Why did you have kids?



  • chrissym78
    chrissym78 Posts: 628 Member
    LOVE love LOVE my kids! I couldn't wait to have them, my first was born 2 years into our marriage. We have 3 and they are the greatest gift God could have ever given me! I had them between ages 22 and 30 and have no regrets. :)
  • melzteach
    melzteach Posts: 550 Member
    When they ask me if we had kids to do all the chores....we will say yes. When they ask if we were given a book on how to embarrass them we will say yes but never needed to use it...it just came so natural.

    As said before, we just had this need to have a baby. We'd been married a little over a year and got pregnant in a month. It was truly a God thing. With our second, she came a bit sooner than planned but a blessing nonetheless. I love being a parent!
  • phinners
    phinners Posts: 524 Member
    Another question, how old is too old to start having kids.... By the looks of it... I wont have time to start trying until i'm 35, and we want 3-4 kids....

    *I'm 33 now and want to be married first*
    Im just 38 and my hubby is almost 40, we have an 8 month old, and I have a 13 year old :)
  • Karleyyy
    Karleyyy Posts: 857
    I got pregnant at 16 with my daughter Kai...and 18 with my daughter Kalani. My reasoning was just being stupid but they turned out to be the best things that could possibly ever happen to me. I am where I am today because of them. /end sappy story.
  • LilianaGarciia
    LilianaGarciia Posts: 146 Member
    my little boy wasnt planned. But has come into a lovely family and me and his daddy are recently engaged :) .. somethings are ment to be <3
  • suzycreamcheese
    suzycreamcheese Posts: 1,766 Member
    If your not planning on trying till your 35 I would really talk to your doctor,the risks of birth defects and other complications greatly increase after this age. That being said,I know plenty of people that have healthily delivered healthy babies into their 40's. Good to see you MFP now,before you plan on having children.A healthy body and mind will make the whole process easier and safer for you.

    My BF would prefer me pregnant NOW, howoever we both want to do it the "right" way and get married first. So after wedding planning is done, I'll be 35, he'll be 40 before we have our first... We are both just scared b/c we are older....All the doctors say not to worry but i do b/c i've been on BC for the last 15 yrs

    While I agree with the above, there are a lot of tests that can be done to make sure your child is healthy before the child is born...Not trying to be controversial, but if you believe in abortion and find out your kid will be born unhealthy...I think it is good, since you can get the abortion really early ^.^ My mom had me when she was in her 40's and I think I turned out pretty well...gee...I hope...o__o oh gosh...the possible plight of mfp judgement on what I just said is a bit nerve-wracking xD

    I would say not to worry though, as your doctors said :)

    you cant get those sort of tests anywhere near early enough into a pregnancy for it to be able to be classed as an early abortion.
    Most defects cant be picked up till 18/20 weeks, and by then youre halfway through the pregnancy, and any abortion would be a pretty major procedure. Its a tough issue
  • suzycreamcheese
    suzycreamcheese Posts: 1,766 Member
    Your risk of infertility and of problems with the baby does increase after the age of around 30, but the vast majority of cases will be absolutely fine. Its not the ideal age for several reasons, but i wouldnt worry too much either. Just be prepared it might take a lot longer at 35, than it would at 25
  • i_love_vinegar
    i_love_vinegar Posts: 2,092 Member
    If your not planning on trying till your 35 I would really talk to your doctor,the risks of birth defects and other complications greatly increase after this age. That being said,I know plenty of people that have healthily delivered healthy babies into their 40's. Good to see you MFP now,before you plan on having children.A healthy body and mind will make the whole process easier and safer for you.

    My BF would prefer me pregnant NOW, howoever we both want to do it the "right" way and get married first. So after wedding planning is done, I'll be 35, he'll be 40 before we have our first... We are both just scared b/c we are older....All the doctors say not to worry but i do b/c i've been on BC for the last 15 yrs

    While I agree with the above, there are a lot of tests that can be done to make sure your child is healthy before the child is born...Not trying to be controversial, but if you believe in abortion and find out your kid will be born unhealthy...I think it is good, since you can get the abortion really early ^.^ My mom had me when she was in her 40's and I think I turned out pretty well...gee...I hope...o__o oh gosh...the possible plight of mfp judgement on what I just said is a bit nerve-wracking xD

    I would say not to worry though, as your doctors said :)

    you cant get those sort of tests anywhere near early enough into a pregnancy for it to be able to be classed as an early abortion.
    Most defects cant be picked up till 18/20 weeks, and by then youre halfway through the pregnancy, and any abortion would be a pretty major procedure. Its a tough issue

    Oh, I didn't know that -- I thought it was in the 1st trimester, but it's good to know I was misinformed. Thank you!!! I guess just stay stress free when pregnant, eat well, take care of yourself ^.^
  • atsteele
    atsteele Posts: 1,358 Member
    We planned all five of our children (via natural family planning, which has and still works well for us). We aren't planning any more children but I would LOVE to have another baby!! (LOL) I've always loved the dynamics of a big family!
  • atsteele
    atsteele Posts: 1,358 Member
    If your not planning on trying till your 35 I would really talk to your doctor,the risks of birth defects and other complications greatly increase after this age. That being said,I know plenty of people that have healthily delivered healthy babies into their 40's. Good to see you MFP now,before you plan on having children.A healthy body and mind will make the whole process easier and safer for you.

