Kettlebell Suggestion for Women

strongdog68 Posts: 22
edited September 24 in Introduce Yourself
I have seen a lot of posts from women lately looking for good kettlebell DVDs and resources. I would suggest that those women check out Lauren Brooks' DVDs on her web site

She is an RKC certified instructor, and she knows what she is doing. She teaches great form and her workouts are awesome. She even has a DVD for pregnant women who want to work out. I would even recommend her workouts for men. You can also look her up on YouTube. She has a lot of good videos posted.

Get a kettlebell DVD from a kettlebell expert instead of a fitness professional who is just jumping on the bandwagon without the proper knowledge, training, or experience to effectively teach and structure a workout.


  • danniwhit
    danniwhit Posts: 63 Member
    Thank you! I have been reading about kettlebell workouts and wanted to try to find a god dvd and was not sure where to look.
  • CricketKate
    CricketKate Posts: 3,657 Member
  • pftjill
    pftjill Posts: 488
    As a fitness professional myself-that hurts a little, but sadly it is true. There are so many trainers out there not properly trained. However I don't use kettle bells that much. There are so many other things out there you can do, but it does seem like these kettle bell videos are coming out and they are making a break through.
  • Please don't take my comment personally. I do know quite a few fitness professionals that have taken the time to learn proper form and program design implementing kettlebells. I just want people to be educated consumers when it comes to their health and fitness. Good trainers, strength coaches, etc. are worth their weight in gold and work their tails off to be the best trainer they can be for their clients. Also, there are so many good, effective fitness tools available that no one person can excell, be certified, or master them all. I believe that fitness professionals should pick what fits his/her interest and style and go with it. It will benefit the fitness professional and the client in the long run.
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