examples of foods eaten for a whole day please

kjones137 Posts: 7
edited September 25 in Health and Weight Loss
With all the new diets and all the different ways to eat. can someone please help me by giving me examples of a typical day of food choices. I guess it should be logical but I run out of ideas so easily. thank you so much


  • 00trayn
    00trayn Posts: 1,849 Member
    My diary is public if you want to look. I eat pretty normally, I aim for eating my base calories and half my exercise calories, and I'm not vegetarian or have any weird food things (aside from a dairy intolerance).
  • ShellyMacchi
    ShellyMacchi Posts: 975 Member
    my diary is open to the public... feel free to have a look for ideas... (you will find notes at bottom of page explaining what some lists of ingredients 'made' *L*)

    i love wandering through other folks diaries looking for ideas *L*
  • AnnaPixie
    AnnaPixie Posts: 7,439 Member
    Breakfast: wholemeal toast, dairylea cheese spread
    Snack: yogurt & blueberries
    Lunch: 2 eggs, spinach, tomato, onion omelette
    Snack: banana
    Dinner: baked fish/chicken/pork & steamed/roast veg
    Snack: Weightwatchers ice cream

    good luck :flowerforyou:
  • I'm eating pretty simply right now...

    2-3 pieces of fruit (2-3 cups) for breakfast
    BIG salad with tons of veggies & 1/2-3/4 cup beans for lunch
    1 cup of starchy veg (potatoes, corn, squash, etc), lots of steamed non-starchy veg and a bean soup or tofu or other protein for dinner.

    That is, when I have myself together.... :D
  • hotpickles
    hotpickles Posts: 639 Member
    Here was my day today. My goal is to eat as clean/natural as possible, and cut out dairy.

    Breakfast: Steel cut oats cooked in almond milk, walnuts, blueberries, black coffee and a plum.

    Lunch: Stir fried carrots, snow peas and celery with chicken that was baked with lemon and garlic.

    Dinner: Cranberry roasted chicken breast, steamed cauliflower, baked sweet potato chips.

    Snacks: Blue corn chips, salsa, pumpkin seeds, tea
  • RMinVA
    RMinVA Posts: 1,085 Member
    mine is public too...

    Usually it looks something like this:

    BF: omelette or fritatta and fruit, OR oatmeal and fruit, OR protein smoothie
    L: salad of some sort OR leftovers OR soup/chili
    D: protein and veggie and maybe a complex carb OR ?? (just depends)

    Snacks are usually fruit, nuts, Fiber 1 bar or rice cake, yogurt, cheese, skim latte etc.

    There are SO many great recipe websites out there. Just google the ingredients you have on hand and the word recipe. You might be surprised at what jumps out at you. A couple of my favorites are allrecipes.com and foodnetwork.com.
  • jsteras
    jsteras Posts: 344 Member
    I try to eat lean protein, when I eat bread I eat pepperidge farm oatmeal , wheat . Veggies and some fruit every day. I love the wheat thin fiber crackers and fiber one bars. Every few days I try to eat almonds and have switched to silk almond milk. Have also got turkey italian sausage to make spaghetti also whole wheat pasta. Turkey breakfast sausage. Cheese I buy the low fat, sargento's.
    This site has some really good recipes
    Good luck to you
  • LJCannon
    LJCannon Posts: 3,636 Member
    I think my Diary is Public :smile: If you can't see it, feel free to add me as a Friend and then you can see it. Or I will try to figure out how to change the setting.
  • snockers3112
    snockers3112 Posts: 190 Member
    My diary is public....feel free to take a gander :) I'm sure it's not the best or the worst..lol
  • Baileymqt
    Baileymqt Posts: 28 Member
    Relatively new here. How do you make your diary public?
  • danniwhit
    danniwhit Posts: 63 Member
    Lately here is what I have been eating in a day...

