lmclaine Member


  • MFP had an earlier message saying they were aware of the problem and were working on it.
  • I just realized that I posted on here on April 30th, right before I started my pre-op diet. Thought I'd check back in now that it's been almost 6 month since my surgery. Well, it's been quite a journey. Who knew that the surgery itself would be the easy part? The pre-op diet, the recovery food stages for nine weeks, that…
  • Tie between Big Lebowski and American Beauty.
  • I am about to join Planet Fitness. They are only $10/month and are open 24/7. See if there is one in your area.
  • I am with you, new to group and my fat days are numbered. I start the two week fasting process on Monday and have surgery on May 20. I'm nervous but ready to start the journey to a new me. I have already joined a number of support groups both on-line and in person and it has been so helpful. Everyone has had a different…
  • So happy to have found this group. I start my pre-op liquid diet on Monday prepping for my surgery on May 20. I have probably gone against the norm and been on a "last meal" food funeral for a couple of weeks now which will make it harder for me when I start this fasting routine. But I love food and drink and it's sad to…
  • I have always loved dill pickles. Plus I'm a saltaholic. Having said that, I don't have a sweet tooth at all so if I have a choice of something to eat late at night or for a snack, I'll choose a pickle over sweets anytime. Yes it has alot of sodium but its gotta be better than a piece of cake or bowl of ice cream. I…
    in pickles? Comment by lmclaine April 2012
  • Thank you for the responses!
    in Lipozene Comment by lmclaine April 2012
  • I would like to join-SW=264
  • I made them last night. I searched mashed potatoes skim and found one that just had that. There were some that had cheese and bacon and stuff but there were a couple that just had the spuds and milk, like I made them.
  • I personally don't have anything against Ashton Kutcher but I actually thought last night's episode was funnier before he came on the screen. He has big shoes to fill and the writing is what makes the show, not Charlie Sheen. Berta is the best character on the show anyway.
  • Excellent question, I had wondered that myself. I went to CiCi's the other day and and had a pile of crusts left and thought about all the unecessary calories on that plate that I would have normally stuffed in without thinking about it. I realize that the "topping" part of the pizza contains the majority of the calories…
  • I am so in the same boat. For the first three months I was so strict and motivated and lost about 30 lbs. That was my first of many goals. Since then, I have relaxed my restrictions and really gotten lazy about my exercise. I do still document all my foods and try to stay under my calorie limit. As a result, I have stopped…
  • Fantastic! What a great story, and thanks for all your positive words during my journey.
    in My Story Comment by lmclaine April 2011
  • I am struggling too. I had so much success so fast, almost 30 lbs in 3 months but I have really hit a wall and feel my motivation slipping--especially to exercise. I was so strict on my eating choices and I relaxed that a bit (I have to have fries rather than veggies sometimes). I HAVE to fight through it but I'm…
  • My salmon recipe is very simple, Iit could be used for talapia or any firm fish. Lay your fish on a large piece of aluminum foil, sprinkle with any seasonings you like (lemon pepper, salmon seasoning, season salt, Ms. Dash). Place a small amount of margerine or butter if you you want, just so it can melt on the fish. Place…
  • I am a pickle-holic so I have done my research on this topic! No calories, no nutritional value, lots of sodium. Better than a bowl of ice cream for you, but not as good as fruit. I don't really have a sweet tooth so my idea of dessert used to be a pickle before bed. Fortunately, I got sick of them so it's beena while...I…
    in pickles!! Comment by lmclaine March 2011
  • I have been pretty good at doing this since I started 1/2/11. It honestly has been the only thing that has kept my discipline, knowing that I will have to log it and see it reflected on my calorie intake. The only deviation is a weekend night when I have a few cocktails, I either lose track of how many or I'm ashamed of…
  • I went two weeks without losing a pound while staying close to my 1,500 calorie limit, then gained a pound the next week.. Three weeks and I have +1 to show for it! Then I weighed this morning and I've lost 4.5 lbs since my last weigh in. I didnt give up, although I was a little discouraged. I feel happy that I stuck with…
  • Agree 100% with lisap. I still eat most of the same foods (although not fast food anymore) but try to watch portions and exercise so I can eat more and not starve myself. I'm pretty sure I was eating and drinking at least 2,000-2,500 calories on a regular basis without thinking about it but now I document EVERYTHING and it…
  • I walk about 4-5 days/week and that has worked for me. My knees couldnt take running at my starting weight, I hope to get there eventually. I started out with a 30-40 minute brisk walk which burned about 300 calories for me. Now I walk about 65 minutes=3.7 miles=490 calories burned. I find that I actually look forward to…
  • I started out so, so strict and have been able to relax some as the time has passed. I started this plan on 1/2/11 and for the month of January, no going over my calorie count, no drinking, no fast food, etc. In the last couple months I have loosened up some and continue to lose weight. For me, the secret has been walking…
  • I could have written this post--almost identical to my journey so except for the 5 lbs/wk. I also started on January 2nd and discovered MFP soon after. I have been counting calories and documenting everything I consume. That alone has helped tremendously. I walk about 3-3.5 miles during my lunch break at least 3 days/wk. I…
  • I did it for a couple of months and didn't really notice any energy or appetite difference; just the satifaction of not eating a really bad breakfast. The chocolate one was OK, I tried different additions (banana, mint extract, peanut butter, strawberries) and it helped from getting bored with the same thing every day. I…
  • Wow, what an inspiration you are. I long for the days that people can see in my face that I've lost a significant amount of weight--you look like a different person! I've lost almost 20 lbs and no one can tell! I guess that's the problem with being 100 lbs overweight. I look at the difference in your before and after pics…
  • Lived in Wilmington, the West L.A., then Granada Hills. Now I moved to South Carolina--I miss L.A.
  • Yet another inspriration for me. Fantastic job--I hope I have the same fortitude you have shown.
  • I have the same problem cravings but I have been able to hold them off so far by 1) feeling guilty about reporting every calorie I eat on MFP (I am obsessed with doing that) and 2) keeping a big bag pretzels next to my TV chair. I know pretzels have alot of sodium and whatnot but it's better than pizza and ice cream! If I…
  • I looked this up a long time ago hoping and hoping that dill pickles would have some nutritional value since I was addicted to them. I used to eat one before I went to bed every night rather than dessert! Unfortunately, all they have is a boatload of sodium and about 5-10 calories per pickle. I have weaned myself off of…
  • Another excellent point, hadn't thought of that.