

  • Egg white omelet!!! Yumm 4 egg whites 2 slices crispy bacon tablespoon shredded cheddar cheese... serve with 1 slice dry wheat toast - teasp jam or jellie coffee - black small orange juice. good for you inside & out :)
  • I don't allow myself a "cheat" day - the guilt kills me and I wallow in chocolate LOL so, my hubby & I have "free" days - we can eat what we want when we want and as much as we want without having to explain ourselves to anyone. This is usually going out to dinner, or family get together, party etc. So far this year, we…
  • Pan does not matter.... just use a larger frying pan. Stir fry is exactly that, higher heat and stir it to cook it. Fresh veggies are much better than the bagged - taste texture and content. easy rules: cut/chop all veggies to approx the same size, carrots, cauliflower, and onions take longer to cook find a lid or…
  • Let us know how it is. I did a Zumba class last winter and LOVED it.... unfortunately I quit for alot of reasons, but would buy it for the Wii
  • Another "exercise" is dancing... I just got Just Dance for the Wii and I told my husband, now you have no excuse you have to dance with me, plus I think the laughter burns even more calories... Do this with your wife instead of watching TV. My hubby has absolutely no interest in dance or music, but this is a great workout…
  • Ok two weeks down..... and I have found out that what I eat matters, but calories matter more. We had a family dinner birthday cake get together this weekend. I tried to track everything I ate that day, was way over on calories, but was back on track Sunday.... and I still lost today. Keep the calories up including…
  • 27 pounds in 3 months??? I am sooo envious! That is fantastic! Repeating what some of the others have already said: The weight didn't come on overnight..... Attitude Calories Doctor - and when you do.... show him your page on MFP... and ask him if you can email or snail mail a copy of your progress reports each month. If…
  • get your calories up. net 1200 is the way to go at least. Add more protein too, helps burn fat. I noticed a mood change too, but for the better energy too. Another thing that helps me alot is to eat every 3 hours or so.. breakfast snack lunch snack dinner snack.
  • I lost 4 lbs, but hubby lost 10.... makes a difference male or female, age, total weight loss desired. I know dr has said 2 - 3 lb per week is best for long term. Also, makes a difference as to the type of exercise you are doing.... fat reducing vs muscle building **listen to me' like I'm an expert lol liatvashdi - I like…
  • I'm all about the lifestyle change, but my lifestyle must include sweets and bacon and a handful of other tasty things I enjoy. Just not all the time. That is so true
  • Bought it today... and my 23 yr old daughter challenged me... I kicked her butt! And then I whomped the hubby's LOVE this game, a real workout thats fun!
  • Roasted Veggie Soup: 2 Red Pepper 1 Zuchinni Squash 2 Med Onions 1 Summer Squash Cut veggies into about 1" pieces... place on a cookie sheet, sprinkle your favorite spice (garlic, rosemary, basil) drizzle 1 tablespoon EVO over them. Roast in 425 oven for 10 min. Put into soup pot, add 2 cups fresh mushrooms 6 links poultry…
  • I agree with Lyadeia... make your own. On Sundays, I usually make a VERY big pot of soup... and freeze it! It all freezes well, chicken, vegetable, or beef based and so do the cream soups. You can make soup for a weeks worth of meals, freeze in ziplock bags to save room, or in plastic bowls for easy microwave reheating.…
  • yummmmmmm BACONNNNN had a single slice with my scrambled egg this morning! soooo good! I allow myself a "free day". It's a day that you can eat or drink whatever you want without guilt.... just record the calories and eat/drink in moderation! I am not dieting.... I am changing the way I eat!! If I go to a wedding or party,…
  • Hi khormell! My husband told me about this site - and it is great so far (6 days... lol) New also
  • broiled fish - very easy.... just spice up with Lemon Pepper Seasoning and broil on High tilapia filet - 7 min catfish filet - 6 min haddock filet - 9 min salmon - depends on the thickness... The first three are "white fish" and will turn opaque/solid white when it cooks, should "flake" easily with a fork. You can also…
  • Hi everyone! I need to get a pic of myself added to my profile.... I had taken off 20 lbs 2 years ago... kept it off for a year and decided to quit smoking. Well, I haven't smoked in 4 months, but I put the 20 back on.... :( So now I have 50 to lose and.... I turn 50 this year. UGH I have the calorie thing down pretty…