samsamnojam Member


  • Hello to you both. Simon, just wondering what the basis for your approach is? Because if you eat too much protein the body will convert it to glucose, same as it does with carbs.
    in Hello Comment by samsamnojam April 2017
  • I'm three days into CWP. Is anyone out there doing it too? Could really use some buddies on this journey. I have 5 stone to lose.
  • Thank you so much for sharing this, and really well done! I so badly want to run 5K but just don't believe I can do it. You've convinced me that it's possible.
  • I like them added to juice. Don't leave them too long to thicken up. I also make a chia porridge by soaking them overnight in water or almond millk, then adding greek yoghurt, chopped blueberries, cacao powder, coconut manna.... quite sweet and yummy. It feels really wholesome. Really, you can add whatever you like. I'd…
  • IF = Intermittent Fasting Doesn't work for me.
  • I think you do have some bodyweight issues, hun. I think it's just as important to try to adjust your perspective on what you're body was like when you were toned and strong but you felt 'bulky'. And please, please, try to forget how those guys reacted at the time. Remember that a lot of guys are only interested in women…
  • You are awesome! I'm so inspired. I really want to do this. I would be a Fat Girl Squatting too. Hee hee. Thanks for sharing.
  • Ha! I had a go at doing some dips at the gym today. I can't even do one dip, let alone a pullup! But it made me smile, and it's given me a goal to focus on. Thanks!
  • OK. Thank you all for answering my question. I'd better not eat my exercise calories anymore!! That would explain why I put on weight recently on a week that I exercised a lot. Love this thread. So valuable.
  • Fantastic information. You've just confirmed my desire to do pullups and chinups. I'm an overweight female, just getting into strength training. At the moment I can't do any of this. Should I wait until I've built more back/upper body strength to get started, or start with a really basic movement? I still feel a bit…
  • Dan, the info and advice you've provided here is great. I've done all the calculations and I'm eating 20% less than TDEE which seems to be working for me. I have a question though. Should you still add your exercise calories burned and eat them? I know this gets asked a lot, in a million variations, but suddenly I'm…
  • I love skinnytaste. Her recipes are great, and easy to adapt if you have other eating preferences. I love her White Bean Turkey Chilli, and Crock Pot Picadillo. Oh My God, you have to try her Slow Cooked Jerk Pork with Caribbean Salsa. I'm eating this stuff and losing weight, it's fantastic!
  • Bingeing was a problem for me, for years. I've tried everything - lots of psychological approaches, affirmations, hypnotherapy, alternative therapies, diets, eating wholefoods, eating raw, green juicing.... etc. Nothing worked. Or it would work for a week or two. Then stop. I came to believe that it's largely to do with a…
  • Hi I'm Sam, I'm 37 and live in Dorset. Been on MFP a couple of weeks and I love it. I started at just over 250lbs. I have about 100lbs to lose, so a long long road to walk. But it's going well. I have CFS and I'm only just getting back to exercising now, after about 3 years of not being able to. I do swim training 2 or 3…
  • I really feel for you. My anxiety became really crippling the last couple of years. The side effects of the meds are very annoying, but some of us know that we just need to live with this to make life bearable. I hope that maybe you can find some meds that you get on with a little better. Best wishes.
  • Just wanted to add that I totally agree. It's really detrimental to people who are suffering with anxiety/depression but are feeling stigmaitized about getting themselves medicated for you to say things like this. Pls remember that these conditions are clinical and can't always be beaten by healthy eating, exercise and the…
  • Your doc will probably offer you an SSRI or an SSNRI for anxiety, but they need to be taken daily and the effects build up over time. I've taken quite a few different ones and had different experiences with them. Zoloft made me sick, Prozac made me unbearably restless so that I couldn't sleep. Cymbalta made me feel doped…
  • What you've described sounds quite like chronic fatigue or fibromyalgia. Both these conditions are caused by putting too much stress on the body/mind for too long. What are your mental stress and anxiety levels like, as this will affect you physically too. It might be worth looking at some of the online questionnaires for…
  • Yup to some of them. Drink a tonne of water so I always need to walk to a toilet. At the supermarket park as far away as possible. Also parking further away now when I take my son to school (I have to walk him into the playground). And doing a lot more cleaning at home now that I have more energy, too. Sofa push-ups in the…
  • Wow! You are such an inspiration. It's so great that you've photographed yourself each month like that. Thanks for sharing your pictures. I have 100lbs to lose and would be so pleased if I could do it in 12 months.
  • I've just started. I'm a UK 24-26, depending on which manufacturer. I'm hoping to get down to a 14-16, which is what I've been at my fittest and healthiest in the past. Long way to go! I'm with you.
  • apriltrainer, your pudding sounds divine!
  • I think healthy fats are really important to losing weight. I've done the low-fat or no-fat diets before and end up feeling awful, and the weight loss stops. But I've joined a diet club (for exercise and support) who preach no-fat. I want to do things healthily, my way. So what is the recommended amount of fat? I mean…
  • Let's see if it works....
  • thank you. checking it now.
  • Great response. Thank you.
  • It does get confusing, especially when you look at all the different regimes and diet plans. I'm doing the Rosemary Conley plan, which starts you off on 1200 calories a week, for two weeks. I just find that is too low. I go mad with cravings, then I fall off the rails and end up bingeing. From dieting in the past, I know I…
  • BTW, how do you add that badge that shows how much weight you've lost to your forum posts?
  • Wow, thanks for all your support everyone, and for saying hello. Lovely to meet you all. I didn't want to work out how much I needed to lose when I first signed up, but I've now figured out that it's 100lbs, according to the BMI charts. Anyway, little steps. One day at a time. If it takes two years, I will stick at it.
  • Just started a week ago, with 100lbs to lose. 5 down, 95 to go! Feels like a long, long haul. I'm trying to chunk it down as it's too much to think about in one go. If I only do 1lb a week, as recommended, it will take 2 years. So I'm trying to think like the guy who said "it's a marathon, not a sprint". I want this to be…