How to lose 5 pounds a week.



  • Skolls081102
    Losing 5 lbs is totally normal for someone who has an overweight or obese BMI. Someone who is considered a healthy BMI cannot lose weight at this rate. it's impossible.... period!

    Please people, don't give advice if you dont have the answer from a proper sourse.

    I hope this was not directed at my post... I'm confused....I apologoize if I misunderstood your post. It's the lack of
  • kmm7309
    kmm7309 Posts: 802 Member
    Losing 5 lbs is totally normal for someone who has an overweight or obese BMI. Someone who is considered a healthy BMI cannot lose weight at this rate. it's impossible.... period!

    Please people, don't give advice if you dont have the answer from a proper sourse.

    I hope this was not directed at my post... I'm confused....I apologoize if I misunderstood your post. It's the lack of

    No, I think it was directed to the people who tell you your loss is unhealthy. But they were also reminding people in a healthier range not to EXPECT these results.
  • ronieslp
    ronieslp Posts: 12 Member
    Congratulations on your success. I too have lost weight of more than 5 lbs a week when I began losing weight. I started at 270 lbs and was forced to change my diet because I was diagnosed with gastritis (inflammation of the stomach lining). This is very painful and feels like acid reflux. I change my diet completely to whole foods and good fats (olive oils, avocado and real butter). At that time I didn't count calories. I just ate a lot of fruits, veggies, real cheeses, fish, chicken and minimal red meats. I joined a gym, hired a trainer and went to as many classes that I could fit into my schedule. I also drank tons of water. Drink half your weight in ounces of wNater. In just over one year I weighed 142 lbs and wore a size 8. I've never been a size 8. I became more active and started to play softball again. Well last July I sustained a knee injury and stopped working out. The result was a 40 lb gain.

    Now I am here because I found my motivation again, joined my local gym and now counting calories and optimal nutrition. I started this past Monday and my body is responding well to the whole foods and exercise. As of this morning I have lost 8 lbs even though I began my period yesterday, and we know we always gain a couple of pounds. I believe if The Biggest Loser contestants can lose more than 2 lbs a week so can I.

    I just wanted to share my story too. I wish everyone good luck and good health during their loss.

  • Skolls081102
    Options I said...lack of sleep is a killer. Reread it and I understand. Thanks for all the supportive comments. I like seeing all the success stories on here! Great motivation!
  • cmmull67
    cmmull67 Posts: 170 Member
    I recently had surgery for my apnea (I couldn't wear the mask...made sleep worse), and post-op I lost 15 lbs in 2 weeks. It was that kickstart that led me to want to keep going. I have lost a total of 26 lbs now in 6 weeks, but my pace is more steady at 2 lbs/wk. Glad to hear you are making healthy changes, and your doctor isn't chastising you, but rather encouraging you. As the weight comes off, you will sleep better and have more energy, and you might pace at 4-5 lbs/wk for a few more weeks as you crank up the engine while keeping to a healthy dietary lifestyle. Good luck on you endeavor.
  • sonjavon
    sonjavon Posts: 1,019 Member
    First of all... congratulations on your weight loss and reclaiming your life! So excited for you!

    I think the concern that people express is not necessarily based on "your" situation... but for anyone else who might stumble across your posts. Someone who has 30 lbs to lose will not be able to lose 5 lbs a week, shouldn't expect it and should not try it.

    In my opinion, as long as you are eating well (enough and the right things), exercising (and eating all or most of those calories), drinking water and doing all the right things... and you're losing 5 lbs a week.... WOOOOOHOOOOOO!
  • integrapunk67
    Great topic man!

    It's good to see more people that are losing at this rate. I feel you too though as I have also slowed from that high a number down to 2-3/week, and the smaller I get the harder it will be.

    Keep it up!
  • kasmir8199
    kasmir8199 Posts: 507 Member
    Magnificent! You inspire me and I'm glad you posted your regimen. You're right, a lot of us have specific goals to meet and have no idea how to go about it and are constantly reading about how it is unhealthy to lose more than 1- 2 lbs a week.

    After having my first child, I made a change somewhat like yours to a healthier lifestyle. I was alone at first, having split from my fiance, but soon, I was eating healthier (Weight Watchers at the time - not their foods, but tracking everything I consumed), not eating past 9, doing muay thai martial arts twice a week (sometimes 2 hour sessions twice a week), and getting at least 8 hours of sleep at night. My toddler and I were on schedule! lol We'd both fall asleep around 10pm, like clock-work! it was the best single life experience I've had! I'd lost 40 lbs in 3 months!

