagues have brown rice and broccoli heated up with meat. They normally have turkey because it's healthier - less fat.

    I normally have several small snacks - soup for lunch and fruit.
  • BunnybeeJG
    BunnybeeJG Posts: 344 Member
    Healthy choice meals would be my quick lunch. Its usually what I drag to work.


    veggie burger and a tray of green giant frozen veggies w sauces my preference is the broc. in cheese sauce.

    or you could make an egg omlet w spinach and red pepper and cheese yum yum yummy.

    tuna salad w miracle whip, sweet relish, bowtie noodles,red pepper a smigen of feta... idk what you're looking for.
  • lrns88
    lrns88 Posts: 151 Member
    I'm obsessed with pasta salads, especially for work as they are so quick and easy. E.G mine today contains:

    wholemeal pasta
    cherry tomatoes
    spring onion
    little bit of tuna!

    Totals maybe 400 calories, takes forever to eat (we're talking like 30mins!), and fills me up no end!

    I also love brown rice and chicken (England based people - you have to try Itsu for amazing brown rice dishes!!), but add some spice or balsamic vinegar to give it a bit more of a taste.

  • BunnybeeJG
    BunnybeeJG Posts: 344 Member
    spagetti squash is really good actually !
  • hush7hush
    hush7hush Posts: 2,273 Member
    tuna packets!

    I can not stress this enough.
    I live off of them.
    80 calories. 1 carb. AMAZING!
  • wingchunrick
    wingchunrick Posts: 267 Member
    Pitta bread with grated carrot and hummous.
  • How many cals would you call low?

    I make a Chilli Prawn Noodle meal on an evening and always make extra, you can split the portions down to 390 cals and it's really nice and good nutritional values too, you can have recipe if you want, UK ingredients though?!
    That sounds yummy,could i have the recipe please????preety please!!lol
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