    Breakfast~ oatmeal, egg white on english muffin, bowl of cereal/2%milk/fruit, or a fiber cereal bar (this is a list of things I might choose, not all eaten together) :o)

    Lunch~ (if I don't have an egg white breakfast...) Egg white w/ laughing cow cheese on rye bread or english muffin & Romaine salad w/ peppers, cucumbers, tomatoes, carrots and a vinaigrette. Sometimes I will have some baked tofu in the salad depending on what else I have for lunch. I might also have some rice/beans on a tortilla, or some sort of vegetarian meat and veggies.

    Dinner~ some sort of vegetarian meat & veggies, a veggie sandwich, pasta/sauce, cheese/veg pizza, tofu & rice/quinoa, etc.

    I eat a completely vegetarian diet and often also have green smoothies in the mornings (kale or spinach w/ fruits blended up)
  • tryinghard2012
    tryinghard2012 Posts: 419 Member
    I eat a lot but only close to 1,500 calories. I really know how to stretch my meals and keep my metabolism burning...Most of the time I eat in sections. Protein and carb then 30 minutes to an hour later my veggies, then snack two hours after that, then my next meal so forth and so on....

    Yesterday menu:

    2/3 cup milk with 1 packet of Oatmeal and Almonds (100 cal pack)

    AM Snack: Egg whites and Apple

    Sockeye Salmon Filet- 4 oz
    1 cup Cut Beans, No Salt Added
    137 gm Baked sweet potatoes

    Tuna Wrap (Tuna, 1 tablespoon mayo, banana peppers, romaine lettuce wrap in a whole wheat Tortilla) and 1 cup Cut Beans, No Salt Added

    PM Snack

    100 cal Orville Redenbacher's Smart Pop Mini Bag

    After Work out Snack
    3 slice(s) Natural Choice Smoke deli ham
    1 serving 100 calorie packs natural walnuts & almonds

    Drinks: water and 12 oz black coffee with 1 serving Land O' Lakes half and half

    Total Calories: 1,321
  • Angeladobush
    Angeladobush Posts: 58 Member
    Hey feel free to send me a friend request.....you can view my food diary anytime you like but I will warn you.....it isn't very exciting right now.....
  • annacataldo
    annacataldo Posts: 872 Member
    my diary is open as well..

    breakfast: 2 pieces wheat french toast with egg whites instead of with yolks too, mrs butterworths sug free syrup, 2 slices of bacon, a fruit (under 300cal)
    snack: string cheese (60cal) or nuts (160). possibly another fruit, or a veggie.. sometimes 2 of these items
    lunch: 2pices wheat with .5oz cheddar cheese, romaine lettuce, 6slices turkey, with a veggie such as carrots on the side. (under 225cal)
    snack: 100cal snack pack--like nabisco snack mix. a salad with feta, almonds, turkey or baby shrimp, maybe a veggie... or peanut butter on celery if im needing more calories by this point.
    Dinner: Mozarella chicken breast cooked with lemon & onion, garlic asparagus, and parmesan potatoes (under 300calories)
    snack: my fav one is popcorn, but if i have a sweet tooth maybe a sug free pudding or jello cup. Possibly a veggie. A fruit. etc etc etc
  • Angeladobush
    Angeladobush Posts: 58 Member
    just go into your settings and check the right box.......
  • Baileymqt
    Baileymqt Posts: 28 Member
    Thanks, I just did that. Now.... if anyone wants to see how BADLY I did yesterday, go for it! It was one of those days when I looked in the cupboard multiple times, the fridge multiple times, and the pantry multiple times (not to mention where I hide my chocolates!). :laugh: But I'm back on track today!
  • Newmammaluv
    Newmammaluv Posts: 379 Member
    I've been losing pretty fast and pretty regularly and all I do is watch my calories and carbs. Any carbs I do eat I like to be as whole as possible even better with fiber.