    I'm the mother of 2 now, and have been unable to keep up that regimen since relocating. I'm a stay at home mom now, so I don't have that strict schedule that allowed me such structure before. I'm no longer in the city where I studied muay thai (bummer) and there aren't any programs quite like it here. I'm getting back in the gym and creeping toward at fitness addiction that I once had before. I know I can do it again!! I have a lot to lose! :o)

    BTW, a guy doing latin!
  • Mollywater
    Mollywater Posts: 42 Member
    Congrats to you OP! You are awesome!
  • JillyCornwall
    JillyCornwall Posts: 376 Member
    Fantastic, you are an inspiration.......keep doing what you are obviously works......
  • Just1forMe
    Just1forMe Posts: 624 Member
    First of all... congratulations on your weight loss and reclaiming your life! So excited for you!

    I think the concern that people express is not necessarily based on "your" situation... but for anyone else who might stumble across your posts. Someone who has 30 lbs to lose will not be able to lose 5 lbs a week, shouldn't expect it and should not try it.
    Ditto! Congrats and great job. Being a male at your starting weight, 5 lbs a week seems very do-able. Once you get to a healthier BMI, you should expect (& adjust for) your losses to slow down. A woman with 25 lbs to lose should probably be losing at closer to a rate of .5-2 lbs a week.

    Sounds like you are doing everything right...keep up the great work!
  • Mary830
    Mary830 Posts: 64
    Now I am not saying by any stretch of the imagination that everyone out there should go lose 5 pounds a week. For some people, it would be unhealthy. I myself, have already slowed of right now, I will be lucky to lose 1-2 pounds this week. I know this was rather long and I apologize (but also thank you for reading all of it). My point is this...we are all here to get healthy. And we all want to help each other out. But we all have to remember that sometimes the best advice is..."sorry, I can't help you. You really should talk to your Doctor and get a medical opinion on that."

    Thanks for sharing your story and your success so far. It sounds like your body has been adjusting to your new, healthier lifestyle with some very motivating results. Best of luck to you on the rest of your journey- it sounds like you've got a great attitude and mindset and I know that can take people far.
    I will say that most doctor got 2 days training on nutrition!!! We see people here that their doctor put them on a 900 cals a day. Go to a specialist that is not trying to sell you something.

    I'm a little confused by this. I agree that most doctors do not specialize in nutrition- so I am not disagreeing with your point but... :::pops the next bag of calorie-free drama popcorn for the on-lookers:::

    Wouldn't a specialist be trying to sell you something? They're trying to sell you on themselves, an their experience.

    I know that when I went from being an employee at a gym to being a personal trainer, my focus did shift to "selling" (to a certain extent) Where previously I was offering advice and encouragement for the sole purpose of being motivating and friendly, once I "specialized" I began offering advice and encouragement to be motivating, friendly and *hopefully* getting paid.

    That said- I'm the worlds worst personal trainer when it comes to bringing in a paycheck! I genuinely want to see people succeed, and gave away way too many free sessions just because I liked being helpful.:laugh:
  • downtome
    downtome Posts: 529 Member
    Hmmmm.....I started out at 315 pounds on Nov.26th and I'm doing almost everything you have been doing and I'm not losing 5 pounds a week?! However, I have lost 47 pounds in just under 3 1/2 months which I think is very good! Maybe if I were to be extremely strict and NOT allow myself a cheat meal once or twice a week, I might lose more than 2-3 pounds a week as well! I am very happy with my progress so far because I believe that if I were to be very strict, I wouldn't have been able to come this far by not allowing myself the foods that I love such as Mexican, Pizza, Chinnese or Dark Chocolate bars every so often. I know that I can and will lose the remaining 108 pounds by this time next year.I even plateaued at 30 pounds lost for 3 long weeks straight but I kept going. I am doing it the healthy and realistic way too and I feel so much better now. I know I still have a long journy ahead but I have not lost one ounce of motivation and I plan to continue moving forward. Of course I would love to lose 5 pounds a week no matter how unhealthy some might think it is, but I know that it's just not realistic for me as some days I eat more calories than others and allow for those cheat meals and thats Ok with me, I get to enjoy anything I want to eat pretty much within reason, exercise and STILL lose a good sum of weight each week and that to me is exciting! I do have to stay away from ice cream though, especially Ben & Jerry's....LOL, I would probally lose control and B & J and it has soooooo many calories, just not worth wasting my whole day for. Before I started this healthier way of eating, I had a severe Ben & Jerry's addiction, eating 2-3 pints a day most days of the week, I'm embarrassed to admit that but that was my drug of choice to ease my pain but not anymore, those days are over. I wouldn't trade this feeling of having lost weight for that feeling ever again! Another thing that I would like to add is that as you lose weight, I believe that when you hit plateaus it's becasue your body is adjusting to the wieght loss, then after sometime, it starts moving along again....thank goodness for that, and I know there will be more to come. Ok, enough rambling from me, I just wanted to share my excitement and how great I feel. I honestly can't believe that I have come this far, all I can say for that is, it's about time I finally made the decision to become healthy and exercise, it was long, long over due! Keep up the great work everyone and as always, stay focused and stay motivated! AND thanks for the continued support and inspiration I get here from all the MFP'ers. Hugs to you all! :)
  • lmclaine
    lmclaine Posts: 61 Member
    I could have written this post--almost identical to my journey so except for the 5 lbs/wk. I also started on January 2nd and discovered MFP soon after. I have been counting calories and documenting everything I consume. That alone has helped tremendously. I walk about 3-3.5 miles during my lunch break at least 3 days/wk. I was averaging 2.2 lbs/week lost although I have hit a wall and not lost anything for 2 weeks, I hope that changes next week so I won't get discouraged. My biggest problem has been staying under 1,500 calories/day. I bet I was doing 2,500-3,000 easy. It's a tough adjustment.

