Im really disheartened!!!

Ive been doing insanity for 2 weeks now, Eating lots of protein (check my diary) And if anything I look fatter :( I feel so rubbish and its really getting me down!

This is day 1



And this is now




  • Hansonian
    Hansonian Posts: 78 Member
    Don't be disheartened! If it's only your second week, you're probably just building muscle. I did Insanity 2 years ago and when I started, I definitely gained bulk from my muscle. My fat was coming off, but not as quickly as I was building muscle. Give it another 2-4 weeks. That's about how long it took for me to notice how much leaner I was!
  • LKArgh
    LKArgh Posts: 5,179 Member
    You cannot have visible results in 2 weeks, no matter what exercise you are doing.
  • brianpperkins
    brianpperkins Posts: 6,124 Member
    Don't be disheartened! If it's only your second week, you're probably just building muscle. I did Insanity 2 years ago and when I started, I definitely gained bulk from my muscle. My fat was coming off, but not as quickly as I was building muscle. Give it another 2-4 weeks. That's about how long it took for me to notice how much leaner I was!

    You added bulk in two weeks? Let me guess ... you did it while eating a caloric deficit too? Laws of physics be damned.
  • Hansonian
    Hansonian Posts: 78 Member
    Don't be disheartened! If it's only your second week, you're probably just building muscle. I did Insanity 2 years ago and when I started, I definitely gained bulk from my muscle. My fat was coming off, but not as quickly as I was building muscle. Give it another 2-4 weeks. That's about how long it took for me to notice how much leaner I was!

    You added bulk in two weeks? Let me guess ... you did it while eating a caloric deficit too? Laws of physics be damned.

    Don't misunderstand - I didn't get ripped or any nonsense like that, but I definitely noticed my stomach got a little bigger (since I had no muscle under my flab) and because I started doing Insanity from just an occasional jog around the neighborhood, I saw results a lot faster than someone who is already in shape. Also, I'm sure my stomach looking bigger had to do with the fact that I drank significant amounts of more water! Yay water weight! :p
  • jwdieter
    jwdieter Posts: 2,582 Member
    Lighting and time of day can impact photo comparisons. Time of month for women as well. Hydration level, etc. Try to keep all those constant if possible.

    In any case, probably not much has happened in two weeks. Nothing to worry about. Fitness is a long-term deal.
  • brianpperkins
    brianpperkins Posts: 6,124 Member
    Don't be disheartened! If it's only your second week, you're probably just building muscle. I did Insanity 2 years ago and when I started, I definitely gained bulk from my muscle. My fat was coming off, but not as quickly as I was building muscle. Give it another 2-4 weeks. That's about how long it took for me to notice how much leaner I was!

    You added bulk in two weeks? Let me guess ... you did it while eating a caloric deficit too? Laws of physics be damned.

    Don't misunderstand - I didn't get ripped or any nonsense like that, but I definitely noticed my stomach got a little bigger (since I had no muscle under my flab) and because I started doing Insanity from just an occasional jog around the neighborhood, I saw results a lot faster than someone who is already in shape. Also, I'm sure my stomach looking bigger had to do with the fact that I drank significant amounts of more water! Yay water weight! :p

    So you didn't bulk ... you may have bloated but without measurements there is no way to tell.
  • FromHereOnOut
    FromHereOnOut Posts: 3,237 Member
    Muscles retaining water (for repair) appear "puffy" and can also influence weight upwards.
    You're only 2 weeks in. Stick with it. :flowerforyou:
  • SrJoben
    SrJoben Posts: 484 Member
    I can't see anything in these photos. They are the size of postage stamps.
  • EricMurano
    EricMurano Posts: 825 Member
    Just keep at it. Just keep the exercise and diet planning as a part of your routine and get on with life.

    If you don't see progress in 4 weeks then change something. Assess your plan and see what you can do to make it work better.
  • Southernsass6885
    Southernsass6885 Posts: 100 Member
    It's only been two weeks, honey. I've been at this for 9 weeks straight, and I haven't lost ANY pounds. I only JUST lost three quarters of an inch in my stomach this past month. Don't quit because you don't see the results. I will say I FEEL great. I LOVE the feeling after I run. I love the feeling after eating clean for long periods of time. Yes, we all want to look fantastic in jeans, a bikini, etc. But seriously, the feeling of being healthy is worth more than any of it.
  • _Terrapin_
    _Terrapin_ Posts: 4,301 Member
    OP--your pics look like your in the next county. And 2 weeks, give it time and take measurements so you have something to compare and contrast. Best of luck, and you are just going to need to be patient.
  • SezxyStef
    SezxyStef Posts: 15,268 Member
    definately not bulking or building muscle...