    Breakfast- 2 eggs in a million different ways
    Lunch- a wrap or two
    Snack- Usually a "treat" like a skinny latte or super dark chocolate
    Dinner- 2 sides of veggies and meat
    Snack- popcorn, peanut butter, cheese stick... usually I have to play catch-up and need more calories by this point in the day

    I now just focus on eating 4-5 times a day, isolating carbs in the afternoon as much as possible and always always having tooonnnnsssss of water to drink. I'm never hungry, it never feels like I am dieting and I never go over 1500 calories a day.
  • MyNameIsNotBob
    MyNameIsNotBob Posts: 565 Member
    I was aiming for about 1400 calories today. (I didn't go to the gym). I had:

    Breakfast: Coffee w/ skim milk & 1 tsp. sugar, and a peanut butter, banana, & apple butter sandwich on skinny wheat bread (450 cal.... a pretty big breakfast for me. I'm usually closer to 250).

    2 c. water

    Morning snack: Cup of low sodium spicy v8, string cheese (150 cal).

    2 c. water

    Lunch: 1/2 c. yogurt, 1/2 c. granola, 1/2 c. blueberries (260 cal.)

    2 c. water

    Afternoon snack: Espresso double shot w/ cream (140 cal.)

    2 c. water

    Dinner: 4 oz. salmon filet, steamed, 1/2 c. wheat orzo, 1/2 c. spinach, 1/2 c. blackberries (250 cal.)

    2 c. water

    Midnight snack: I always save myself a couple hundred calories, so I'll eat a handful of nuts or a granola bar & a cup of milk, or 1/2 c. of ice cream

    2 c. water

    I try to make healthy choices, but I'm not giving up everything I love... which is why you'll see things like coffee w/ cream & sugar, apple butter, and ice cream in my foods. I just make sure to budget in a little room for treats. I want this lifestyle to be sustainable, and it won't be if I cut out everything fun.
  • elliecolorado
    elliecolorado Posts: 1,040
    Here is a fairly typical day for me!

    Breakfast: Cereal (Cheerios lately) with 1% Milk

    Snack: Greek Yogurt or Fruit

    Lunch: Roasted Turkey Sandwich - Light whole wheat bread, light miracle whip, turkey, lettuce or sprouts, 2% swiss cheese, with a pickle or sliced tomato on the side

    Snack: Celery with peanut butter (natural no sugar added) or celery/carrots with Hummus

    Dinner: Tuna Salad made with veggies and light miracle whip with a whole wheat pita, or chicken breast with salad (anything with lots of protein)

    Snack or dessert: Fat free pudding with strawberries and fat free whipped cream or something like popcorn, depends on if I want sweet or not.
  • neyes67
    neyes67 Posts: 161 Member
    Here are a few that I've tried lately... very basic but Enjoy:flowerforyou:

    Kashi Go Lean Cereal
    Soy Milk or Non-Fat Skim Milk
    1/2 Grapefruit
    2 Boiled Egg or 2 Scrambled Egg Whites w/Shredded Cheese and Mushrooms

    Quacker Oatmeal
    1/2 Medium Banana
    1 Boiled Egg
    Coffee or Tea

    SNACK 1
    1/2 Apple
    1 Tbsp of Peanut Butter
    V8 (Low Sodium individual can)

    Medium Salad with Field Green/Spinach
    Low Fat Raspberry Vinegarette Dressing
    Tuna or Chicken Breast (4oz)

    SNACK 2
    1 tbsp Hummus
    1/2 Sandwich Thin Roll
    10 White Seedless Grapes
    1 oz of Cheddar cheese sliced or 1/2 wedge of laughing cow light cheese on reduced fat triscuit

    SNACK 2
    Greek Yogurt (Plain)
    Organic Granola
    Blueberries or Raisins
    10 Baby Carrots

    4 oz Salmon or Tilapia
    Brown Rice or Medium Sweet Potatoe
    Small Salad

    Rotisserie Chicken
    Small Salad
    Medium Sweet Potatoe

    SNACK (after Dinner)
    Clementine, Lite Jello Snack, Almonds, or 100 calorie snacks
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