Yayyy Xxx
I have no idea what heavy lifting with compounds is.... Yes I weigh everything :) I try to stick to the food in the nutrition booklet and turn it into english versions haha
Thank You all for the advice :) x
I feel so tired haha. Hopefully its the swelling case then! Thank you for the kind words :) x
Thank You, Im not feeling any happiness at the moment, just cravings for chocolate hahah xx
Thank You, Ive stuck to it and competed day 5 of week 2 :) x
Yeah Im not sure why the pictures came up so small and I know the flash doesn't help. I have exercised for quite a while now mostly weights and around 25 minutes of cardio 5-6 days a week so this is completely different. The biggest change is my diet though which is why i expected more of a change in my body cos I used to…
Thank You, Im definitley going to try and keep going :)
I've already added you both but for anyone else who logs on and reads this post then I'm a fellow Brit :) xx
The Dr who used to be amazing and referred me to the counsellor has now left :( All the others at my surgery are terrible! I feel too embarrassed to go again and try :( So when im giving up sugars, should i be giving up fruit or low fat yogurts etc? There are no OA near me unfortunatly. I have seriously looked in to…
THANK YOU ALL SO MUCH FOR YOUR REPLIES!! I wake up every morning telling myself "no sugar today" but I have obviously failed miserably. I had counselling for my depression but it did no good, I also talked about eating with her. I went to the drs today and told him " Im struggling with my eating habits" He completely…
I havent logged the binges on this thread so far but Im doing really well. Id say ive had 3 this month so fair at the most! x
Im exactly the same with setting a date to binge, So im trying to space it for example ill be really happy with myself if I can go 2 weeks without binging, then 3, then 4 etc etc x
Woop Woop thats brilliant well done! I might pinch the work sheet idea off you, Need to kick this binge eating in the butt! Well done again x
Im also in the cycle of dieting and bingeing etc but am trying my best to get over it for example I make sure I am around people as much as possible because I usually binge in private. Also my next goal is to share everything I buy etc so I find it harder to binge! Good Luck xxx
Heyy im Ellie, ive only had binge eating since having my daughter and go through cycles of dieting and bingeing so trying to get myself out of that cycle x
Sorry this is a late reply, but you can do it. Believe in yourself!!!! Virtual hugggg` xxx
Thanks and now the craving has gone. Just proves that I needed to give it time. I have this wicked sheet that says as soon as you are feeling a craving/binge . how do you feel? What are the positives and negatives of eating the food? Leave it 10,20,30,40,50,60 minutes etc etc its really good, Ill try and put a pic or link…
Im pretty good at drinking enough water. I have a bottle of 600ml and make sure i fill it and finish it atleast 4 times a day x
Sorry im only just starting this :)) Day 12, Why do I binge? I literally have no idea, I think I cut everything out and that makes me want it soooo much more
You will, we all will, and have people have shown here, it can be beaten! xxxx
There is loads of self help websites but im having the same problem as you trying to get help but am on "waiting lists" all the time x
I haven't beaten it yet but want you to know you can add me if you like. Mine have been particuarly bad recently as well but keep going. every day is a fresh start!!! xxxx
Not doing very well this month so far. Very very stressed! Me -2 Binge - 3 Grrr
Thank You all :) You all seem like brill support! xx
Binge -1 Me - 1
Hiya all, sorry ive only just got round to replying! I definitely do keep myself busy with my little girl, shes the most hyper child i have ever met haha! I am back to a different dr next week instead of the one that told me i needed "prioritise my health" because of the appointment times they were giving me were when i…
Heya, thanks for the reply. I have suffered from anxiety and depression in the past and been on citalopram and off it And now back on due to depression. I feel similar to you but my Counsellor doesnt realise it's such a big issue and I'm to embarrassed to keep bringing it up xx
I'm 5"4 21 with a 14 month told. I reached my goal then put some neck on so I'm at around 127 now. Anyone feel free to add me xx