Bob Harper Kettle Bells!

THISisTARRAN Posts: 487 Member
edited September 25 in Fitness and Exercise
Okay- so I got my Bob Harper Kettle Bell today! MAN does he like to do some squats in his video!! I only got a 7 pound weight. Are any of you using his video or Kettle Bell? I'm not in great shape yet & unsure of the weight I should use... I am thinking... maybe 7 might be too light, but I don't want to pull any muscles. If anyone has used these & is female (because I am) please let me know what size weight you recommend/use. Thanks!!


  • Shannoncore
    Shannoncore Posts: 135
    stick with the 7 for a while if you are getting sore during and after your work outs. when you stop being sore dip lower and get slightly heavier weights.
  • kwrecks
    kwrecks Posts: 82 Member
    I am doing the Biggest Loser DVDs, and I have been using the 5lb weight. I think that I could probably move up to a 7lb weight, but I want to get a little bit more in shape. And I agree, Bob LOVES squats and lunges!
    THISisTARRAN Posts: 487 Member
    I was sore from the squatting, can't really feel the weight too much. When I tried them out in the store I was for sure getting the 15, but I can't do the 1 handed exercises with the 15, so I figured 10 would be a good option. I am not sure. Is it possible I need two? Because there are a lot of 2 handed exercises when I feel like the 7 might be too light. But I CAN definitely feel the squats...with or without the bell. LOL
  • KariQuiteContrary
    KariQuiteContrary Posts: 274 Member
    Absolutely stick with the lower weight for now if you are getting a good workout already. The last thing you'd want is to overdo it and strain something or worse. I don't do Bob's workout however I do Jillian's Kettle bell stuff and I started off with a lighter 5 lb weight than I though I needed until I got the technique for doing the moves correctly. I'm up to a 10 lb now :) Best of luck! I LOVE my kettle bells!
    THISisTARRAN Posts: 487 Member
    I am doing the Biggest Loser DVDs, and I have been using the 5lb weight. I think that I could probably move up to a 7lb weight, but I want to get a little bit more in shape. And I agree, Bob LOVES squats and lunges!

    Which I guess is good about the squats and lunges because my upper thighs are the one area that I haven't really lost any inches on yet!! &&&& my lower belly :(! Maybe the Kettle Bell shred with Bob will fix that! :)
  • danniwhit
    danniwhit Posts: 63 Member
    I started off using a 15lb kettlebell because that is what we had and the dvd I started with had a lot of two handed lifts...but I really hurt my back for a couple days doing that! I would stick with the 7lb one for right now, then move up to 10 then higher, in like...2-3 week (maybe less maybe more depending on how you think the workout is going) increments.
  • You should try to find a class in town that teaches how to use Kettlebells. My instructor said that Bob and Jillian do not teach properly and people get injured. If you're swinging a Kettlebell correctly, the 15 pound should not be too heavy to do with one hand. The force should come from your quads, glutes and hamstrings. Even if you just go to a few classes to learn how to use them and then follow the video? I haven't seen this video yet but just passing along the advice from my trainer. :)
  • richarl
    richarl Posts: 1
    I'm 5'4" 143 lbs and started with the 7lb bell and used that for several weeks before moving to the 10 lb bell. I just started using the 15 lb but not for the entire work out. Break in slow with the lighter weight so you get your form right. I suggest a pair of workout gloves because the bell is hard on your hands. I also agree with Bob - the contour of his bells are easy on the arms. I purchased a less exensive brand to start and was unhappy with the roundness of the bell always digging into my forearm. Bob Harper's bells are on sale at Target this week. The 15 lb bell was about $35 normally $45.
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