Why did you have kids?

Thamantha Posts: 102 Member
So there have been a couple posts today on why people got married... and the one thing which often follows on the heels of marriage is children. So I was wondering what motivated people to have children.


  • demery12371
    demery12371 Posts: 253 Member
  • Tankplanker
    Tankplanker Posts: 365 Member
    We discussed, planned, and saved up for about 12 months before trying for a baby (this was about six years into our relationship and we'd been living together for five of those six years), we got very lucky and caught with boy/girl twins the first month. They are now ten years old, goes so fast!

    Wanting kids was something we had completely agreed on from early in the relationship. I can't define why I wanted kids just that I felt a deep seated need to have kids. I am really glad we did as I find it so rewarding bringing up children.
  • xoTLCxo
    xoTLCxo Posts: 185 Member
    Sometimes it is not planned but soooooooooooooo meant to be :)
    I love my Hannah banana who is 6 and my step daughter Samantha ( sweet pea) who is 12
  • joehempel
    joehempel Posts: 1,761 Member
    To have someone to mow my lawn when I get old. :)
  • cklbrown
    cklbrown Posts: 4,696 Member
    We planned one of our children. Got 3 bonus ones!
  • Brownski860
    Brownski860 Posts: 361 Member
    Another question, how old is too old to start having kids.... By the looks of it... I wont have time to start trying until i'm 35, and we want 3-4 kids....

    *I'm 33 now and want to be married first*
  • HollyMcCaw
    HollyMcCaw Posts: 154 Member
    To have someone to mow my lawn when I get old. :)

    Lol you'll be lucky if they do it !
  • blink1021
    blink1021 Posts: 1,118 Member
    I can honestly say that mine was not planned in fact I really didn't care if I ever had children. I was one of those who said great if it happened and great if it didn't. My husband said he wanted at least 3. Well 4 years into our marriage we thought we just could not have children because nothing happened and we weren't careful. Then out of the blue we had our son he will be 8 in October and we have been trying for our 2nd for 1 year (not looking like it will happen). Believe me 1 is hard enough.
  • nelster
    nelster Posts: 19 Member
    Children are a blessing from the Lord!
    Psalm 127:4
    Like arrows in the hands of a warrior are children born in one’s youth.
  • MicMar66
    MicMar66 Posts: 186 Member
    To have someone to mow my lawn when I get old. :)

    Don't forget shoveling snow and raking leaves!
  • blink1021
    blink1021 Posts: 1,118 Member
    To have someone to mow my lawn when I get old. :)

    Funny you say that because my son complains and asks why he has to clean the bathroom or do dishes and my answer to him is that is why I had him so he could clean my house :)
  • donnadaniels
    donnadaniels Posts: 11 Member
    My parents used to tell me that they had kids for slaves..
    Personally for me, I can remember always wanting kids. Words cannot describe the feeling a mom gets when they hold that child the first time, or any firsts for that matter. Truly.. to have someone look to you like your child or the unconditional love that they give.. just an all over great feeling!
  • suzycreamcheese
    suzycreamcheese Posts: 1,766 Member
    god knows. Seemed like a good idea at the time :|
  • lausa22
    lausa22 Posts: 467 Member
    Even if I'm 18, I can't wait to be a mum when I'm older. I've grown up with loads of young children (the oldest is now 4) and I've been there throughout each and every family members pregnancy and I loved it, so I can't wait until it's my turn hahaha.
    But, I want to finish University first, have a steady job for a few years and have a place with my boyfriend before even trying for children.
  • MrsSWW
    MrsSWW Posts: 1,590 Member
    I've never wanted kids, could never imagine myself as a mother, though I know I'd be a good one. I have dogs instead (3 of them), and I couldn't be happier!!!
  • ambie35
    ambie35 Posts: 853 Member
    If your not planning on trying till your 35 I would really talk to your doctor,the risks of birth defects and other complications greatly increase after this age. That being said,I know plenty of people that have healthily delivered healthy babies into their 40's. Good to see you MFP now,before you plan on having children.A healthy body and mind will make the whole process easier and safer for you.
  • angelicdisgrace
    angelicdisgrace Posts: 2,071 Member
    Our baby, who is now 11 was planned. We wanted to enjoy ourselves for a couple of years before having a child. Only one!
  • Brownski860
    Brownski860 Posts: 361 Member
    If your not planning on trying till your 35 I would really talk to your doctor,the risks of birth defects and other complications greatly increase after this age. That being said,I know plenty of people that have healthily delivered healthy babies into their 40's. Good to see you MFP now,before you plan on having children.A healthy body and mind will make the whole process easier and safer for you.

    My BF would prefer me pregnant NOW, howoever we both want to do it the "right" way and get married first. So after wedding planning is done, I'll be 35, he'll be 40 before we have our first... We are both just scared b/c we are older....All the doctors say not to worry but i do b/c i've been on BC for the last 15 yrs
  • Neize
    Neize Posts: 301 Member
    Never wanted kids. But as I got older and met the man of my dreams (at least I thought) I have 2 beautiful kids! My son is headed off to college in 2 weeks so, there goes my yard boy! :laugh: But I'm going to train my daughter who is 14 how to cut the yard although she's asthmatic I'll buy her a mask! :laugh: I was 27 years old when I had my son so, I was more settled and ready for kids.
  • i_love_vinegar
    i_love_vinegar Posts: 2,092 Member
    If your not planning on trying till your 35 I would really talk to your doctor,the risks of birth defects and other complications greatly increase after this age. That being said,I know plenty of people that have healthily delivered healthy babies into their 40's. Good to see you MFP now,before you plan on having children.A healthy body and mind will make the whole process easier and safer for you.

    My BF would prefer me pregnant NOW, howoever we both want to do it the "right" way and get married first. So after wedding planning is done, I'll be 35, he'll be 40 before we have our first... We are both just scared b/c we are older....All the doctors say not to worry but i do b/c i've been on BC for the last 15 yrs

    While I agree with the above, there are a lot of tests that can be done to make sure your child is healthy before the child is born...Not trying to be controversial, but if you believe in abortion and find out your kid will be born unhealthy...I think it is good, since you can get the abortion really early ^.^ My mom had me when she was in her 40's and I think I turned out pretty well...gee...I hope...o__o oh gosh...the possible plight of mfp judgement on what I just said is a bit nerve-wracking xD

    I would say not to worry though, as your doctors said :)