Here is a question for the ladies...

BrownEyedBetty Posts: 85 Member
edited September 23 in Health and Weight Loss
So I find when I am on my period .... So is my eating habits. lol Like the first 3 days or so I don't eat a lot becuase I am in pain and I feel like crap. But the last 3 days or so I am a ravenous beast who wants to eat everything I see. OMG I crave the weirdest things ... You would think I am pregnant or something ( I am not bty) lol . I don't know if it's hormones or what but I just find that a little weird. How about all of you and your eating habits during that time of the month?


  • kittytrix
    kittytrix Posts: 557 Member
    I want to eat a few days before, during and after. It's a struggle for about a week and a half out of every month. UGH!!!! But luckily, I don't get heavy cramping. I just bloat and gain about 5 pounds. Double-ugh!
  • Gallen88
    Gallen88 Posts: 171 Member
    Yea i eat like my life depends on it.. the week before is the actual struggle, not so much the week of. I eat and eat and eat but now that im trying to get all this under control, its even harder. I wouldn't dare step on a scale right now.
  • It seems like you are eating in response to how you FEEL when you are on your period. Seems like the most logical thing is to deal with your feelings and let your eating habits fall in line. I would suggest drinking twice as much water as you normally do (somehow this actually helps with the feeling of being bloated and definetly relieves cramping) and try drinking herbal tea. I am obsessed with tea... I literally drink it morning, noon, and night... and there are specially brewed blends that will really make you feel much better during your time of the month (try a few out and see if any work for you). My big new craze is conscious eating... being aware of what (and how much) I put in my body... and MFP can really help with that. I used to be a ravaging beast but now im more like a really conscientious lion.
  • cjduckie
    cjduckie Posts: 78 Member
    I crave chocolate and sweet things like crazy - for a few days before usually
  • MIne is eatting everything the days leading up to it as if i'm getting ready to hibernate, then I have a sweet tooth the week of that could put me in a sugar coma.
  • milanks
    milanks Posts: 122
    I absolutely see a change in my eating habits when it's that time too. My new plan of action (after Aunt Flo talked me into eating waaay too many cookies today) is to plan ahead and not have any tempting "bad" foods in the house for that week so that when the cravings come, the only thing I have to feed them is "good" stuff! Drinking hot tea is a good idea too, especially in the colder months, add a wee bit of sugar and some lemon and it's soothing on all kinds of levels.
  • I crave chocolate (Hershey's with Almonds to be exact) and a beer ( Miller Genuine Draft in the bottle ) which is crazy because I don't even like beer and can't even stand the smell of it.
  • BrownEyedBetty
    BrownEyedBetty Posts: 85 Member
    Thanks everyone for your stories and advice!
  • calliope_music
    calliope_music Posts: 1,242 Member
    i generally want chocolate and salty things together, so i usually buy those Pretzel Flipz....that satisfies me!
  • cbevan
    cbevan Posts: 31 Member
    I get a once a month McDonald's craving - I guess it's the salt and fat that I want. I also want chocolate, but I love chocolate so much that I build a little bit into my eating plan every day anyway.
  • BeautyAndStrength50
    BeautyAndStrength50 Posts: 273 Member
    I find myself doing the samething.. what I usually do when I get so hungry is to snack on raw carrots, cumcumbers,celery.. It does help.. :)
  • LetItBe4Sanity
    LetItBe4Sanity Posts: 41 Member
    I've never really had a problem with cramps or major mood swings, but ever since I started birth control I get pretty hormonal towards the end of my lovely lady times. So when I'm depressed, the best feeling in the world is to eat, eat, eat! So yeah, I can relate... Food just loves me... ahh! Calories go by so quickly!
  • ladyhawk00
    ladyhawk00 Posts: 2,457 Member
    I have the same issues - huge changes in appetite/cravings before and during. Even when I feel crappy (and not hungry because of cramps or mood), I try to make sure I'm still eating enough - especially high protein, and high iron. That helps lessen the "I could a whole cow" feelings later and avoid the rollercoaster. And water has helped, especially with the bloating.

    And when I'm craving, I don't ignore it. Ignoring it is a good way to end up binging later on. If I want chocolate, I have a little (preferably dark chocolate as it's lower sugar and has good stuff in it). I try to substitute something healthier if I'm craving something really bad, or just make the portion smaller.

    And I try not to beat myself up about it - I KNOW I'll have the mood swings and cravings. So If I'm making choices that are even a little better, I give myself a pat on the back and just try to get through the week.
  • california_peach
    california_peach Posts: 1,809 Member
    A couple of days before I would kill for anything salty and crunchy. I take care of that with a lighter calorie/lighter fat snack food like Veggie Sticks or salted almonds.
  • juliana1977
    juliana1977 Posts: 153 Member
    Hey there! I have a question: what type and brand of teas do you drink?? I really like tea too but dont know their benefits and brands. Suggestions?
    It seems like you are eating in response to how you FEEL when you are on your period. Seems like the most logical thing is to deal with your feelings and let your eating habits fall in line. I would suggest drinking twice as much water as you normally do (somehow this actually helps with the feeling of being bloated and definetly relieves cramping) and try drinking herbal tea. I am obsessed with tea... I literally drink it morning, noon, and night... and there are specially brewed blends that will really make you feel much better during your time of the month (try a few out and see if any work for you). My big new craze is conscious eating... being aware of what (and how much) I put in my body... and MFP can really help with that. I used to be a ravaging beast but now im more like a really conscientious lion.
  • juliana1977
    juliana1977 Posts: 153 Member
    Oh Boy me too! It is ridiculous... I Could eat chocolate all day long!! Usually starts 2/3 days before period and go as long as a week! But the day before and the first 2 days are very difficult to control...
    I crave chocolate and sweet things like crazy - for a few days before usually
  • downtome
    downtome Posts: 529 Member
    OMG, I get so hungry about a week and half before it starts. I feel like the bottomless pit and I don't know how to control it as a matter of fact, I'm going through it right now. If you look at my food diary you will see that I have been eating more than I should be. It really sucks! So your not alone, I think it's some serious hormones. I wish we didn't have to experience it and it would be all smooth sailing. Today I'm going to fight like hell to stay within my calories since yesterday was a disaster. Good luck!
  • Hi!
    I make sure I get plenty of iron during that time (lean beef and leafy greens like spinach are great!) I also drink tons of water, get plenty of rest and walk, even if I'm crampy. When I do light exercise I always feel better than when I do none. Even if I'm not hungry (due to pain) I force myself to eat something little. An egg, oatmeal, smoothie... if nothing else it gives me a base for the pain pills which would otherwise upset my stomach.

    Here's a tip. My period was very long and super heavy with lots of clots. Finally I talked to my Dr. about it and she put me on anti-inflammatories that I start about a week before and only take during my period. It's made a world of difference on how I feel, even lessening water retention. So if you have similar issues, you might want to talk to your Dr. rather than go with over the counter meds.
  • javamom
    javamom Posts: 309
    I crave really dark chocolate. So I plan for it in my food diary and eat it the whole week before! Right now I have the Lindt 60% cocoa dark chocolate truffles in my cabinet. Ate two of them today and recorded them. Still plan to be under/at my nutrition goal for the day. It is challenging, but manageable most of the time with a realistic plan. Not having chocolate is not realistic for me.
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