addicted to working out at home

mssugarca Posts: 75
edited September 25 in Fitness and Exercise
When I first started working out I was so determined I would go to the gym 3-5 times per week back in early 2007. I got hooked I loved it I loved seeing the results that working out and eating right brought me. Somewhere along the way that motivation left me and I stopped going to the gym. I started going again spuratically this last year but just couldnt get the motivation I had in 2007. Finally I joined this site and kept hearing about Jilliian Micheals 30 day shred and so I "rented" it from the library to see if I liked it. Instantly I loved it. The video had moves that my old personal trainer was doing with me right before I stopped working out. So I thought wow it must be good. I love this site and just going through many posts and blogs this afternoon has just filled me with inspiration to keep going. Im always looking for new support so add me as a friend and lets do this together :) I just ordered Billy Blank Tea bo and another JM video .... I keep hearing about turbo fire and insanity but they are too pricey for me at this time .... I hope to get there soon.......sending good vibes out :)


  • Same here girl! I got tired of having to travel to the gym and having to get there by a certain time! I haven't been to the gym in almost a year! I do all my workouts at home now unless I'm going to take a friend's live class. And I LOVE Turbo Fire and Insanity :)
  • telcochik
    telcochik Posts: 1,643 Member
    Me too! Passionate Turbo Fire lover here. I love that program so much that I look forward to my 4:30am workouts every day!

  • bjshooter
    bjshooter Posts: 1,174 Member
    I workout everyday and I have never been in a gym in my life :)

    I love jillian and I too an dying to try insanity, but I need to save up for that.
  • mssugarca
    mssugarca Posts: 75
    4 am work out now that is it
  • missy1970eb
    missy1970eb Posts: 1,209 Member
    i dont do the gym either, find much more fun doing things outside ie running/cycling/walking accompanied by either my six yr old or my ipod
  • umauma2011
    umauma2011 Posts: 14 Member
    i'm with you going to the gym who has time to waste when you can do it at home . i to am doing 30 day shred , but i do have to modify it a bit as i had surgury and it is a little to intense ( not healed enough ) but i cant not work out
  • KellyBurton1
    KellyBurton1 Posts: 529 Member
    I have no gyn in my town so I got a collection of workout DVD's, you name it I have it. I just got 10 minute trainer and I say WOW! What a workout! Better than Jillian Michaels. I also like to go out for walks and jog. I guess its nice to mix it up.
  • mssugarca
    mssugarca Posts: 75
    I love it look at all the weight you all lost just from working out at home....just one more thing to add to my motivation you guys rock
  • danniwhit
    danniwhit Posts: 63 Member
    I can't afford a gym, and my workout time is usually sometime between 445a-630am and I would not have time to get to a gym and back to do a workout before I have to get ready for work, so I decided to work out at home.
    I bought Biggest Loser Cardio Max to start, and I really like that. Then I got YourShape Fitness for Xbox Kinect and love it. After doing YourShape I was looking for something kinda cardio and I got Billy Blanks Bootcamp and while I like it it was not exactly what I was looking for, so recently I got Billy Blanks This is Tae Bo and I love it! OH I forgot, I have Zumba for Xbox Kinect and love that also, and a couple other dance games. I have yoga and some cardio workouts on my Netflix too. I am trying to work out a schedule of workouts with all those but so far I just do whatever workout I feel like doing each morning. I am thinking of making a schedule of MWF cardio and TTH yoga/pilates but I am not sure yet! I love working out at home though a lot more then I ever thought I would!
  • vhuber
    vhuber Posts: 8,779 Member
    Welcome back to the land of the living!! Don't you feel SOOOOO much better??
    I worked out EVERY day last year and MAYBE (just maybe) 30 of those days came from a gym, the rest were dvd workouts, elliptical, treadmill and running or walking outside at my rural residence!! Working out helps you stay young! And boy do I have to do that cuz 52 is at the end of the month!!
    I wish you many happy and healthy days to come!!!!
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