Vegetarian and trying to lose weight



  • JessK78
    JessK78 Posts: 26
    i've been veggie for about 17 years, add me if you like. i LOVE carbs its hard to do without so I feel your pain xx
  • Pritti5
    Pritti5 Posts: 1 Member
    hi there, i am training to be a nutritionist and i can add some tips. Carbs are the main source of energy and fibre so they should not be omitted from a diet. The idea is to go for complex carbohydrates like brown rice, whole grain or wholewheat bread and pasta. Include lots of fruits and vegetables in your diet and also nuts, seeds, pulses and lentils. Unfortunately, even if you have fruit whole day and not do anything, you will still put on weight. So we have to exercise to burn those calories. Protein should also be consumed in moderation, about 0.8g x weight in kg. You only need extra if you are seriously working out. Other then that eating too much protein can be bad for you and can be turned to fat. Hope this helps.
  • SonicaBE
    SonicaBE Posts: 151 Member
    Im a vegetarian and semi vegan- I have milk sometimes in my chai. I share my diary's so feel free to send me a friend request.
  • I think you gave the longer winded, slightly more academic plea for not cutting out carbs than I did above. I get so pissed off at things like Atkins for cutting carbs out completely. Then people think it's what they should be doing and that it is healthy, when it is far from it!
  • hi there, i am training to be a nutritionist and i can add some tips. Carbs are the main source of energy and fibre so they should not be omitted from a diet. The idea is to go for complex carbohydrates like brown rice, whole grain or wholewheat bread and pasta. Include lots of fruits and vegetables in your diet and also nuts, seeds, pulses and lentils. Unfortunately, even if you have fruit whole day and not do anything, you will still put on weight. So we have to exercise to burn those calories. Protein should also be consumed in moderation, about 0.8g x weight in kg. You only need extra if you are seriously working out. Other then that eating too much protein can be bad for you and can be turned to fat. Hope this helps.

    I think you gave the longer winded, slightly more academic plea for not cutting out carbs than I did above. I get so pissed off at things like Atkins for cutting carbs out completely. Then people think it's what they should be doing and that it is healthy, when it is far from it!
  • maybe its just me lol but when i was vegan i lost more weight then ever the food was just so much more easier break fast i had my organic oat brand cereal and my almond milk lunch a veggie burger dinner my tofu stir fry :) idk everyone different i guess kinda wish id go back to that life my b was healthier then
  • danniwhit
    danniwhit Posts: 63 Member
    i have been a vegetarian for about 2 yrs and am trying to lose some weight too! I have in the past relied too much on processed foods, and making meals more of side dishes then of various vegetarian proteins. I have been working at it and have lost about 26 lbs in the past yr but am working to lose more! I would love more vegetarian friends also if anyone wants to add me.
  • Hiya, I'm a vegetarian! I lost about 34 lbs through under eating and generally being unhealthy (do not recommend it at all!) I ended up putting it all back on and a few pounds more but now I'm losing weight the healthy way. Healthy is the best way to be! Feel free to add me. (:
  • newtattie
    newtattie Posts: 47 Member
    I'm a pescatarian too - have been veggie for 25 years and due to health preferences have eaten fish for most of it. My daily diet however tends to be 5 out of 7 days veggie. I have always carried a little extra weight but never found carbs to be a big part of the reason why - its just I generally eat large quantities, or I used to. I recently spent 2 and a half years wheat and dairy free due to intolerance and can say that even though I lost weight it wasn't dramatic so have more reason not to believe the carbs caused my personal weight problem.

    I eat a lot of rice, no bread 5 out of 7 days, wheat free pasta maybe once a week. I eat a lot of eggs for protein - fritattas and risottos are great. Dhal, curried vegetables, cabbage, root vegetables, vegetable stews etc are all really filling too. I don't eat enough calcium or iron but my cholesterol is non existent. I love a mixed bean salad and tend to cook with strong veg flavours such as aubergine, beetroot and fennel.

    Due to the quantities of veg I use I don't miss carbs that much.

    Did someone say there was a veggie group on here?
  • islandjumper
    islandjumper Posts: 369 Member
    hi there, i am training to be a nutritionist and i can add some tips. Carbs are the main source of energy and fibre so they should not be omitted from a diet. The idea is to go for complex carbohydrates like brown rice, whole grain or wholewheat bread and pasta. Include lots of fruits and vegetables in your diet and also nuts, seeds, pulses and lentils. Unfortunately, even if you have fruit whole day and not do anything, you will still put on weight. So we have to exercise to burn those calories. Protein should also be consumed in moderation, about 0.8g x weight in kg. You only need extra if you are seriously working out. Other then that eating too much protein can be bad for you and can be turned to fat. Hope this helps.

    I think you gave the longer winded, slightly more academic plea for not cutting out carbs than I did above. I get so pissed off at things like Atkins for cutting carbs out completely. Then people think it's what they should be doing and that it is healthy, when it is far from it!

