Carb Cravings

I am finding lately that once I finish my lunch (diary is public) I have a huge craving for carbs. I have lost my sweet tooth (which is good) so I don't think I am looking for sugar. Is my body trying to tell me to have more bread, vegs, fruit....what? I am starting to stress about lunch the night before when I am putting it together.

Please help!!! Thank you.


  • WildFlower7
    WildFlower7 Posts: 714 Member
    I would DEFENITLY try a fruit and see where that takes you, can't beat healthy carbs if you ask me!! Beats the heck out of reaching for a candy bar :)
  • pyro13g
    pyro13g Posts: 1,127 Member
    When you start getting off the over abundance of highly processed carbs you go through withdrawal. It eases with time. Water, a walk, etc. definitely not bread, white rice or anything else made from flour or that is high glycemic load. Thad bad ones are the ones you crave. If you don't believe me, just honestly answer as to which carb you want to eat.

    When it happens to me, I go for a banana or apple. Apple is really good at curbing hunger. I choose a sweet fruit because my lunches have a lot of veggies in them already.
  • Monicamarkt
    Monicamarkt Posts: 22 Member
    I would try a piece of whole wheat toast (or english muffin) with some almond butter or peanut butter. Maybe you are not satisfied with your lunch, your diary looks healthy but not satisfying. Or maybe add in some fruit and healthier granola (or almonds) to your yogurt. Good luck.
  • dmhaag
    dmhaag Posts: 172 Member
    Well in looking at the past couple weeks, you aren't really eating any protein at lunch. If you aren't going to have filling carbs like beans or oatmeal or dense vegetables like cauliflower, broccoli, or cabbage, I would suggest adding protein like chicken breast or peanut butter to your lunches. Or even some sort of protein shake. You're eating carbs that don't stick like saltine crackers and slices of bread, which is only going to make you crave more of the same, without something filling like protein or "dense carbs" to keep you from wanting to snack.
  • immacookie
    immacookie Posts: 7,424 Member
    I'm voting for upping your protein also!! :happy:

    Are there any nuts you can have (and like)?
  • ♥jewelchristian♥
    ♥jewelchristian♥ Posts: 3,666 Member
    I added some prawns to my soup today for the protein, and took the crackers away completely.

    At this point I am not sure about any nuts, and really don't want a repeat of two weeks ago. We'll see how upping the protein goes. I do have a banana, yogurt, and fibre one bars with me, in case I get hungry.
  • immacookie
    immacookie Posts: 7,424 Member

    bananas are high in sugar... maybe try some lower sugar fruits??