danikanoodles Member


  • Yum! Its amazing on tops of salads in replacement of salad dressing. You can even make lettuce tacos and put it on top. I have seen people use Jicama and slice it into chips. I haven't tried that but I hear it's good.
  • mteague277, there were people who ate eggs where I used to live and we tossed them in the compost. Only place for eggs is the compost :) The chickens would be way better of in your care I bet. The rabbit rescue I got my bunny from had rescue chickens off the back of the slaughter truck.
  • Welcome! Awesome to see another fellow 80/10/10er!
  • I tried to a long time ago after hearing you can do them in an air popper. The type I had didn't work well for it but that's what I hear you can use. I wonder what it tastes like? Probably really good. I'm pretty sure someone in the house stole the air popper :(
  • I believe this channel has a few more videos on eggs as well http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RtGf2FuzKo4&list=UUddn8dUxYdgJz3Qr5mjADtA&feature=c4-overview
  • There you are! Glad the post worked! I actually saw this in the other group and posted in there but I'll go into a little more detail here(I'll actually make a bigger post about this when I have more time since this is actually a pretty big subject) I've done a bunch of water fasts and one juice fast. The juice fast was…
  • http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lvLdPjpELyU That's a pretty good how-to video. Hope it helps. When I get the side sliced I usually just use a spoon to scoop the flesh off. I peel the remainder skin off the middle with the pit and then just use a spoon to scrap the flesh off of that. Mango slicers are amazzzinng if you are…
  • You don't need protein powder to build muscles. Protein powders just add to the toxic load to the body and are un-natural and hard on the body. I've been following 80/10/10 with the exception of times here and there when I am low on fruit for the past 2.5-3 years and have had no issue gaining muscle. You can find a lot of…
  • I've basically been eating just that for the past 3 years. Mainly fruit and tender leafy greens and when I am low on ripe fruit I will use sweet potatoes/yams/rice/quinoa ect. I've lost a lot of weight doing that and have healed a lot of health issues. I keep my fat low and don't restrict calories.
  • Here is a good one by Dr. Greger on eggs. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RtGf2FuzKo4&list=UUddn8dUxYdgJz3Qr5mjADtA&feature=c4-overview
  • Look into buying in bulk. I've significantly lowered my grocery bill by buying in bulk. Check out wholesalers, buying clubs, and co-ops.
  • I stay far away from all oils. Definitely not a health food in my eyes. Rather not have fat sludge in my blood stream. You can successfully sauté in water, just let it heat up enough before tossing in your veggies.
  • Hello, I follow raw till 4 as a backup when low on fruit. Are you still feeling good with the energy levels? One thing I've noticed with raw till 4 is the need to increase my water intake. I find eating cooked foods cause me a lot of dehydration, so just check in with yourself and see how you are feeling on that level. Are…
  • Dark circles under the eyes are a big sign of food allergies/intolerances. Karen Ranzi talks about this. You might be able to find out more on her site(cant remember the name) or her youtube "superhealthychildren".
  • This is from one of Don Bennets articles "D2, D3, and "Vegan D3" For a long time there have been two types of supplemental D; D2 and D3. This could be a whole article in itself, but let it suffice to say that D3 is the effective form of supplemental D. The reason D2 is marketed is because it is the vegan form of…
  • The Nordic naturals claims to be vegan but is actually not. Any D3 that claims to be vegan is not. A lot of people say D2 doesn't work but it does. It has been working very well for me. Taking D with magnesium is better because it's one of those things that help each other absorb.
  • Magnesium and vitamin D supplements have helped me a lot with this. I'm taking the naturally calm brand for the magnesium and Vegan Ddrops (in a green box). I'm not big on supplements but without the sun you can't really get decent vitamin d. Cardio and backbends in yoga have also helped. We tend to slouch a lot when…
  • These ladies and their workouts are a lot of fun. A friend of mine had told me about them a while back and I've had good results with the workouts they have made. They also have a show on Bravo. http://toneitup.com/ http://www.youtube.com/user/ToneItUpcom I recently saw a commercial for dailyburn.com They are offering a…
  • Hello! I've been doing high carb raw for about 2.5 years. I don't get on the message boards much but feel free to friend me and I'll be there for support!
  • I have really liked mango and tomato blended together either as is or with a little basil & oregano. The original recipe was from a raw soup and I believe was 7 small tomatos to 1 mango. Otherwise I just use half and avocado or a small amount of tahini blended with zucchini.
  • I've been following 80/10/10 for over two years and have had no issues with protein. I feel my best actually with my macros at 90/5/5. I run, bike, teach yoga and lift heavy weights. My recovery time is super fast and my gains are better now then they were when I was on higher protein. Nuts, seeds and other overt fats…
  • I want to make sure that everyone knows that the stuff I recommended are just recommendations of to what myself and many other people who have followed this lifestyle long term have found to be most beneficial. You don't need to be on point with everything. I know I am not every day but it is something to strive for. I…
  • RAW VEGAN HOT CHOCOLATE What!!!!! I haven't tried this yet but I cannot wait! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MHAQXX0lJ0I RAW PUMPKIN BROWNIES http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yRuHl7sf0kM
  • Been on the lifestyle for a little over 2 years. It's amazing!
  • Vegan here as well. Feel free to add me!
  • She really compared juice to soda...oh wow. The crappy juices with added sugars aren't the best but a high quality juice with some pulp still in tacked is way different. But all in all it's much better to give them just the fruit. Kids can't actually properly digest grains until age 3. There's something in their digestive…
  • Oh no! I'm not promoting it at all. I was saying water fasting is only good for healing of illness(which any fast should be supervised by a natural hygiene doctor) another reason why I recommended that book which will explain the only real reasons for fasting(never for weight loss!) and why its so important to have proper…
  • That's a very common sign that you're not eating enough. I've been eating a raw food diet for a little over 2 years, coaching being a part of raw communities and it's one of the biggest things I've noticed is the craving for foods that aren't the best choice for us when we're not fueling our bodies enough with energy.…
  • The gourmet raw stuff has always made me feel yuck. Our bodies don't thrive on dehydrated foods. Would we really be eating that in nature? Not so much. We would come upon a fruit tree and eat what was there instead of waiting 8+hrs for something not really even raw to eat. Of course there would be stuff that would fall in…
  • How To Measure How Acidic You Are http://rawforbeauty.com/blog/measure-your-ph-level-how-acidic-are-you.html