

  • I agree with 4lafz, set up a reward system. I have one, and I get a reward every 10 pounds to help me stay positive about it all. I got some new shirts that I could wear now, but won't look good until I lose a few more pounds.. I hung one up on my wall to motivate me... I can't wear them until I reach my goal for them, let…
  • I know what you mean! My normal healthier food used to be "gross" to me, but now when I eat I actually enjoy the flavor and even very simple meals get my mouth watering! Probably helps that I'm actually hungry instead of just bored.
  • I've started eating more oatmeal since I'm starving all the time too, it does help keep me full longer after a workout. Doesn't matter when I work out or how much I eat before hand, about half an hour after my work out I'm so hungry I have trouble avoiding the fast food joints... I've even started taking a really long way…
  • I'm also trying to make sure I get enough fiber, protein and water... I try to not look at carbs tho, with all the fruit I eat I'm always over on my carbs!
  • I do my cardio on the treadmill 6 days a week, but when i want a day off I feel too guilty to not atleast walk a little while... Even though I don't get my heart rate up and sweat as much as I normally do should I still log the calories lost?
  • Wow... that's pretty active I'd say! Cleaning and all those chores with that cardio is amazing!
  • Welcome to the site!! It's really great here, the support is amazing :happy: Good luck on your goals
  • I'm going to add that you should make sure you stay hydrated through out the day *before* you start exercising. I've found that I can push myself harder to keep my heart rate up with out getting sick when I've had enough water...I am drinking a gallon of water everyday, and I make sure that I've had atleast 8 cups before I…
  • Welcome!! You're so lucky to have that lake so close, it will be great in the summer... I'm wondering if you're doing online classes or actually going to the school? My school has a gym, and I take a pe class each quarter... makes it harder to slack off on the exercise when it's in your schedule, plus then you have access…
  • I deff would log it.... as maybe walking at a leisurly pace (sorry, spelling?)
  • What a good idea to do that while it was cooking! It's so hard to not snack with all the good smells coming from the kitchen... but thats a great idea to get your mind off food! Way to go!
  • I do the same thing, and I get the same funny looks! :laugh:
  • I've also heard that your body retains water during the ToM. Congrats on your work so far and welcome... don't worry about asking questions that might have already been asked! i know how hard it is to sometimes find old posts, but everybody here is very nice and it helps to have posts like this renewed everyonce in a while.
  • I don't know if all subway places will let you tip the person who made the sandwhich, but the one near work does. I know what it's like to depend on tips so I tend to over tip for services... needless to say, the staff there likes me and knows to add an obscene handful of pepperchinis and more than only 3 olives!
  • I get the weirdest looks when I ask for more... and more... and more.... Usually I just give up on the "and more" to go home and get out my jar and add them myself!
  • Oh thank you! That is much easier to understand than all the other charts and graphs I've been seeing around!
  • My one treat to myself is pepperchinis (those little yellow pickled pepper things) and when I ask to have them on my sandwhich, they put seriously like THREE on the whole thing. Three? Really now? I asked for a fist full! The one near my house has the spinch but I never knew any of them had swis... I'm missing out!
  • I am very confused at how my heart rate can help me burn more cals by having it in a certain area... I do the treadmill everyday but today I did it at school and it wanted to measure my heart rate! How do I find what my heart rate should be at when I'm doing cardio? Will i really burn more fat by keeping it at a certain…
  • What about neosporin? Or that gell/cream stuff that a Dr. will give you to help scar tissue heal?
  • Don't let those stupid calcs discourage you! That is so awesome you made it into your "wish" drawer keep up the great work!
  • A few days ago I put on my size 12 work slacks and when zipping them up, I was surprised! They didn't snag half way up, but instead the zipper went smoothly to the top! I was so shocked I checked to see if the zipper had torn or was broken! :laugh: I know I won't ever fit a size 10 ( My dr. says I have good childbearing…
  • I don't really have "meals" just snacking all day... But in order of what I have planned: protein shake cucumbers with apple cider vin and a little salt apple orange protein shake ground beef with fajita seasoning cucumbers protein shake maybe some more cucumbers and about a gallon of water sipped all day.. with a little…
  • When I look at my back, that pudge under my bra band has started getting smaller... plus when I wear a skirt (with out nylons) I don't get rub sores anymore!
  • What about adding some almonds or other nuts (if you're not allergic)? I keep a little baggy with me for energy after work outs and to munch on when I want something crunchy. Maybe adding little healthy snacks through the day might help.
  • So I am taking a yoga/pilates class twice a week... it is WAAAY harder than I thought, I actually sweat in this class!! Does anyone have a favorite yoga dvd so I can work on this at home too? I've tried 3 different dvds now, and I don't really like them... how to pick out a good one? I'm looking for something with more…
  • OKAY... it sounds a little dirty here, but I'll give you all the details lol So my Aunt did it, and went to a Dr. (yes, a real Dr.) then she found it at a place that was much closer to our house and much cheaper. The place was okay... Not the greatest looking. The Dr. though was aweful! I'm hard of hearing, so anybody with…
    in hCG? Comment by angyltears April 2009
  • Congrats on school and your goal! That is really awesome!!
  • I did try the herbal life deal a few years ago and I hope to goodness that they reformulated or something! I was doing the whole plan which was a lot of pills and A LOT of bathroom trips. It really didn't work for me, and my bum was sore after just a few days. I couldn't deal with the bathroom issues so I had to stop! lol
  • They did it for 30 days, and Molly lost 25 some odd pounds. She has kept off most of it she thinks (she now lifts weights, and has gained a few pounds but it looks like it is just muscle she has gained). My Aunt did it too, but shes an emo-eater and gained it all back (she does not exercise either). Both of them said it…
    in hCG? Comment by angyltears April 2009
  • Has anybody here done the hCG diet? I've seen some of my friends do it and they lost alot of weight very quickly. They said though that near the end it got harder and harder to stay with the meal plan. I was wondering if anyone has done it, and how did it work for them? How were you able to stay on it? xoxo :heart:
    in hCG? Comment by angyltears April 2009