
Apologies for the little rant but I am curious to hear your thoughts on something I keep seeing over and over again on the forums.

A huge number of people keep posting "I struggle to eat 1200 calories per day".

Now, while I can perhaps understand those people who mean "net calories" and burn a hell of a lot with exercise every single day (even then, I have my reservations), I just cannot understand how someone who is overweight (and therefore has eaten A LOT more than that in the past) can genuinely struggle consuming 1200 calories in a day.



  • stephdeeable
    stephdeeable Posts: 1,407 Member
    People are irrationally afraid of fat and carbohydrates. I'd struggle getting to goal with skinless chicken breast and raw veggies too.
  • sarski77
    People are irrationally afraid of fat and carbohydrates. I'd struggle getting to goal with skinless chicken breast and raw veggies too.

    So you think it's a matter of lack of knowledge in terms of nutrition and perhaps a "all or nothing" kind of attitude?
  • AJ_Pete
    AJ_Pete Posts: 863 Member
    People are irrationally afraid of fat and carbohydrates. I'd struggle getting to goal with skinless chicken breast and raw veggies too.

    BINGO. I did the same at first.

    Then I ate a whopper & didn't gain weight.
  • KarenJanine
    KarenJanine Posts: 3,497 Member
    A lot of people get stuck in the mindset of eating only being able to eat very low cal foods (I used to be like that too), trying to diet by only eating anything low fat or low cal, tiny portions etc etc. snacking on apples and celery sticks. Now I would barely make it to lunchtime on 1200 cals.
  • sarski77
    Then I ate a whopper & didn't gain weight.

    This made me giggle ;)
  • sarski77
    A lot of people get stuck in the mindset of eating only being able to eat very low cal foods (I used to be like that too), trying to diet by only eating anything low fat or low cal, tiny portions etc etc. snacking on apples and celery sticks. Now I would barely make it to lunchtime on 1200 cals.

    Fair point! It's crazy though, especially here at MFP where there's a huge community of people for the vast majority always happy to help.
  • grdaze
    grdaze Posts: 195 Member
    well, for me:
    1. when I work out, I find I am generally not as hungry
    2. now that I've gotten out of the habit of having "second dinner" I don't want to eat past 8 (or 9) pm anymore. (So if I find myself at 1100 calories at 8pm, sometimes I just shrug)
    3. I found twice last week I only ate 800(ish) calories over the course of the day and I was surprised; I wasn't hungry for more. However, this past Sunday it was very cold outside and I ate nearly 1600 calories. Was it the cold weather or the two 800 calorie days? IDK.

    Definitely I don't eat back all my exercise calories. The reason for this is that I feel like the exercise calories burned are just an estimation of what I actually did so I don't want to overeat; I'm looking to lose, not maintain. I don't feel deprived.

    And I don't only eat skinless chicken and raw veggies.

    And I think you are being judgmental and annoyingly "know it all" in tone. ywia!
  • sarski77
    well, for me:
    1. when I work out, I find I am generally not as hungry
    2. now that I've gotten out of the habit of having "second dinner" I don't want to eat past 8 (or 9) pm anymore. (So if I find myself at 1100 calories at 8pm, sometimes I just shrug)
    3. I found twice last week I only ate 800(ish) calories over the course of the day and I was surprised; I wasn't hungry for more. However, this past Sunday it was very cold outside and I ate nearly 1600 calories. Was it the cold weather or the two 800 calorie days? IDK.

    Definitely I don't eat back all my exercise calories. The reason for this is that I feel like the exercise calories burned are just an estimation of what I actually did so I don't want to overeat; I'm looking to lose, not maintain. I don't feel deprived.

    And I don't only eat skinless chicken and raw veggies.

    And I think you are being judgmental and annoyingly "know it all" in tone. ywia!

    I'm really sorry you took my discussion completely the wrong way and totally missed the point.
    Rightly so, you do whatever you think is right for you.
  • AmyBoogie
    AmyBoogie Posts: 91 Member
    This isn't always the case.
    It can be a thyroid issue or something else medical going on with the body. Sure enough there are plenty of ways our mind can make us eat way less but sometimes there are physical medical issues at hand.

    And when you hear that, it could be something else. I've said it. I have my cals set higher but if I'm really busy and running around I tend to forget to eat. This doesn't happen often but once or twice a month. It comes to the evening meal and I'm only as hungry as I normally am at night, my hunger doesn't usually multiply for all the calories I managed to not eat. I just can't cram (nor do I think I should) that many cals in before the day is over.

    There's also plenty on here that are pro-ana....so being really supportive and helpful all the way around is good. But then that could be said about general every day life too.
  • MrsC160
    MrsC160 Posts: 85 Member

    Now, while I can perhaps understand those people who mean "net calories" and burn a hell of a lot with exercise every single day (even then, I have my reservations), I just cannot understand how someone who is overweight (and therefore has eaten A LOT more than that in the past) can genuinely struggle consuming 1200 calories in a day.

    You are assuming that everyone's weight problems are due to over eating. Maybe that is the real reason you cannot understand their situation, fear, or concerns.
  • sarski77
    This isn't always the case.
    It can be a thyroid issue or something else medical going on with the body. Sure enough there are plenty of ways our mind can make us eat way less but sometimes there are physical medical issues at hand.

    And when you hear that, it could be something else. I've said it. I have my cals set higher but if I'm really busy and running around I tend to forget to eat. This doesn't happen often but once or twice a month. It comes to the evening meal and I'm only as hungry as I normally am at night, my hunger doesn't usually multiply for all the calories I managed to not eat. I just can't cram (nor do I think I should) that many cals in before the day is over.

