:(( food thoughts/cravings?

Someone please stop me from having food thoughts :( iv been doing quite well, not losing much weight, but still sticking to calorie goals, but all I can think about is going to get a chocolate bar or something nice and eating it! Even though I'm not hungry :(((


  • KMSForLife
    Just eat one. Eat one fun size piece of dark chocolate or one dark chocolate truffle. Have one - satisfy the craving and then happily move forward :) Everything in moderation - don't drive yourself crazy!
  • almille
    Get moving, right now. Go for a walk. Call someone you haven't talked to in a while. Do something with your hands.

    All we can ever do is distract ourselves until we're past our moment of temptation ;)
  • leese559
    leese559 Posts: 23 Member
    stop it!!! stop thinking about food!!! <---- OK IM YELLING AT BOTH OF US!!! why is food always fun and why is food entertaining to the human race! oh wow! its like i can do nothing in this world without it involving food! when kim got married we had a food party!now kims getting a divorce and everyone wants to have a food divorce party!!! i mean really! i had a plan once and that was working out every day and when i did it was a miracle I didnt think about food as often as i did when i didnt work out....soooo now all i have to do is get my booty up and get to my spin class!!! hope that helps :)
  • shovav91
    shovav91 Posts: 2,335 Member

    This is a GREAT resource when dealing with cravings.
    It's not an easy thing to combat, we all deal with it. Do your best to control yourself; it's all you can do. With time you will develop better habits.
  • silkkat50
    silkkat50 Posts: 38 Member
    Thanks guys you've really helped... It's nice to know I'm not alone in this! Iv managed to only go over calories by 6, and that's because I had a biscuit instead of chocolate. I picked my guitar up and 'busied' my hands. And why does everything involve food!? Is it because we're social creatures do you think? People social drink and smoke, and all sorts of other things too. I for one, like nothing more than having people over and buying loads of yummy yummy snacks to enjoy and share. Of course, I used to do that on my own too :P
  • silkkat50
    silkkat50 Posts: 38 Member
    Oooooo thank you for that site link, just had a look and it's VERY interesting... I will be referring to this!x