home exercise



  • tuliplor
    tuliplor Posts: 51 Member
    I LOVE GILAD!!! He has different ranges of tapes. I might feel like doing the low impact, where I don't have to jump all over my family room... OR he has more challenging tapes. I love his sit-up, leg, and bottom exercises!! All you usually have to do it 30 minutes, and you get a great workout! He is usually on the Health channel, but you can Google him and get some DVD's. I buy some off of Ebay. I get tired of the same thing!!! So I like the variety!
    I also do Wii Fit. It belongs to my daughter, but I really like it!
    Try him! :)
  • bayles1
    bayles1 Posts: 408 Member

    Exercise bike
    Push Ups
  • robin52077
    robin52077 Posts: 4,383 Member
    ALL my workouts are in my house, no gym around here, and I don't do outside unless the weather is perfect.

    Rebounding, kettlebells, elliptical, treadmill, recumbant bike, yoga, pilates, kickboxing, free weights, plyometrics....you name it.
  • i do jillian micheals yoga meltdown its awesome it gets me working all the muscles in my tomach and my back and even though she is just on the television she seems to keep me motivated.
  • Sue_Smiles
    Sue_Smiles Posts: 1,001 Member
    Leslie Sansone walking tape
    I do this too! I picked up "walk slim: 3 fast miles" at target for $9.
    I personally hate exercise... always have...

    I think of exercise as one of the few things in life that you have total control over. It's very empowering.
  • sammybey
    sammybey Posts: 72 Member
    It definitely is... I'm holding myself accountable to the schedule I've set up for myself and so far (only 2 weeks in though), I've stayed on track! The results I've had using this site/mobile app have been far too great to let myself down :)
  • Marjorielk
    Marjorielk Posts: 202 Member
    me too. i love Leslie Sansomes' DVDs.
  • rileysowner
    rileysowner Posts: 8,313 Member
    I am another one who does not workout at a gym. I do Insanity, Tae-bo, life weights, do body weight exercises and the like. There are an abundance of ways to workout at home.
  • Painten
    Painten Posts: 499 Member
    I do a Leslie Sanzone wlak dvd too. The 2 mile one. It takes 25-30 mins and really it's the most i can cope with right now. I'm not fit enough for alot of the ones people mention on here. I find it hard enough to work up a sweat and have a few sips of water through it but it's not so hard that i give up before it's even halfway through. That kind of struggle really puts me off.
  • Zita_Jenn
    Zita_Jenn Posts: 252 Member
    I just got my copy from the Library. :smile: I have Walk Away the Pounds express Walk Strong. I just don't have a Resistance Band. :ohwell:
  • pinkprincessness
    pinkprincessness Posts: 36 Member
    ChaLEAN Extreme, Brazil Butt Lift and Turbo Fire. Not all on the same day. LOL
  • Sarahr73
    Sarahr73 Posts: 454 Member
    I have a mini stair stepper I use while watching TV. It's easy to store and very light so you can lift it and bring it somewhere else in the house if need be. I have a hard time watching the work out vidoes, I get bored, so it's great that I can watch something else at the same time.
  • Serenitytoo
    Serenitytoo Posts: 449 Member
    I just got my copy from the Library. :smile: I have Walk Away the Pounds express Walk Strong. I just don't have a Resistance Band. :ohwell:
    I have that one without the band... it is still good though. I sometimes to it with wrist weights for added strength training.

    I use the walk at home on lower impact days, and my elliptical. I have a bunch of DVDs I am trying to go through them now and thin it down to ones I acutually like :laugh: I have some of the 10 minute solutions series (knockout body kickboxing and ultimate bootcamp are both really good), Billy Blanks, Jillian Micheals, some yoga ones and several others. I also have Yourself fitness for the x-box - an older fitness program (it is avail for PS as well).
  • Hi, I use the biggest loser on kinect for x-box it's brilliant I do it 4 times a week and it mixes up what you do so you dont get bored, eg i did boxercise on monday, today i did cicuit trainging, on friday i have got yoga, and saturday is circuit training
  • lilRicki
    lilRicki Posts: 4,555 Member
    I have kinect for xbox with YourShape and Dance Central...I have an exercise ball, resistants bands and a mat to lay on...but I mostly do the cardio and calisthetics (push ups, sit ups, lunges, squats, crunches etc) I try and make it an hour at least. I have zumba, p90x and some other dvd's but I hardly use them, they'e boring...
  • Zita_Jenn
    Zita_Jenn Posts: 252 Member
    I have that one without the band... it is still good though. I sometimes to it with wrist weights for added strength training.

    I was just thinking about using my wrist weights to replace the band. Thanks :smile:
  • danniwhit
    danniwhit Posts: 63 Member
    All my working out is at home, no gym and so far nothing outside.
    I have Dance Central, Dance Revolution (not sure if thats exact name), Zumba and YourShape fitness for Xbox Kinect, Netflix Instant streaming has some aerobics videos, and a slimdown yoga that is awesome, Billy Blanks Bootcamp and Tae Bo...I LOVE Tae Bo, Biggest Loser Cardio Max, a balance ball & video, Kettlebell & video, resistance bands and an elliptical. I plan on adding in a treadmill and a stationary bike in the near future. I am actually more motivated to work out at home rather then go to a gym. Look online you can find some workout dvd's to order, I have even gotten a few from the library!
  • drrader
    drrader Posts: 1
    sit forward on a wooden chair and stand up- pushing from your heels- 3 sets of 20 times. you will feel it- don't swing your arms- but :smile: ok to hold in front of you
  • missy1970eb
    missy1970eb Posts: 1,209 Member
    gym ball
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