cbevan Member


  • Mine is public. Sometimes I don't fill it out because it's a pain, but not because I want to hide what I'm eating from anyone. I just documented a Quarter Pounder with cheese and a Med. Fries from McD's in there. Not my finest moment, but I'm not going to fool my waistline by not writing it down.
  • Of Course I can see a difference - you look great!
  • I get a once a month McDonald's craving - I guess it's the salt and fat that I want. I also want chocolate, but I love chocolate so much that I build a little bit into my eating plan every day anyway.
  • I have the same problem. Last night my husband cooked dinner because his whole family is staying with us this weekend for his mom's birthday. He made a whole mess of different stuff. London Broil (that would be the easiest to count, but I only ate one tiny slice) Scallops in a lemon/lime/white wine/butter sauce, asparagus…
  • Eggo Nutri-Grain waffles with a little bit of pure maple syrup (if you use real maple, you won't want nearly as much as you would use of Mrs. Butterworth or Aunt Jemima)
  • Could you try flavored coffee, rather than flavored creamer?
    in Coffee? Comment by cbevan January 2011
  • 1 Cup = 240 ml.
    in Cups Comment by cbevan January 2011
  • Sipping a little FLAT Coke (not diet, and it must be flat) will help settle your stomach. Or, if you feel up to going to the store, you can just by Coke syrup. It's what doctors give to little ones to calm nausea. Once you can hold down a little, then you need water, and lots of it, but slowly. You could also try Gatorade.…
  • If we have to achieve a 3500 calorie deficit to lose 1lb, then this deficit must necessarily be able to be accumulated over time, since no person burns 3500 calories per day. To lose 1lb a week, you need to create average 500 calorie deficit per day by eating fewer calories than your body burns. If you have a 750 calorie…
  • Today I was offered a slab of home made chocolate cake with chocolate icing. And I said "No, thanks." I almost can't believe I said it.
  • I like to do 1 Tbsp of peanut butter on one slice of whole wheat toast, topped with either banana or apple slices. I'll also do one egg and one egg white scrambled with onions, peppers, and tomatoes with a slice of whole wheat toast and a touch of hot sauce when I have time. I haven't made it in a while, but I also like…
  • Once a week? OMG - I eat peanut butter almost every day - 1 Tbsp on whole wheat toast with an apple or banana for breakfast. Keeps me nice and full all AM.
  • Dove dark chocolate promises. Yum.
  • You look FANTASTIC! Congrats. :)
  • Bananas are quiet. Or 1Tbsp of Peanut Butter spread on 1 slice of bread - that will keep you nice and satisfied for a while too. I agree that cheese is a good choice - cheese sticks, or you could roll up deli turkey or ham with cheese. You could try almonds or mixed nuts if you can chew quietly - they're not as noisy as…
  • I used Slim Fast before my wedding and did lose about 15 lbs. I would do 2 shakes, and carry a BIG container of cut-up fruit with me evey day. That was it until dinner, and I would eat something reasonable, but wasn't super strict. There's no magic to the slim fast plan - it's just a different way of controlling the number…
  • I would probably do the same - count it like an Oreo Milkshake.
  • I try to keep breakfast and lunch around 300 calories each, and I try to make sure I have some protein, which helps keep me satisfied longer than just carbs. I like a little bit of a more substantial dinner - 450 to 500 calories. The rest of the calories go to snacks, which tend to be 60 - 100 calories each, spaced…
  • I think like anything else, you just have to make sure you count it. And don't let it lower your inhibitions so that you eat something else.
  • I love the Champion stuff at Target, and the Danskin stuff at WalMart.
  • Careful with this - the database here puts whiskey at 65 - 70 calories per oz, and a shot glass (jigger) holds 1.5 oz.
  • Most light beers are between 90 - 110 calories for a 12 oz bottle. A 1.5 oz shot of hard liquor (vodka, tequila, gin) is about the same. If you want to have a "drink" instead of just a shot, you'll need to be careful about mixers - tonic is as high in calories as a full-sugar soda, and juices are high too. And try to go…
  • I have clothes in every size between 8 and 16 in my closet, so I don't have to buy new. Although I worry that by the time I get back to my 10s, they will be really out of style!
  • I think I would just buy a few inexpensive things to tide me over between sizes - mostly pants, because too-big shirts aren't as much of a problem. They might not fit as well as expensive jeans, but will fit better than jeans that are a size or two too big. Look for sales - when Old Navy has them on sale, you can get their…
  • I usually step on the scale every morning when I'm trying to watch, although I only document the weight once per week, to see overall trends. I don't step on the scale because of the number, so much, but because the ritual is a good way to remind myself first thing every morning that I have committed to making better…
  • Your age is indisputable fact, but being old is a state of mind.
  • I love mine cut up into chunks, tossed with a little olive oil and salt, and then roasted at about 450* for 30 - 35 minutes. I actually love all sorts of veggies this way. I often make a mix out of carrots, onions, sweets, parsnips, turnips, butternuts, acorn squashes, brussels sprouts, new potatoes - whatever I have in…