

  • Mine's 4 and I still feel like this. I'm a single mom, I work full time, go to school full time, and commute a total of three hours a day. I have no idea how I'm going to find time to work out. :ohwell:
  • I usually just use the circuit. It's nice and quick since I don't have to set anything up and I like the movement control because my joints are awful. I'll do one set on each machine without stopping so I can keep my heart rate up, then go around and do the whole circuit one or two more times.
  • I'm kinda the same with my parents making me do things. It's taken years and lots of hard lessons for me to learn that discipline and self-control are requirements for me to be successful. I'm drowning in debt, too, but slowly working my way out. We naturally want to be selfish and impulsive. Buy this, eat that. The mature…
  • I don't buy into starvation mode as much as others do. I say you do what works for you. This article might help:
  • Keep on mind that heart rate and blood pressure are different. The machines check your heart rate.
  • I've found I have to log it as I start to eat each item, otherwise I can't remember what on ate. The android app seriously helps.
  • Glad you posted this. I also hate running and am doing C25K. One of these days we'll have to run together since I'm in Denver too. Could you post recipes?
  • My mom tried the HCG diet and wound up in the hospital. Buyer beware!
  • Ahhh! Yay!!! So it really can happen? Congrats to you!
  • I'm having a seriously hard time. I'm hanging on behind the wagon and getting dragged in the dirt. I just love being sedentary, plus it's so much work to pack a one year old up for the gym daycare. I'm just trying to have a ton of salads and hope that will help.
  • I heart Wendy's chili. $1.07, 130 calories, and it makes me feel full. Also, try doing salads totally without dressing. You'll be pleasantly surprised. God put delicious flavors into the veggies. No need to cover them up!
  • Yeah... don't know what to tell you. I have a friend due in Oct and she said, "I can't wait to have the baby to get my body back." I told her she'd never get her body back. It'll be a different body for the rest of her life, inside and out. But... You can still look hot post-baby, just differently! Don't give up!
  • Wendy's chili is my fast food go-to. $1.09, 130 calories, and it fills me up.
  • Wow, I'd be so frustrated, too! I'm sure part of the gain is in muscle mass, but not all of it. Are you tracking your other nutrients as well as calories? I've just recently started losing fast after months of struggling and what I found was to get foods that are close to zero calories to eat. Mustard has no calories, so I…
  • The ticker should move regardless. I had to tinker with mine to get it to work. Try recreating it or editing it. Wish I had some better advice for you. And thanks, guys! Means so much! :D
  • Awesome, thanks!
    in Rewards! Comment by AGG115 July 2010
  • It seriously took me four tries, so just give it your best. PM me and let me know how out went.
  • I PMed her and got the link. It's at!/group.php?gid=114301285283082&ref=ts.
  • I'll check it out. Edit: I can't find it. Can you post a link?
  • Girl, you find one, you let me know. I've heard a lot of people, including my friend who's an I cup, think Bosom Buddies is good, but I haven't been happy with them. You might start here and then keep Googling if you don't like these:…
  • Y'all rock. Thank you!
    in Calories Comment by AGG115 June 2010
  • Aw, that's wonderful!
  • Thank you! These are the kinds of ideas I was looking for! I already know the marriage is bad and I'm trying to improve it in various ways. Thanks to the last few ladies for focusing on my real question about motivation!
  • Okay, couple of things: That pic up there is over a year old. My baby's 13 months and my miscarriage happened in March. I'm physically as ready to work out again as ever. Yes, I know my husband is shallow and I don't have any intention of being 17% BMI. I think I'd have to have an eating disorder to get there. I would,…
  • Thanks, all!
    in Ow! Help! Comment by AGG115 June 2010
  • ^Yeah, Anne, he's at 10% BMI, so fitness is entirely too important to him. Our relationship has had years of rocky issues, I've contributed a lot to them in the early days and he's contributed a lot lately. My marriage is in bad shape, I know this, I'm in counseling. That's not what I'm asking for advice about here. My BMI…
  • Didn't warm up, but it was a leisurely stroll. It's not normal in that since my miscarriage in March I've been really sedative. Also, I have not been icing it. I've been taking muscle relaxers and motrin, I think motrin takes inflammation down? I can try icing it today at work. Thanks.
    in Ow! Help! Comment by AGG115 June 2010
  • I do agree. We've been separated before, I'm in counseling now, and he's thinking about divorce which is the last thing I want. Admittedly, the situation is not good. Those are areas of the relationship that are being dealt with through counseling and mediation. I'm kind of hoping working out can be a reprieve from the…
  • You are spot on when you talk about remembering the side pictures from before you lost the weight. Your body doesn't need to be perfect. Your body just needs to keep looking better than it did before. I hate the mom belly, but when I remember how much better it looks than before, it really helps me stay encouraged!