    There's also plenty on here that are pro-ana....so being really supportive and helpful all the way around is good. But then that could be said about general every day life too.

    Of course I am not talking about exceptions such as medical issues or undereating every now and then (for example, I've had my wisdom tooth out this morning, will probably hardly get to 1200 at all).

    By all means, I am also against the idea of eating for the sake of reaching a certain number, defeats the point in the long term, but I'm talking about those people who put weight on by overeating, like myself - going from 2500/3000 a day (this is what I reckon I would eat on average before I got my bum into gear) to not even managing 1200 just doesn't add up.
  • BeckZombie
    BeckZombie Posts: 138 Member
    Believe me, I hear ya. I could eat a TON of food and still be hungry. I think a lot of the people who have trouble reaching 1200 have changed their habits from fast food to lean meats and vegetables and no "junk." They feel full because of the foods they're eating, but the food is low cal, so they don't reach their goal.

    Now, why they can't figure out that cooking with some olive oil, adding nuts to their salads/veggies, or eating calorie dense foods instead of "diet" versions will solve their problems is beyond me...
  • silkkat50
    silkkat50 Posts: 38 Member
    I think there are a lot of factors involved here, lack of knowledge, wanting a quick fix, not actually being hungry enough to eat more than 1200 and much much more. Personally, i started and have changed what I'm doing a couple of times, there are so many theories on losing weight that it's easy to get confused and just think, 'if I eat fewer calories, il lose weight.' However now, I struggle to get to 1500 net calories, because I'm not filling up on chocolate and biscuits and crap, iv reduced portions by half, better healthier food working out everyday, more healthier liquids, and not finding myself as hungry as what I was doing before I started losing weight. I do get a little hungry sometimes, but I'm redefining hunger, is it, 'my stomach is used to eating something at this time.' Or, Jeesh, i actually need more calories to get through the rest of the day.' I'm not eating back my workout calories because I want to lose, not maintain. And it all seems to be working really well :) I'm one of those who feels ill if I don't eat properly, so I can't eat less than 1200, I don't think it's healthy. But, at the same time, everybody is different, there are masses of people who eat loads and dont gain, and a stunning amount of people who gain 2lb from eating a chocolate bar. Also, if your not hungry, should you actually eat? This is a very varied topic, glad you posted it!
  • Confuzzled4ever
    Confuzzled4ever Posts: 2,860 Member
    Well firstly OP.. my "weight loss problems" have nothing to do with over eating. I lost too much weight in too short a time from eating too little and ended up very sick. I'm happy the that I can gross 1200 much easier these days. You'll see the only time I really go over that number is when I eat crappy food. (like yesterday pizza and wings and my tummy hurt all night from it!). I eat a lot of fruits and veggies, always have. I am rarely ever hungry. I get excited when I feel hungry, because I think my body might be getting back to normal.

    I am overweight. Not grossly so, but I am and my body suddenly decided it wasn't hungry anymore and I forgot to eat. I still struggle with this. I've always eaten healthy, but I used to eat 3 tiems the portion size you're supposed to eat.

    I think before you judge people you should understand that everyone's journey's and reasons for being here is different. Losing weight isn't the issue for me. Being healthy overall is my goal. Which means I joined a gym, I try very hard to eat enough and to eat right. I eat about 85% clean, I cook from scratch, I don't like sugar or added fat, I don't like full fat yogurt, I don't like sweets or fast food. When I want cake or cookies, I make it and it's low calorie becuase I cut the sugar down and because of the ingredients I use. If I want chocolate I eat a herhsey nugget or a handful of M&Ms and I'm good for a week. I can't eat if I'm upset, if I eat something very greasy my stomach hurts and I can't eat anything else. I cant' eat if I don't feel well. I'm not a "i'm bored" eater. I'm not a grazer. I have nothing that is grab and go in my kitchen, so I have to make everything. I dobn't buy much processed foods or those with lots of checmicals in it (even so much as I don't buy yellow cheese.. cheese isn ot nturally yellow fyi) My homemde meals are a pile of veggies cooked in OJ or nothing with a piece of ork chop or chicken. I love fish tacos and am not a huge fan of beef. I make my own spices to cut down the salt, since the salt makes me feel crappy.

    I am doing much better, but i still have to remember to eat.. esp lunch.. I love carbs, I love food There is very little I don't want to eat.. but eating when you aren't hungry? So difficult.

    Now, why they can't figure out that cooking with some olive oil, adding nuts to their salads/veggies, or eating calorie dense foods instead of "diet" versions will solve their problems is beyond me...
    I do that.. I still don't reach my goals.... peanut butter on an apple is almost a daily snack. nuts in salads.. I don't like cooking with olive oil, but I do occasionally. (don't like the taste of it on things, rather use butter, OJ or nothing). I add cheese to my salads and avocado and nuts and sometime tuna or chicken. I made bean soup last week, that got me over 1200 everyday I ate it. But it wasn't that good. I don't like eating food that doesn't taste good. I love fish. I stopped eating protein powder, becuase I want to eat less unnatural stuff and I have enough fat to convert to muscle, so I don't need to convert protein, plus I don't really like it. It's not as easy as you think, when the peanut butter covered apple fills you up so you're no longer hungry for lunch.. I also added oatmeal back into my diet and I'm trying to add more beans too.