Ow! Help!

AGG115 Posts: 62
edited September 21 in Health and Weight Loss
I'm entirely too sedative for my own good. I was walking a 2.56 mile path around a lake and afterward the outside of my hip felt really sore. It's on the side, so definitely not my hamstring or any adductor muscle... (See? I'm trying to sound smart.) I did some Google searches and the closest thing I can find to tell you where it's sore is the tensor fasciae latae. Any professional out there who can tell me if I should go see a doctor, massage therapist, or chiropractor, or just let it heal on its own?


  • elmct57
    elmct57 Posts: 594 Member
    did you warm up before your walk? is this a normal distance or did you overdo? are you icing it?
  • AGG115
    AGG115 Posts: 62
    Didn't warm up, but it was a leisurely stroll. It's not normal in that since my miscarriage in March I've been really sedative. Also, I have not been icing it. I've been taking muscle relaxers and motrin, I think motrin takes inflammation down? I can try icing it today at work. Thanks.
  • For the first month after starting this, I was sore all over. I am an Accountant so I sit on my butt all the time at work with the exception of running paperwork to other offices. I tend to stay home because we are getting ready to buy a house so we are saving every penny we can. So I went from getting absolutely no excercise to working out for 45 minutes every day. I probably started out a little too strong and heavy but when I would get to the point that I could barely move, I would lighten up on the excercise. Now, there is no soreness and I am doing more intense excercises. If you were living a life like I was, I would say stick with it and you will make your way through it. (Maybe step it down a notch for now and work up to that level.) Otherwise, I would probably check with your doctor.
  • elmct57
    elmct57 Posts: 594 Member
    stop with the muscle relaxant unless it's at night to help you sleep. DON'T try to stretch it out--may flare up worse. do you have access to a pool? you could walk laps in it without twinging it and the water resistance will help you burn more calories, so get more bang for your buck.
  • ritodcin03
    ritodcin03 Posts: 105 Member
    Ouch! Sorry that you experienced aches right out of the gate! Try to avoid cold stretches--get your muscles going a little before holding any long stretches. You also might want to google "stretches for iliotibial band (IT band)." The IT band runs from the hip on down the leg, and gives runners some trouble. If this is your first time walking after putting on weight, your hip joints might not have been prepared for the extra pressure, especially if you tend to roll to the outside of your foot when you walk. A good running store can see if there is pronation in your stride. There are also some fantastic yoga poses on YouTube to release tight hip muscles and the lower back.

    I've experieinced quite a bit of hip pain lately, so I literally "feel your pain"! I've gained 30 pounds this year and I started training for a marathon. My hips were none too pleased! These tips above plus a sports massage to loosen up the IT band, hammies and upper back have been a huge help. I hope the pain doesn't discourage you though! your body is communicating that it wants you to be a little more gentle!
  • AGG115
    AGG115 Posts: 62
    Thanks, all!
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