    just water retention I suspect...usually takes about 3 weeks for that to go away.
  • bird922
    bird922 Posts: 28 Member
    Don't let that feeling discourage you. It will take longer than a couple of weeks to look stronger. However, can I ask, do you feel stronger? I was once told that when you fatigue your muscles they swell some. That may be what you are noticing. I do think you must feel better, right? Usually that feeling is what keeps me motivated, the feeling of knowing I'm doing the right thing and feeling stronger even if the scale doesn't go down or the pants don't get looser. Being fit is not just being a size (fill in the blank here) but more of what you are actually doing. Try to not be discouraged and feel great about the fact that you are doing the right things. Everything else will fall into place. Embrace your journey.
  • EllieYuruker
    EllieYuruker Posts: 54 Member
    Thank You, Im definitley going to try and keep going :)
    Don't be disheartened! If it's only your second week, you're probably just building muscle. I did Insanity 2 years ago and when I started, I definitely gained bulk from my muscle. My fat was coming off, but not as quickly as I was building muscle. Give it another 2-4 weeks. That's about how long it took for me to notice how much leaner I was!
  • EllieYuruker
    EllieYuruker Posts: 54 Member
    Lighting and time of day can impact photo comparisons. Time of month for women as well. Hydration level, etc. Try to keep all those constant if possible.

    In any case, probably not much has happened in two weeks. Nothing to worry about. Fitness is a long-term deal.

    Yeah Im not sure why the pictures came up so small and I know the flash doesn't help.

    I have exercised for quite a while now mostly weights and around 25 minutes of cardio 5-6 days a week so this is completely different. The biggest change is my diet though which is why i expected more of a change in my body cos I used to eat rubbish!
  • EllieYuruker
    EllieYuruker Posts: 54 Member
    Muscles retaining water (for repair) appear "puffy" and can also influence weight upwards.
    You're only 2 weeks in. Stick with it. :flowerforyou:

    Thank You, Ive stuck to it and competed day 5 of week 2 :) x
  • EllieYuruker
    EllieYuruker Posts: 54 Member
    It's only been two weeks, honey. I've been at this for 9 weeks straight, and I haven't lost ANY pounds. I only JUST lost three quarters of an inch in my stomach this past month. Don't quit because you don't see the results. I will say I FEEL great. I LOVE the feeling after I run. I love the feeling after eating clean for long periods of time. Yes, we all want to look fantastic in jeans, a bikini, etc. But seriously, the feeling of being healthy is worth more than any of it.

    Thank You, Im not feeling any happiness at the moment, just cravings for chocolate hahah xx
  • EllieYuruker
    EllieYuruker Posts: 54 Member
    Don't let that feeling discourage you. It will take longer than a couple of weeks to look stronger. However, can I ask, do you feel stronger? I was once told that when you fatigue your muscles they swell some. That may be what you are noticing. I do think you must feel better, right? Usually that feeling is what keeps me motivated, the feeling of knowing I'm doing the right thing and feeling stronger even if the scale doesn't go down or the pants don't get looser. Being fit is not just being a size (fill in the blank here) but more of what you are actually doing. Try to not be discouraged and feel great about the fact that you are doing the right things. Everything else will fall into place. Embrace your journey.

    I feel so tired haha. Hopefully its the swelling case then! Thank you for the kind words :) x
  • EllieYuruker
    EllieYuruker Posts: 54 Member
    Thank You all for the advice :) x
  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member
    Don't be disheartened! If it's only your second week, you're probably just building muscle. I did Insanity 2 years ago and when I started, I definitely gained bulk from my muscle. My fat was coming off, but not as quickly as I was building muscle. Give it another 2-4 weeks. That's about how long it took for me to notice how much leaner I was!

    You added bulk in two weeks? Let me guess ... you did it while eating a caloric deficit too? Laws of physics be damned.

    Don't misunderstand - I didn't get ripped or any nonsense like that, but I definitely noticed my stomach got a little bigger (since I had no muscle under my flab) and because I started doing Insanity from just an occasional jog around the neighborhood, I saw results a lot faster than someone who is already in shape. Also, I'm sure my stomach looking bigger had to do with the fact that I drank significant amounts of more water! Yay water weight! :p

    you lost body fat which revealed existing muscle….

    insanity is not the kind of program that is going to lead to mass gains….