    I will admit that I still eat many of the same foods, I haven't converted to berries, nuts and granola bars. I find that as long as I watch portions and stay in my calorie count, I lose weight. Thank goodness for this app/website, it really makes you scrutinize what you are eating and helps to learn what's in the foods you eat--not just calories.

    Thanks for all the support!
  • socialite51
    Congratulations on your weight lose.
  • Shay127
    Shay127 Posts: 16 Member
    Good for you! Keep doing what you are doing!! I am a ZUMBA instructor and it's an amazing workout!! Don't be ashamed =)
  • kettlewitch
    kettlewitch Posts: 277 Member
    35lb in 8 weeks and I'm averaging 4 lb a week now. I work out and I don't eat back my exercise calories, ever. Shock horror! It may be bad for me but not as bad as being over 300 lb with diabetes and a fatty liver. My doctor's attitude is get it iff as quickly as you can as you are morbidly obese and will die if you keep it up. That's the reality and I don't care about starvation mode cos from where I'm sitting, I don't see people who are really starving staying fat. If I felt Ill then I'd eat more, but I don't. If I looked Ill then I'd eat more, but I don't. Thanks to the OP and hope you get to your goal in whatever way works for you
  • stormieweather
    stormieweather Posts: 2,549 Member
    If I ate nothing all day (I burn 2000 calories a day so that would be a 2000 calorie a day deficit), I still couldn't lose 5 pounds a week. I'd have to add another 500 calorie a day workout (still while eating nothing) in order to achieve that.

    So I don't know how you did it, but congratulations anyway!
  • Swilson87
    Swilson87 Posts: 139
    The body responds to whatever is being used to stimulate a response. If you eat tons of unhealthy calories, it responds by putting on a lot of weight. If you clean your intake up, it responds by getting rid of that weight. The one thing thats hard to control is how much, or how fast it rids itself of that weight. As long as the intake is enough, there is very little to worry about.

    One of the main reasons loosing too much weight too fast has been called taboo, is the fear of muscle loss. I've been around the powerlifting and bodybuilding game for a long time. However, I've seen bodybuilding coaches take clients and put them on 1500 calorie diets that include only cardio. They don't even worry about building muscle until the fat is gone. So if the body drops 5,10,15, even 20 lbs in a week, and you are doing everything right, it's not a big deal at all. If we could regulate our weight loss, who would have weeks where we lose nothing, or just 1 lb?
  • Iceskatefanrn
    Iceskatefanrn Posts: 489 Member
    What a great post, thank you so much for sharing!

    Obviously you are taking great care of your body, and yes, you do need to be ready for the slower loss as well as the "plateau" weeks that may come. But that's when we need to focus on the other benefits - more energy, better sleep, general overall "feeling better"!

    I completely agree with the message you are sending - 5lbs/week IS completely acceptable for you where you are right now, and there are others losing at that rate too - with healthy eating and exercise, of course. So the message - everyone's body will respond in their own way to heatlhy eating and exercise - but it's allllllllllllllllllll good!!!

    I agree that many doctors don't know AS MUCH about nutrition as a nutritionist or a dietitian - but most of them are not complete idiots, and I'm pretty sure most would recognize someone who was damaging their health by starving. And when I go back to my doc after losing weight and getting in shape, I want him to measure my health status in his way - reviewing my labwork, blood pressure, heart activity - AND MY WEIGHT and BMI. Having your doc's stamp of approval on your 5lbs/week weight loss is the RIGHT way to go, your doc must be completely thrilled!

    On a personal level, as much as I envy your rate of pounds lost, I'm totally happy with my 6lbs down so far. Those of us that lose at a rate of 0.5 - 2lbs/week can also be totally happy with that! 'Cause here's the thing - time passes, and even though when losing weight it seems slow, it really passes pretty quickly. I mean, if we all think about 1 year ago, what we were doing, it seems like YESTERDAY! Well, ONE YEAR from NOW, me writing this post will SEEM LIKE YESTERDAY - EXCEPT by then I WILL BE at my goal weight, no matter how slowly I got there!

    Congratulations on all the LOSERS that posted here - keep up the good work, and celebrate your losses, no matter if they are at the pace of the tortoise or the hare!

    And you, Mike S - get you some of those Zumba pants with the tassels on the butt - I mean, if your gonna Zumba, you might as well go all out!

