Tofu trial prep?

OK i finally got round to purchasing some firm tofu and the thing is i dont want to make an entire recipe with one tofu block because i genuinly dont know what kind of style of tofu i like so i dont want to waste it.I want to split the block up into about 6 smaller blocks and try something with each block so i would love some ideas mainly on how to prepare it eg baked,salt and pepper just ideas that i can try out .Not whole meal plans please.

Any ideas would be lovely thank you!


  • AshinAms
    AshinAms Posts: 283 Member
    Marinated was the best way forme. Do a search on google, it will yield all kinds of options.
  • FitasBarbie
    FitasBarbie Posts: 141 Member
    cut into small cubes and stir fry with veggies! (for extra protein add cashews to your dish)
    add it to your morning smootie
    steam and you can add any kind of dressing you like I love it with a bit of sesame oil,soysauce and brown sugar.
    These are some of the few ways I eat tofu but there are so many other recipes for it! Good luck :)
  • 13hirteen
    13hirteen Posts: 94 Member
    If you want to depart from tradition, firm (nigiri) tofu is excellent mashed up with tomato paste and hot sauce and then either cooked in a pan or the microwave.
  • martielou
    martielou Posts: 50 Member
    I agree with all the ideas above- sauteeing with veggies is awesome! Maybe try tofu scramble too? One of my fav breakfasts. It's also good baked in larger pieces. Can replace egg in egg salad too.
    If you're not used to the taste of it- definitely marinate it (or season it in a scramble or salad)! I like Bragg's as a marinade, with garlic and ginger.
    If you're really adventurous- try a tofu press with some of it. It helps it to soak up marinades and fry better.
    So many options! Good luck! :)
  • 13hirteen
    13hirteen Posts: 94 Member
    Ooh, and - not massively healthy but delicious - you can deep fry it tempura style (in batter) or agedashi style (in rice flour).
  • danniwhit
    danniwhit Posts: 63 Member
    My favorite way to cook tofu~
    1. Wrap entire block of tofu in a clean towel or paper towels and place something heavy on top to press out water.
    2. Cut into bite size pieces.
    3. Spray cookie sheet with a little olive oil, spread around to lightly coat pan and spread pieces of tofu on pan.
    4. Place in 350 degree oven until tofu is lightly browned.

    I cook it for about 45 minutes usually, and most the time I flip each piece halfway through. I do not like mushy big pieces of tofu, so I typically bake each block and then use it in a variety of ways. I like to bake it then saute chunks in a stir fry sauce, or sweet n sour sauce and serve over rice or quinoa. Or saute with taco seasonings and use it in tacos and burritos. I also season it before baking it, and use the baked pieces in big salads. You could also saute in a curry sauce and serve with naan bread or over rice.
  • rc630
    rc630 Posts: 310 Member
    I marinate mine in a low-cal hoisin sauce, then pan fry it in about 1/2 TBSP olive oil. I posted the instructions a while back in the recipes thread; I think it's called "simple tofu dish" if you wanna search for it. Good luck, I <3 tofu!
  • hbiffle
    hbiffle Posts: 154 Member
    I eat tofu all the time!! One way I made recently was cut into small cubes place on baking tray add soy sauce (or any other sauce you may like) and bake for 10 minutes, turning once. Then sautee mushrooms and carrots (or any other veggies you love) once they are almost done add the tofu and sautee for a few more minutes. I put the mixture in lettuce wraps and it was sooo good!

    Another one of my favorite ways to cook it is to marinate it during the day in my fav sauce and then cut into strips and put on hte grill!! The grill gives it a carmalized flavor!

    The best piece of advice I ever got for tofu is to drain it extremely well!!! You can put it in a colander and then put a paper towel on top and then put something heavy to help push it down to drain the water out. (I've used 2 cans before.) The more water you are able to drain out the more the tofu will absord of the sauce you use.