jmyers1230 Member


  • Good to know I'm not the only one who will run in place at the end of the day just to get those flashing lights to go off!
  • I have had my Flex for nearly a month and still notice myself glancing at it at work to check the time (weird because I rarely would wear a watch anyway). I guess I'd like the Force so I could check the time but the Flex was available in the stores near me (so no waiting on shipping). I like that the Flex band is skinny so…
  • I bought my fitbit at the beginning of December and have noticed this issue since I got it. Doubt that it's just due to Christmas gifts since it was a problem before Christmas too.
  • I too would love a way to force a sync. Sometimes it will be 11pm and my fitbit estimated calorie burn on mfp will be based on my burn up to 10am (prior to my workday where I am on my feet and moving all day). Hard to know if I can have a piece of candy or handful of chips at the end of the day. *Right now at 9pm, my…
  • Bacon... yes please! It's one thing my husband rarely lets me buy because I've been known to eat an entire package of bacon by myself. Wasting bacon is worse than wasting alcohol. Anytime I get bacon on ANYTHING when we're eating out, I always set a piece aside to eat last. :)
  • I prefer my sweet flavored bagels (raisin, cinnamon, blueberry) toasted with butter (I can't eat cream cheese on a bagel either). For plain bagels or savory flavors (onion, garlic, cheese), I like to use them as the base for a sandwich. I think I need to go buy some bagels now to try them with hummus since I recently…
  • The girl I work with talking about her weight loss in the break room: "I don't eat much. All I usually eat is a granola bar, an apple with some peanut butter, and a bowl of fruit for the whole day, but I'm having a soda today because my sugar has been out of whack." Did I mention she has diabetes but isn't on insulin? No…
  • I was shocked the first time I entered ONE banana! Most normal sized bananas are over 100 calories each! I know they are really good for you, but they are a high calorie fruit. I use them as the base for smoothies at home, along with frozen berries and just enough orange juice to keep the blender working. Ranch dressing…
  • I've had knee pain twice in the past few months. The first time my knee hurt for 2 days and I couldn't straighten it fully. No clue what caused it because I was on vacation just chilling at my family's house. One morning it hurt then 2 days later I woke up like nothing had ever been wrong with it. The second time lasted 3…
  • carrots (I like to buy the sliced carrots for dippers) pretzels pita chips
  • This is part of what I'm hoping for when I go off in 2 more months. Mine definitely dropped after being on the pill for a while (loestrin here). Granted, I've loved the last 3 years with NO period, but I also gained some weight when I started taking it. I'm hoping to have an easier time losing those pounds, increased…
  • I weigh daily just out of curiosity. I'm also trying to notice trends in my weight based on the previous day (I weigh first thing in the morning after I use the restroom). I've noticed that my weight actually drops more when I was over my calories the day before. If I've had a really good week with my food but haven't lost…
  • The first time I used MFP, I didn't exercise much, if at all. I lost 12 lbs in a couple months just staying under my calories from MFP. So yes, you can lose weight with just the calorie goal but it's better to add exercise as well.
  • I'm 23, 5'7" and currently hovering around 150lbs. I guess that makes me not quite similar, but I'm here if you want some support. You can definitely get to 150ish! Good luck on your journey!
  • If I know I'm going to be over on something, I usually aim for protein. I hate being over on fat too often and I rarely am over on carbs. (Weird because I love pasta.)
  • I know that feeling. I cleaned out my closet today (or at least half of it) and I had to go through all my old pants. I had a lot that had holes in them that I threw out and a few pairs of jeans that are still too small but I don't like them anyway so I got rid of them too. Then I got to my dress pants. They didn't fit 6…
  • Change your activity level (in your goals) to account for being on your feet all day.
  • I don't have PCOS, but my sister does. Her doctor told her to basically cut out carbs and processed sugars. She eats very little bread, pasta, and foods with sugar in them. The only sugars she eats are from fruit. She eats a lot of veggies and meat. I haven't seen her in 5 months, but at Christmas she had lost a ton of…
  • SW: 163 Weight when I actually bought a scale to keep track with (a couple weeks after joining MFP): 159 CW: 147 GW:135-140 Maybe weight: 130 (we'll see how I feel when I reach my goal) I was 135 5 years ago at my high school graduation and 142-145 a year ago at my college graduation.
  • I'm from Michigan too... but moved to Florida last year. I'm still a Michigan girl at heart though. :) The phone app is a lifesaver if you go out to eat. I tend to look through different foods on my phone to see what won't put me over my calories or to find something that is not extremely high in sodium.
  • I weigh nearly every day since the scale is in the bathroom I use all the time. (I had it in the upstairs bathroom but then I forgot to weigh myself at all!) I don't record my weight every day though. Usually I record my weight on the weekends, but if the scale shows a loss during the week and it's for 2 days in a row, I…
  • We always get GV ketchup and yellow mustard. My fiance doesn't use mustard and I don't care as long as it tastes like mustard. I don't use much ketchup so that's all him. He also likes GV bread but I hate it! It gets dry in a day and is only good if you toast it! He drinks GV milk, but I can't drink milk so I don't know if…
  • I was asked that last summer when I was in Mexico. I'm 5'7" and weighed under 150lbs at the time. My whole family just carries their weight around their middles and my bit of extra weight looks just like a baby bump. I gained 10lbs or so after that before I decided I wanted to lose weight. Even now, I still feel like I…
  • I do. Plus it's pretty much the only way I can get my fiance to drink water.
  • My mom always rinsed the meat when I was growing up. It wasn't until a couple years ago that I even realized that not everyone rinses it after they cook it. You want the flavor of the meat, not all the grease so it just makes sense to rinse it!
  • So true! Every pound matters! For many people, one pound is the difference between 199 and 200 and 200 is NOT the number they want to see on a scale but 199 is encouraging because it means they can lose even more!
  • I guess I'll see what tomorrow's weight is and if it's still down, I'll log today's weight. I got really excited about the number I saw today though because it's almost back to what I weighed last May when I graduated college. That weight is one of my mini goals (making my driver's license correct again) :smile:
  • I'm supposed to make a dessert for Easter dinner at a coworker's tomorrow. This might just be it! Thanks!!
  • Since there's you as the maid of honor and also the bride's sister as matron of honor, what if you paid for most of the bachelorette party (since the matron of honor won't be attending) and the matron of honor can be in charge of the bridal shower. I don't know if the girls who can't attend the bachelorette party should…
  • They both look amazing! I like the second one more though. :)