    I don't think any of us are suggesting to go all Atkins no's more a matter of cutting out bad carbs. When you first go veg you're left with such a deficit mentally trying to figure out what to eat. I know personally that was turned into carbs like bread, rice and sugary things. While over the years I've learned to take it easy with those it's a recipe for weight gain. What I'm sure most people are talking about here is switching from bad carbs over to a more fruit and veg based diet
  • jiggs31
    jiggs31 Posts: 117
    Hello!!! Veggie for 21 years (since age 11) - that was never the reason for my weight gain, that was caused by comfort eating.

    Quorn has been my saviour for protein.

    Feel free to add me :)
  • I am vegetarian and have no trouble maintaining my weight at all, which is on the low side of my weight range for my age and height. I eat all I want of good carbs (vegetables, some fruits, whole grains, nothing processed, NO junk food), and keep my fat and protein intakes fairly low. I use the protein formula of .04 per kg of body weight and the fat I try to keep to no more than 20% of my caloric intake daily. I also weight train some at home, and walk 3-5 miles almost every day. It can be done. Good luck to you. Feel free to add me if you want to take a look at my diary for ideas.
  • gingerb85
    gingerb85 Posts: 357 Member
    I have been vegan for two years and truly expected to lose weight with my diet change, as I was eating a healthy vegan diet, not overly heavy on the carbs and not relying on processed or prepackaged foods. But that never happened until I started to exercise. Since August when I started tracking my food and exercising, I've lost 22 pounds. I'm almost at my first goal, then I would like to lose an additional 15-20 pounds to be at my ultimate goal weight. My diet is open. Feel free to send me a friend request if you'd like.
  • Hard to know what others are meaning with their carb statements but several sounded like they were aiming for Atkins level carb slashing.
  • rock127
    rock127 Posts: 369 Member
    Veg diet can assist in weight loss.
    oh I know, the reasons for being a vegetarian wasn't because I was looking for a healthier diet. I have to be really careful with what I eat, which is annoying. I used to mainly eat just fruit and veg, it was a bit up and down with what carbs, I have a bit more of a settled diet now more down to weighing everything out! I'm always on the look out for new recipes though.

    Ok I see... weight loss primarily depends on the calorie intake rather than veg or non-veg diet.Other things it depends on are metabolism and activity level.So a person eating lot of protein or veg in the name of "weight-loss" can still gain weight.
  • mixedfeelings
    mixedfeelings Posts: 904 Member
    Veg diet can assist in weight loss.
    oh I know, the reasons for being a vegetarian wasn't because I was looking for a healthier diet. I have to be really careful with what I eat, which is annoying. I used to mainly eat just fruit and veg, it was a bit up and down with what carbs, I have a bit more of a settled diet now more down to weighing everything out! I'm always on the look out for new recipes though.

    Ok I see... weight loss primarily depends on the calorie intake rather than veg or non-veg diet.Other things it depends on are metabolism and activity level.So a person eating lot of protein or veg in the name of "weight-loss" can still gain weight.

    I'm sure I've put on more weight over the last year, I've not been very active, mainly due to a benign, but large, tumour growth in my kidney. I hadn't weighed myself for ages beforehand. Trying to keep my calorie intake fairly low whilst slowly increasing my exercise (also to help with the recovery from the embolisation I had), I think before I was also too erratic with my calorie intake day to day, I'd be around 800 calories in the week and then swinging up to 2000 calories at the weekend. Everything in moderation now.
  • Hi! I am a 3rd generation vegetarian and struggle with my weight. Not only do I LOVE pasta but I like to snack. I have lost weight before, maintained it, then gained it all back, and then some. For me it's about portion control, eating vegetables with each meal, and exercising. This time around I am attempting to cut out dairy and soda but that has not been easy. Message me if you'd like to know more.
  • Tdigell1
    Tdigell1 Posts: 6 Member
    Hi, my name is Tina, I just became vegan the first week of December, I went to see a diet dr and he suggested that I just concentrat on eating vegies, beans and fruit. He didn't say vegan, but that is what it is to me. I live in Rockford,ILL and I'm 56 yrs old. I'm having a hard time getting protein. So I started buying the Morning Star products. Boca burgers and chicken, bacon etc. I can't find soy cheese either. My user name is tdigell1. I just join this site today. I need to lose over 100lbs. Help so far I have lost about 13 lbs. But I gained 3 lbs back this week, since I started eating nuts and peanut butter and boca burgers to try to get some protein.
  • Morning star is a good place to start,but you are eating processed foods,which in the long run is still not the best choice.Have you tried quoin(sp) not sure I spelled it right, one of the few complete foods. also check out the magazine Vegetarian Times, it has a lot of vegan recipes with calorie counts. there is a web sight I think it is PMRC, they have a 28 day challenge to try a vegan diet.
  • Whinchat
    Whinchat Posts: 84 Member
    Mostly dairy free, wheat-free, vegetarian here. Been veggie about 3 years - dairy free (sometimes slip up, mainly with chocolate :ohwell: ) for about 2 and a half years and wheat free (with occasional slip ups) for about 6months (IBS).

    I'm not overweight - have been once after spending 6months in France living off bread, beer, butter, cream and chocolate :noway: - but I'm here to make sure I don't become overweight, eat healthily and mainly get more active (got lazy after my daughter was born 3 years ago). However, if I lose weight in the process I won't be compalining as I'm near the upper end of the halthy weight range (always have been though - it's the boobs and bum! lol )