danniwhit Member


  • new rules of lifting for women!! I bought mine off Amazon also, paid under 10$ I love it!
  • I used to do a lot of green smoothies but my husband got sick of them so we have just been making fruit smoothies lately...but I want to start adding kale & spinach again soon. right now I typically do~ 1 to 2 cups mixed fruit~either raspberries, blueberries, grapes or blackberries...usually a mix of them. 2 scoops protein…
  • I really wanted to see your AFTER pic because I am the same height and my goal weight is around what you are at now...however it's gone. I did go to your profile and saw some pics and you look awesome!! Congrats on your success :o)
  • I use firm or extra firm tofu only. I remove it from the package and drain water, then wrap it in a paper towel or clean dishtowel for about 30 min pressed under something heavy. i then cube it, put a tbsp of oil in a baking pan and bake the tofu at 350 degrees for about 40 min, maybe less depending on the size of the…
  • I like grey hair on men, but I also dye my hair to keep the grey away, and have for 15 years now. I started going grey at 13 and if I let it grow out would be mostly grey which is not something I want at 28. So...really it depends on you as a person and how you feel about it. If you are okay with it, keep it. If it makes…
  • I could have written a similar post about a year ago! I started my weight loss journey on Jan 1 2011 WITH my husband. Within a month, he was not counting calories, eating healthy, giving up eating out etc as I was trying to do. I still counted my calories, exercised, bought my healthier snacks, chose the healthy options…
  • i have been a vegetarian for about 2 yrs and am trying to lose some weight too! I have in the past relied too much on processed foods, and making meals more of side dishes then of various vegetarian proteins. I have been working at it and have lost about 26 lbs in the past yr but am working to lose more! I would love more…
  • I met my husband on OKCupid in August 08, we chatted online occasionally, then went to calling and texting and met in person in Nov 08. Married in Sept 2009 and are still married. I was leery of online dating, only met a couple of the people I talked to. I was leery of guys who would message me and want to meet right away,…
  • I was a BIG soda drinker... if we had cans in the house I would have 1-3 a day, or 1 to 2 20oz bottles a day when I worked in a grocery store. I always drank diet pepsi but the other items in it are as bad as regular soda, imo. I was addicted tho! I worked at a place that had fountain soda and it was even worse since it…
  • I don't have any good recipes, but I know a couple people that are doing that and seem to really enjoy it. When I want a quick breakfast in shake form though, I like to make green smoothies with kale/spinach/leafy greens ( 1-2cups) and fresh fruits like apples, peaches, bananas etc, and some almond milk. I get…
  • My favorite way to cook tofu~ 1. Wrap entire block of tofu in a clean towel or paper towels and place something heavy on top to press out water. 2. Cut into bite size pieces. 3. Spray cookie sheet with a little olive oil, spread around to lightly coat pan and spread pieces of tofu on pan. 4. Place in 350 degree oven until…
  • In the past I have taken a B12 vitamin, a one a day womens vitamin and flaxseed. I actually used flaxseed oil and took it in a smoothie though versus a capsule. The one a day womens are quite large and I could only swallow with milk or something and they often felt like they were choking me. I have issues with swallowing…
  • Billy Blanks This is Tae Bo is one of my favorites!!! Try it :o)
  • Quorn is a brand of vegetarian protein....fake meats. I believe all the products are made from mushrooms...they don't taste like it though...everything I have had Quorn brand is delicious! My local stores sell chik'n cutlets, turk'y roast, turk'y burgers, quorn crumbles (like ground beef) chik'n patties~like breaded…
  • What kind of quorn pieces does this recipe use?
  • I like YourShape fitness a lot! One of my complaints is that you have to unlock the workouts...but at the same time if is a good thing because you learn the workout easier that way so by the time you are doing the entire class you have learned all the steps. When I do the cardio boxing I start with the first 12min class…
  • I an near Columbus, anyone in Ohio can add me if they would like!!
  • I like Billy Blanks Tae Bo. Just watch out...I read an article about the top 5 workout dvd's and billy blanks tae bo was listed as number 5...the reasoning gave was that if you dont put your all into it, you won't get much out of it. And its true!! If you just half the motions, you will be able to do it all easily...but if…
  • I love Zumba for Kinect!
  • Lately here is what I have been eating in a day... Breakfast~ oatmeal, egg white on english muffin, bowl of cereal/2%milk/fruit, or a fiber cereal bar (this is a list of things I might choose, not all eaten together) :o) Lunch~ (if I don't have an egg white breakfast...) Egg white w/ laughing cow cheese on rye bread or…
  • I had a hard time getting motivated to workout at first..and heck some days I still don't want to do it. But I try to force myself becuase when I stick to my workout schedule I can feel my body getting stronger and that makes me wanna keep doing it! I recommend finding a workout you like...I started experimenting with…
  • I started off using a 15lb kettlebell because that is what we had and the dvd I started with had a lot of two handed lifts...but I really hurt my back for a couple days doing that! I would stick with the 7lb one for right now, then move up to 10 then higher, in like...2-3 week (maybe less maybe more depending on how you…
  • When I got mine on my foot I almost kicked the guy doing it...I tried to keep my foot still but it was not working! I have stars on my wrist, a star design on my foot, moon & star on lower back (tramp stamp LOL it was my 18th bday gift to myself), stars & a heart on my hip and an anchor on my should....I have a quote…
  • I can't afford to order a HRM for at least 2 more weeks, and it will probably be another week before I actually get it....the only reason I got a new dvd is because it is from the library. :o) I am trying to figure out a workout that the kettlebell workout is similar to so I can still track it before I get a HRM.
  • My stomach is definitely smaller....my husband noticed it first but was trying to think of a nice way to say it LOL but yeah it is definitely noticeable in my stomach, and my back... my "back boobs" are getting smaller and my back is getting more streamlined. I can't wait for my thighs and upper arms start going down to!!
  • All my working out is at home, no gym and so far nothing outside. I have Dance Central, Dance Revolution (not sure if thats exact name), Zumba and YourShape fitness for Xbox Kinect, Netflix Instant streaming has some aerobics videos, and a slimdown yoga that is awesome, Billy Blanks Bootcamp and Tae Bo...I LOVE Tae Bo,…
  • I can't afford a gym, and my workout time is usually sometime between 445a-630am and I would not have time to get to a gym and back to do a workout before I have to get ready for work, so I decided to work out at home. I bought Biggest Loser Cardio Max to start, and I really like that. Then I got YourShape Fitness for Xbox…
  • I have tried the Billy Blanks This is Tae Bo and Billy Blanks Bootcamp....I like the Tae Bo a lot, and the boot camp one has a few of the tae bo moves in it also but includes some sit ups, push ups etc. I also like Biggest Loser Cardio Max dvd.
  • Thank you! I have been reading about kettlebell workouts and wanted to try to find a god dvd and was not sure where to look.