Monicamarkt Member


  • A gram of protein=4 calories a gram of carbs=4 calories a gram of fat=9 calories a gram of alcohol= 7 calories
  • It was great. We went to the Courthouse and just had mom, dad, step mom and his mom. Perfect. Then we took a 2 week trip to Jamaica which was amazing.
  • Running takes a little to get used to, maybe 2 sports bras at first but then you can practically go with no sports bra (obviously not recommended cuz of bounce and what not). I went from A/B to a D and love them. I just wear regular workout tops with bras built in like from Nike or Lululemon and it's fine. Good luck!!
  • has great cheap dresses/skirts perfect for Vegas great for Vegas too
  • I would have loved a sibling when I was a child but once I discovered not sharing and travelling a lot I loved being an only child. It does make it more difficult when you get married tho, especially if they have siblings and you have to share their time with others. You just don't get used to sharing and *can* be very…
  • That sounds perfectly normal to me. The part i would change is not working out on your off days. I would add in some cardio to get your blood moving and get that lactic acid out. Also, drink a lot of water and make sure you are eating quality food. If it feels like a pull rather than pain in the belly of the muscle that's…
  • I like Think Thin bars. they have 20 g protein and 0-4 g sugar. Taste good and can buy anywhere. I get mine at WinCo
  • Bod Pod is the next reliable after under water weighing. And then DXA, and then the Calipers and then BIA (the scale or hand held). The BIA is within 3-5% and the calipers can be within 3-4% so go by how you feel and your measurements.
  • Teeth!! Then the face then the body. :happy:
  • I like them for supplements to a workout. My friends and I used to use the 10 minute abs in college after a run!
  • I'm sorry to hear this. Divorce is never fun, even if it's agreed upon by both. Perhaps your husband has a different outlook on life and the little things (like chores) after surviving cancer. I would ask him what his point of view on life is and what he wants out of it and where he sees it going. If you both WANT to work…
  • The more efficient your body gets at an exercise the less calories you burn. This is the premise behind muscle confusion and changing up your workout routine. If it starts to feel easier that's because your heart and lungs and body is getting used to it. Change up your workout to a different type and you'll have to work…
  • I will usually add in an extra workout either Friday or Saturday to help compensate and eat healthfully on the drinking days (as well as non drinking days but not soooo much). And LOL on the "drink in moderation". Have these people been to college? Nothing is in moderation except going to class!
  • It could be muscle gain through your back too, not necessarily rib fat. You mentioned you workout with weights so maybe lighten up on the back workouts--still do them, just change to light weigh/high reps. Good luck and congrats!
  • Okay, muscle does not way more than fat. 1 lb of muscle = 1 lb of fat. BUT 1 lb of muscle takes up 20% less space than a lb of fat.
  • I would try a piece of whole wheat toast (or english muffin) with some almond butter or peanut butter. Maybe you are not satisfied with your lunch, your diary looks healthy but not satisfying. Or maybe add in some fruit and healthier granola (or almonds) to your yogurt. Good luck.
  • I really don't believe in them. They are kind of a slippery slope, in my opinion. Your body gets used to the extra burst that the supplements provide and unless you want to continue taking them the rest of your life you are doing more harm than good with them. The best thing is to get some more muscle mass on your frame to…
  • Record your food, be strict, smaller portions of anything fatty or a craving. No night time eating, double workouts, light strength trainig coupled with cardio and boot camps. Good luck! I don't think it will be a problem if you are really serious. You know if you are not doing the best you can, we don't.
  • I would say to get a heart rate monitor that calculates calories if you want to be super accurate. I LOVE that website. i use it all the time for teaching my boot camp classes.
  • Sumo or Plie squats are really good for inner thigh toning. Legs about 3 feet apart, toes pointed out, lower your torso in to a squat position keeping the abs tight and pelvis tucked. Add weight if you feel comfortable.
  • Pilates is great for toning but not for burning fat during the workout. It is a lot of core work--abs, low back, hip and butt--using body weight or some light tools/weights. it will make you feel more pulled in and taller but if you are looking for a high intensity cardio go toward cycling, step or boot camp
  • Start by just getting out of bed... then put your gym clothes on and make your coffee. Once you are in your gym clothes, you will probably be much more motivated to do something. Start easy, go for a walk outside or turn on a video in your living room. If you have a workout planned the night before it is way easier to be…