    My BF would prefer me pregnant NOW, howoever we both want to do it the "right" way and get married first. So after wedding planning is done, I'll be 35, he'll be 40 before we have our first... We are both just scared b/c we are older....All the doctors say not to worry but i do b/c i've been on BC for the last 15 yrs

    While I agree with the above, there are a lot of tests that can be done to make sure your child is healthy before the child is born...Not trying to be controversial, but if you believe in abortion and find out your kid will be born unhealthy...I think it is good, since you can get the abortion really early ^.^ My mom had me when she was in her 40's and I think I turned out pretty well...gee...I hope...o__o oh gosh...the possible plight of mfp judgement on what I just said is a bit nerve-wracking xD

    I would say not to worry though, as your doctors said :)

    you cant get those sort of tests anywhere near early enough into a pregnancy for it to be able to be classed as an early abortion.
    Most defects cant be picked up till 18/20 weeks, and by then youre halfway through the pregnancy, and any abortion would be a pretty major procedure. Its a tough issue

    Oh, I didn't know that -- I thought it was in the 1st trimester, but it's good to know I was misinformed. Thank you!!! I guess just stay stress free when pregnant, eat well, take care of yourself ^.^

    I think that if you and your husband want a child, listen to your heart's desire, pray about it and go forth with the understanding that every baby is a gift from God.
  • phinners
    phinners Posts: 524 Member
    If your not planning on trying till your 35 I would really talk to your doctor,the risks of birth defects and other complications greatly increase after this age. That being said,I know plenty of people that have healthily delivered healthy babies into their 40's. Good to see you MFP now,before you plan on having children.A healthy body and mind will make the whole process easier and safer for you.

    My BF would prefer me pregnant NOW, howoever we both want to do it the "right" way and get married first. So after wedding planning is done, I'll be 35, he'll be 40 before we have our first... We are both just scared b/c we are older....All the doctors say not to worry but i do b/c i've been on BC for the last 15 yrs

    While I agree with the above, there are a lot of tests that can be done to make sure your child is healthy before the child is born...Not trying to be controversial, but if you believe in abortion and find out your kid will be born unhealthy...I think it is good, since you can get the abortion really early ^.^ My mom had me when she was in her 40's and I think I turned out pretty well...gee...I hope...o__o oh gosh...the possible plight of mfp judgement on what I just said is a bit nerve-wracking xD

    I would say not to worry though, as your doctors said :)

    you cant get those sort of tests anywhere near early enough into a pregnancy for it to be able to be classed as an early abortion.
    Most defects cant be picked up till 18/20 weeks, and by then youre halfway through the pregnancy, and any abortion would be a pretty major procedure. Its a tough issue

    Oh, I didn't know that -- I thought it was in the 1st trimester, but it's good to know I was misinformed. Thank you!!! I guess just stay stress free when pregnant, eat well, take care of yourself ^.^
    But a lot can be tested for in the 1st trimester, such as Down's Syndrome.
  • jodazary
    jodazary Posts: 144 Member
    i had my first at 20 and my 4th at 25 ! no regrets what so ever they are by far my greatest accomplishment they are well mannered , polite, God fearing, hard working boys one of which has given me 2 beautiful grand daughters
  • FrauHausMaus
    FrauHausMaus Posts: 194
    You mean... you can PLAN for that? :wink:
  • chcoley
    chcoley Posts: 63 Member
    I was pregnant with my oldest daughter when we got married, so I'm no help!
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,708 Member
    To pass on my genes.........................isn't that why we instinctively have them? Lol, my daughter is my life (along with my wife). Joy comes when I see her triumphs and also when I can help her with her downfalls. What the hell am I gonna do when she moves out?
  • dayzeerock
    dayzeerock Posts: 918 Member
    Broken rubber. 'nuff said.
  • KatiePeca
    KatiePeca Posts: 314 Member
    I had a strong innate desire to have children and they are the most amazing blessings in my life! We have four, we planned each pregnancy, though the second pregnancy brough surprise twins, we have always been thrilled to welcome these children into our lives, and the chaos they bring ;) When our twins were 20 days old, our baby A passed away from a collection of heart defects we didn't know about until they were nearly 1week old, and through him we learned that children are gifts, and to be cherished, they aren't guaranteed to us :(

  • tuffytuffy1
    tuffytuffy1 Posts: 920 Member
    I was not sure about having children, but it was a dealbreaker for my then-fiancee. So we got married and waited 4 years before trying for our first (and now only) child. I cannot even explain the love we have for that little boy, he is still my baby, although he is about to go into 1st grade:sad: You will never love anyone as much as you love your child:heart:
  • Cassaaaaandra
    Cassaaaaandra Posts: 184 Member
    My hubs and I got married planning on having children right away. We wanted children because we have experienced a lot in life, we've taken trips, enjoyed vacations, earned our degrees (and I'm still furthering my education after two kids) and we wanted to share our happiness and love with a family we created out of our love for one another.

    A few weeks ago we welcomed our second son into the world.
  • casey12105
    casey12105 Posts: 293
    Underage drinking a hot older guy and stupidity lol, but it was the best mistake ever. With the one I'm cooking now, I got pregnant last year accidentally (birth control fail) and miscarried, before that I didn't want anymore kids but I had gotten excited about it before I lost it, so we decided to try for another one.