ameeann Member


  • stayed the same at 154.6lbs . . . not too bad considering last week was TOM and I put 2lbs of water weight on!! lol
  • This is new for me :) so hello all!!!!! :D Current Weight (As of today): 154.6 Challenge Goal Weight (for Sept. 1st): 144.6 Weight Category: Reduce 10lbs!! 6/9: **start of challenge** 6/16: 6/23: I've started 25/06 at 154.6 6/30: 7/7: <<<mini goal weight ___>>> 152.6 7/14: 7/21: 7/28: 8/4: <<<mini goal weight ___>>> 148.6…
  • green coffee is the same :) I'm ok with normal tea, I might have to try white tea :) thanks, does it have the same benefits?
  • is it to late to join now? this is just what I need right now, really need to get back on track!! SW: 171 CW: 154 GW:130 thanks
  • I'm not sure if you can have rice if you can't have gluten can you? if you can though, I have a sticky bbq chicken and veg with rice . . . which is fit!!! it's basically, brown rice cooked with stir fried veg and chicken all mixed together and heated with Newman's Own Sticky BBQ Marinade (which you can get in sainsburys)…
  • 22 sweet, feel free to add me :) x
  • Thank you!! :D
  • Haha that is awesome! However I suck at guitar hero, so I just get frustrated! lmao
  • Thank's, think I'll have a look at yoga now :D
  • I suggest using BioOil for the stretch mark's, it won't get rid of them completely but it definitely will shrink them! As for the belly fat, the more weight you lose the less fat you will have there! But toning up should help with appearance quite a lot! have you tried hula hooping, it does wonders for toning your belly!…
  • haha this made me laugh! thank's for the suggestion but I was hoping to take not so drastic measures! hahaha :D
  • ooo I want to know this too! lol sorry I'm of no use to you though :flowerforyou:
  • Hi lovely, a few months back I was doing the 30 day shred and after a few work outs on the first level I could feel a difference in my stomach muscles straight away! it's not too hard baring in mind I'm asthmatic and when I was doing it I weighed 171 lbs it does push you though, I won't lie! I've not been brave enough to…
  • thank you lovely :D
  • options hot chocolates or medjool dates :)
  • I had a really bad sweet tooth too! the trick for me was, when I was craving chocolate have a really low cal hot chocolate (options mint madness for me!) and for any other sweet tooth I replaced my cravings with really sweet fruits . . . so even if you are eating a lot and you do go over your cals at least it's with good…
  • Of course! I'm majorly conscious of my boobs! lol but you just have to think . . . they've seen it all before (your not the only one that jiggles hehe) and your there to make yourself a better person! The jiggle factor will start to go away when the weight's coming off! s'all good :D
  • I bar tend and I count it as exercise in my calories every time . . . a 150 pound person burns roughly 156 calories an hour, thats based on an average shift . . . I lessen it a bit just to be on the safe side!
  • Minestrone and ham soup . . . chopped tomatoe's vegetable stock cube loads of chunk vegetables . . . anything you want 2 garlic cloves tiny bit of chilli powder boil it all up til everything's soft, add diced ham and any pasta you want (the smaller the pasta the less calories) cook til the pasta is done and eat! freezes…
    in soup Comment by ameeann May 2011
  • cod liver oil tablet's help keep them lubricated :) Really good for you as well! There a little on the large side tho! haha
    in Joint help Comment by ameeann May 2011
  • no body said you couldn't have an opinion . . . we merely stated that there's no need to be so harsh! . . . NEXT << really? now who's in middle school?
  • What's with the negativity? "middle school called they want their drama back" . . . really? check her name 1996 . . . I'm not sure because I'm from England but that is middle school age, right?! Regardless, she obviously want's some advice, I guarantee you've been through the same feeling's at some point and it always…
  • Take a trip to your doctors it could be bad circulation . . . but also a vitamin B complex tablet should help quite a bit! and as said before keep an eye on sodium intake (not just the stuff you add in but the sodium in pre made food too) and make sure your drinking 2.5 litres of water a day!! Hope it get's better soon!
    in help Comment by ameeann April 2011
  • All your comment's are so lovely! thank you people, you all have good suggestions! I really do relate to the guilt cycle though . . . and from now on I think I will set myself mini goals ans make sure they're in an obvious place in my home! THANK YOU ALL :)
  • aww thank you all, you're all so lovely :) Think I'm going to make sure I have snacks at hand all the time . . . I need to get back into the routine of exercise in the morning so I can have a "healthy day" hehe :D thank you all again :) :)
  • Yeah I think I just need to have more will power :( and distract myself!
  • When your stretching, make sure you add some cardio in, like jumping jacks to raise your heart rate because your muscles will stretch a lot better! also your shoes do they have a little bit of a lift at the heel? Because I used to have the same problem and I found out (through trial and error) it was because my shoes were…
  • Thanks for all your replies, I've taken rennies to make sure it wasn't anything to do with gas . . . so I guess its not! lol I'm thinking it's probably a mix of water retention because I had a few days up 'til the wednesday just gone where I was eating things I wouldn't usually, curry party food etc and drinking alcohol.…
  • make sure your taking a vitamin b complex tablet, it helps with cravings and water retention . . . If you get water retention really bad and it's making you uncomfortable, i suggest going to your doctors, my mum gets water retention tablets from them :)