auntsammy88 Member


  • I do like granola, but this one has a ton of added sugar (something I'm trying to avoid). The thing that takes the tang out for me,personally, is the extract and cinnamon combination (haven't tried either by themselves to figure out the real hero here.)
  • Monday- 30 minutes Tuesday- 30 minutes Wednesday-rest Thursday- 30 minutes Friday- 20 minutes Saturday- Rest Sunday- 30 minutes aerobics Total for week 2: 4 days of at least 30 minutes, Water Met Challenge met for 14 of 90 days so far.
  • Today was 20 minute dog walk. Water Met.
  • Day 11 : 15 minutes aerobics + 15 minutes yoga= 30 minutes, water met.
  • Day 10: rest day. water met
  • Day 9: 20 minute dog walk. 10 minute yoga. 30 minutes complete. Water met. The baby is telling me "Eat all the foods. Then take a nap." I had high hopes for this week, but it's turning into less exercise than last week. It's still meeting the challenge though, so hello self love! I moved today! :)
  • Day 8: 20 minute walk with the dog and 15 minute yoga practice consisting of a lot of balance, hip openers, and forward bends. Total 35 minutes. Water intake done. Really feeling tired today. Peanut must be telling mommy he/she needs a nap. :)
  • Recap: Day 1: 90 minutes, water met Day 2: 50 minutes, water met, Day 3: Rest Day, Water Met, Day 4: 90 minutes, water met Day 5: 30 minutes, water met, Day 6: 50 minutes, water met. Day 7 was a rest day for me, but I did meet my water intake. So for week 1 I have: 5/7 days at least 30 minutes of exercise. 7/7 days Water…
  • Recap: Day 1: 90 minutes, water met Day 2: 50 minutes, water met, Day 3: Rest Day, Water Met, Day 4: 90 minutes, water met Day 5: 30 minutes, water met. Day 6: I did Jessica Smith TV's 20 minute prenatal cardio workout (youtube) and I did 30 minutes of the Ashtanga Primary series (sun salutations a and b, all standing and…
  • I'll be 12 weeks on Monday. It is called "2016 90 day challenge" and it's under the challenges section of the myfitnesspal discussions. Basically, the goal is to do 30-60 minutes of exercise 4-6 days a week (switching up what you do as much as possible), drink 1/2 your body weight in ounces of water a day, and practice…
  • Age: 27 Height: 5'4 Prepregnancy weight: 130 Due: July 25, 2016 Goal to gain: 25-35 (ish) lbs atm, but will ask doc at next appointment to be certain. 7 wks: 135 (afternoon) 10 wk: 133 (morning) 11 Wk: 132 (morning)/134-135 (afternoon) Total: +2lb Is it weird to have lost a pound with no morning sickess? Maybe a difference…
  • How's everyone doing? Everyone feeling ok? I've been doing a 90 day exercise and water challenge which has really helped me to stay motivated to be active and hydrated. Still trying to get right on the macros, but not worrying too much. When is everyone's next appointment?
  • Day 5: I kind of put together my own restorative/prenatal yoga practice using various poses and ideas from some of the videos and classes I've taken. I honestly didn't want to exercise at all today, but knowing I was doing this challenge helped me to keep going. So I did 30 minutes of yoga today. Water goal met. The peanut…
  • Today I did 60 minutes of Ashtanga primary series that I have modified for prenatal. I also took the pup on a 30 minute walk. So total of 90 minutes. Water goal is well past met. Recap: Day 1: 90 minutes, water met Day 2: 50 minutes, water met, Day 3: Rest Day, Water Met, Day 4: 90 minutes, water met.
  • Day 1: 90 minutes,water met Day 2: 50 minutes, water met Day 3: Rest Day, water met
  • Right now I'm set to 20 P 30 F 50 C. I believe I set it that way when I was researching for maintenance and strength training that I was doing. I haven't researched for pregnancy yet, but might change if I find sufficient evidence that something should be a higher or lower percentage. I'm really not that great at keeping…
  • I ended up adding a prenatal aerobics/pilates video to this for 40 more minutes yesterday. Today I was really feeling it, so I decided to have an "active rest" by doing a more traditional prenatal yoga video (70 minute total, but I only counted 50). Water goal met again for today! So recap: Day 1: 90 minutes, water met Day…
  • If you're worried about homogenization, you can buy nonhomogenized milk. Examples would be organic valley grassmilk or Kalona Super natural. I know that Kalona super natural also makes butter. Not sure on cheese or yogurt though.
  • Challenge day 1! The peanut and I are hitting the road running! Today I modified the ashtanga primary series for pregnancy (50 minutes). I'll be walking the pup (20ish minutes- 1 mile) after dinner. I've met the water goal and will probably go over. Current weight 133, half weight in ounces 66.5.
  • Right now I'm walking the pup daily (a big change from the last few weeks with extreme fatigue). I'm so happy to have our walkies again. Also doing prenatal yoga. Today I modified the ashtanga yoga primary series to be safe for prenatal. It made me feel like myself again to be doing (mostly) my normal routine. Still…
  • We're due date twins! I'm due July 25th with my first little one. I'm not a low carber, but excited to try to improve my diet choices, continue increased water intake, and keep up/increase exercise.
  • 11 weeks today with baby #1. Any mama's to be can feel free to add me. Trying to keep up with exercise, water intake, nutrients, and not go overboard on the calories.
  • The fetus and I are in for this one! Here's to a healthy and hydrated pregnancy!
  • I really like la croix sparkling water. It's carbonated and flavored, but doesn't have any sweeteners at all. It's great for when you want something fizzy without the soda. Canada Dry also makes a similar product that is less expensive and is good. I think Dasani does too. There are also still waters with flavor and no…
  • Right now, I'm going with Dr appointment measurements, but I'll be measuring in the mornings starting week 11. Age: 27 Height: 5'4 Prepregnancy weight: 130 Due: July 25, 2016 Goal to gain: 25-35 (ish) lbs atm, but will ask doc at next appointment to be certain. 7 wks: 135 (afternoon) 10 wk: 133 (morning) Total: +3lb
  • Hi ladies! I'm 10wk5days with my first blessing right now. So far the pregnancy is progressing well, but I am determined to get back in action with healthier diet and exercise. I've been on and off the calorie counting bandwagon, but prior to pregnancy was able to lose and maintain my goal weight for quite a while. Right…
  • Back from vacation #1. Yesterday the pup and I did an extra long walk and then I went for a bike ride with the hubs.
  • Hi guys. I'm still around just on vacation so I've only been logging exercise. Lots of amusement park walking in my exercise future.
  • Continuing to read through proverbs. Beginning Hebrews.
  • 25 minutes YAYOG+ 25 Minutes Walking= 50 minutes 13.45/24 hours