silkkat50 Member


  • I think there are a lot of factors involved here, lack of knowledge, wanting a quick fix, not actually being hungry enough to eat more than 1200 and much much more. Personally, i started and have changed what I'm doing a couple of times, there are so many theories on losing weight that it's easy to get confused and just…
  • Perhaps I will have to just add that one! Thank you, most helpful :D
  • Awwww, are you sure? Perhaps check on the net see if anyone sells it online or near you?
  • No I bought it from a tea stall and it came in a little bag...
  • I can open that link.. But from the title it looks like that's a cheesecake, what I had is a tea x
  • It's green tea, with a slight white chocolate taste, it's lovely, it seems to satisfy the chocolate craving whilst not having the calories of chocolate!
  • Thanks for all your replies everyone! It seems there are no hard and fast rules, its all individual, just be honest and true with yourself! I've missed the weekend as a cheat day lol, so I guess I shall have to wait ;) Oh well, this week is going quickly! :D
  • If your lacking in energy, are you eating enough?? I know that sounds odd to someone on a diet, but the very same thing was said to me, and there's an interesting and informative link you should take a look at, do the calculations etc.. Could be that your putting your body in starvation mode, which will mean you have no…
  • Total animal lover <3 Woops, edit, nice abs :)
  • I just suggested this to someone else! I was recommended 1200 calories by MFP, and it's just not enough! Your body is in starvation mode, you need to read this, do the calculations, which are easy as they provide the correct…
  • Hi! Have you read this? Someone suggested it to me, and it was a little baffling at first, but, the gyst is, are you eating too few calories? If you burn off 300-400 calories, then you should eat that back to keep your…
  • I'm with you on this one, I seem to start, lose a little bit of weight, and then just stop, give up, give in, whatever you want to call it, but I am determined this time I will do it! I'm fed up of complaining, being this weight. I want to be healthier and more confident, I have until a competition in april to lose as much…
  • I find if you have time to cook (like the lady above said) big meals in one go, then you can split them over a few days, things that go well in the freezer and are quickly defrosted, you can take things out in the morning to eat at night. A lasagne for instance or bolognaise, you can make these really healthily and they…
  • Of course, is Harry Potter, Twilight, Charmed, Buffy and anything fantasy related on your list? ;)
  • Hi there, I have M.E, I find it difficult not to eat for energy, but I'm finding out a lot of new things about myself along this journey... Like, I may love chocolate, but it doesn't love me! ;) Feel free to add me, we can help each other along, complete Kudos to you for starting this!!! xxx
    in Newbie Comment by silkkat50 January 2013
  • I would add you, if you wanted me to, however, I live in France now, I am from the UK, we're only an hour ahead if that helps ;)
  • That's approximately what I need to lose... I will add you, it really really really helps to have people on the journey with you!!
  • Originally the UK, but moved to France 1 year ago in 3 days time :D
  • Really? Not a single person??? :(
  • I would like to lose 30lbs to be a happy weight for me, but would need to be approx 45lbs to be where the doctors and health professionals say is a healthy weight, although if I was 8st 9lbs, there would be nothing but skin and bones of me, and who wants that?? Please add me everyone, I too need support, we all do, it's…
  • I do remember someone on here posting that she's started having flaxseed in her porridge/oatmeal, she said not nay does it taste delicious but it makes her feel more energised.
  • Oooooo thank you for that site link, just had a look and it's VERY interesting... I will be referring to this!x
  • Thanks guys you've really helped... It's nice to know I'm not alone in this! Iv managed to only go over calories by 6, and that's because I had a biscuit instead of chocolate. I picked my guitar up and 'busied' my hands. And why does everything involve food!? Is it because we're social creatures do you think? People social…
  • I love these.. Unfortunately i think it is the sugar and other things that make it set... :(
  • Hey Bree :) Im a four day newbie myself, although i joined last year i didnt stick to it, probably because i didnt come for support on the community! :) I'd definitely like to see your youtube channel, take a look at mine if you like, its not make-up, its singing, but id like to see yours when you get it, id like some new…
  • Well, my calorie intake for losing weight is 1200, I think just a cuppa and a biscuit would go down quite nicely.. Im a bit of a chocoholic, so i think if i have anything like that, il just feel guilty about it, even if i stay under calorie goal. As you all said, if i end up going over one night then this will come in…
  • Thanks Katie :) Isnt it hard to resist tho!! Do you have any ways of resisting it? Like, I know on the 12th November iv got a dinner out with a group of people at a chinese buffet, they also have nice deserts and i can never have just one, although i never end up finishing them all lol...x
  • Thank you :)) Im hoping to do well this time, iv set myself a goal of three months, iv printed out the next three months calender and get to cross each day off :) I aim to feel better not only in myself but physically aswell. Im never sure if the feeling crap comes from what im eating or due to the fact that i have M.E.…
  • Hi, i started two days ago aswell ;) If you dont mind me asking, what are your weight stats? I weight almost 13st, 180lbs. All my weight goes on my bum and thighs and boobs so i look like a pear :( The first thing i lose weight off is my boobs unfortunately :(