Overweight forever!

Morning people :))

My name is Kat, Im 29 and have been overweight for most of my life that i can remember, the only time that i wasnt overweight was when i was quite poorly with housebound agoraphobia and didnt eat anything except cereal and cheese on toast. Its took me a while but i can now eat practically anything with no worries. However, thats made my weight creep up to almost what it was when i was in school, where i got bullied for my weight. I couldnt wear trousers at school, we couldnt find any to fit me, so i had to wear this big black long skirt.

Iv taken to wearing skirts again nowadays, but because i find them more comfortable and they go with everything i wear lol... but i would like to be slimmer as i have to go for those skirts with elasticated waists as your guaranteed they will fit. Iv even gone so far as to learn how to take trousers and skirts in, as i can never buy anything to fit in a shop.

The other thing is, i love to sing and would love to do more of, onstage, but i just feel very self conscious of myself all the time and i think if i were slimmer i wouldnt have to worry about that side of things, i could concentrate on the actual singing side of things :)

If you really want to know more about me, and want to hear the few songs iv actually put up of myself on youtube, here's the link :)http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yl5cvQAMOzY You should be able to find the rest of the video's from that one. thats my second ever stage performance and the first time playing guitar in front of anybody. What a buzz though :))

Anyway, i started this new healthy eating two days ago and have done well, finding it easy (haha so far...) but on the first day i had an awful headache, and i dont know if thats because my body started detoxing early? I really love chocolate and sweet stuff, and rarely go a few hours without having something sweet... Ooo iv rambled for a while, better stop now! x


  • kewwy1
    kewwy1 Posts: 41 Member
    Good luck :)

    If you have sugar all the time and suddenly give it up you will have adverse affects... you will probably feel tired and headachey for a few days then you'll be ok :)
  • silkkat50
    silkkat50 Posts: 38 Member
    Thank you :)) Im hoping to do well this time, iv set myself a goal of three months, iv printed out the next three months calender and get to cross each day off :) I aim to feel better not only in myself but physically aswell. Im never sure if the feeling crap comes from what im eating or due to the fact that i have M.E. but that has been playing up lately, ? i want to know its not what im eating! Too much sugar is really my downfall, do i want to be doing this to myself in another year? No way.
  • kakiem
    kakiem Posts: 183 Member
    I also have a huge sweet tooth and I do find the temptation of chocolate hard to resist sometimes! It does get easier though.

    Good luck with the new healthy you!!
  • silkkat50
    silkkat50 Posts: 38 Member
    Thanks Katie :)

    Isnt it hard to resist tho!!

    Do you have any ways of resisting it?

    Like, I know on the 12th November iv got a dinner out with a group of people at a chinese buffet, they also have nice deserts and i can never have just one, although i never end up finishing them all lol...x
  • lacewitch
    lacewitch Posts: 766 Member
    sugar is my major weakness.
    so far I have not won but i am trying to cut down this week by having healthy snacks to hand.
    (veges and hummus, banana berry smoothie are today's selection) and have dinner prepared so when i get home i have no excuses!
    this only works when i have weekends / evenings free to plan and prepare meals but every day i succeed is one day better!
    ( i hope)
  • meex
    meex Posts: 135 Member
    im currently making custard on skim milk, it's only about 70 calories for a cup of it and yummy. Best thing for desert without stacking up the kilos
  • galaxyfun1
    Hi Kat,
    Good for you for making the change. I too have issues with the old chocolate but I find if you let yourself have a little now and then you don't crave it so much. I have taken to smelling it for a minute or so before hand as well which seems to help me not to over indulge. Yes I have my bad days where I have a blow out but I am taking each day as it comes and not trying to beat myself up if I fall off the wagon. I have found having a small selection of dried fruits and nuts on my desk at work a good way to keep away the cravings and lots of water and herbal tea which stops the tummy grumbles. Good luck and looking forward to hearing more about your progress. Mel :)