nelster Member


  • Maybe you could explain to or show your wife how you can be friends and see each others updates each day and write encouraging notes to each other. My husband and I are both doing it and I like to see what comes up about him. It is something that we share even when he is at work all day.
  • Ronald Reagan used to say that splitting wood warmed a man twice. I am sure it is good exercise for you and provides for your family. Good on ya!
  • Good job so far! Hang in there and keep at it. Try just doing a little bit more every day and your body will continue to adjust.
  • Congratulations to you and to your grandparents!
  • Great job to both of you!
  • Thank you for all your service and sacrifices. Mfp really works! Enjoy.
  • That is awesome! I think if we are working hard at taking care of ourselves, the maturity of life can indeed make us look more beautiful than we did in our youth. Congratulations!
  • Children are a blessing from the Lord! Psalm 127:4 Like arrows in the hands of a warrior are children born in one’s youth.
  • Good job! Keep at it. Set lots of short goals and be proud of what you have accomplished!
  • My records do not go that far back, but the '00 and '01 had transmission issues. Check to see if the '99 used the same transmission. Probably more important to be able to confirm that maintenance records were kept on the vehicle.
  • I work in my garden hoeing corn and usually log it under "gardening, general" which seems pretty ambiguous, but at least it is counting something. It logs 256 calories in an hour. I think I sometimes work harder than that, but "gardening" could be just about anything. I guess I just try to be honest with myself and…
  • I do make my own yogurt! I love it. I use plain all natural yogurt from the store as a beginner culture and I fortunately have access to fresh raw cow milk so I use that instead of store milk but it works with either. I started after watching this video, but it is a bit confusing. I watched it several times, then wrote out…
  • Great job! I hope you win the first place prize. Also, thrilled to see Philippians 4:13 as your verse. Praise God!
  • I snack on peanuts through the day; just a small handful leaves me feeling content for quite a while. I also found that drinking tea or something just slightly sweetened helps in addition to all the water I am drinking. Often it doesn't take much to stop the hunger, but knowing how to portion isn't always easy. Sometimes,…
  • My husband prefers baked spaghetti. It is just your regular spaghetti with sauce recipe, cooked and ready to go, but then baked in a pyrex dish for 30 min or so. I use wheat pasta because it is healthier, sometimes I use pesto instead of tomato sauce, and I put shredded cheese on most of it (I leave part of it cheese-free…
  • Way to go! That is really awesome!
  • Talk to your friend and explain your situation to her. Ask for her help and encouragement with portion control and exercise. Maybe she will be thrilled to be able to help you as well as enjoy time together. She is your best friend, right? Hope you have a great time together!
  • Those are good vegetables to start with. I have gardened many years, although not in tubs, but they require the same important things. Start with good soil. Fertilize at least every two weeks. Water well and often as tubs will dry out quickly (simply feel the soil--if the soil is dry it needs to be watered.) Allow a good 8…