happysherri Member


  • Yesterday was my first day back to the gym because I took last week off. So proud of the hard work I put in last night. 116 minutes of Shoulders and Treadmill Intervals 06-05 1.93 hours to start with :)
  • Yep, I had severe depression in my 20's. Postpartum, after having my daughter in 1997 triggered it. It took years of therapy and taking medication. I didn't stop taking medication and feel completely better until about 2007ish. It was a journey that's for sure. But the shining, sparkling, very bright light at the end is I…
  • Holy Moses!!! That's hard work paying off right there! Congrats
  • I like 1 and 4. Although I can see your dilemma because you look fabulous in all of them!!! Rocking those fashions!
  • Unfortunately no. I have been at my lowest weight including when I was in high school and I still snored. Then I was doing a lot of cardio, I enjoyed running on the trails for miles. And now I weigh a little more and have bulked and gained muscle; I lift and do some cardio 5 days a week. I still snore. I will be calling my…
  • @jessiquoi and @aleahurst - Yes, you know that I am always trying to drink my water. so far I've drank 6 cups of water and 3 cups of coffee haha :D ***On another note - I put too much dressing on my salad and tried to eat the lettuce and spinach with none on it. So, Yay, I now know I don't like hardly any dressing on my…
  • I agree that a lot of the scales and trackers estimate, nothing is 100%. However, is you feel you want to change something or lean out, then work toward that goal. Sounds like you have done a fantastic job. 16% to maintain sounds low to me to be at long term, however I am thinking in terms of my body type. Everyone is…
  • Like others have said, whatever will work for each person is best. Some days I eat dinner before and sometimes after, and some days I will just have a preworkout snack and then eat dinner after. Depends on my partner and my schedules and how hungry I am feeling that day. Keep it up and good luck
  • I also like variety. I mix up with a lot of jump movements. jumping jacks, jump lunges, squat jumps, wall sits, burpees (different styles), monster tire jump/walk, skaters, etc... I will also put in some core work sometimes, mountain climbers, leg raises, planks, bicycle crunches, mason twists, etc.. I normally complete…
  • The way you described yourself and your drive(or lack of) sounds similar to my situation. And I agree with above for myself - how bad do I want it?! **I know what needs to be done, I just can't quite get motivated enough to do it and stick with it. ;) I am at a point where I just have vanity pounds to lose, I look fit…
  • @nickiphillips1 - OMG, Yes! I miss my kiddos. They aren't super far away but they have hectic schedules and then I have my schedule. And, yes, I randomly think of being without them and cry. Isn't that a great feeling when they make plans to actually be with you! Congrats, you are doing so well - inline skating Whoa!!!…
  • @aleahurst - glad you liked her, that's important. baby steps are good, quitting is not :) Great attitude! Update: I went home and fell asleep yesterday?! I didn't intend to, sat down and next thing I know my bf opening the door woke me up. I have had no energy at all this week. BUTTTT.... I feel better today, makes me…
  • Finally slowed down for a hot second, so I'm checking in with my peeps. I took off this week from exercise and will not resume until this weekend. I feel so exhausted, so tired and sleepy. Not sure exactly why, but I decided not to force things this week. I am still trying to eat healthy (about 85%) most days. Work has…
  • Hello, all you beautiful people. I'm Soooooooo Tired!!! -So, I am going home after work and lying down. I hate to skip the gym (that will be 3 days off in a row), however I think I would injure myself if I tried to workout this tired. Yesterday I attended a former coworker's house for a pool party after work, it was so…
  • I hope June is better than May for me :p
  • I'm getting my TV and Internet service switched over right now. I can't go to the gym until he's done but it's taking a while because he had to run wire. Thought I would check in. And I agree @aleahurst but that just means everyone is being active or enjoying their loved ones ;) The bf and I completed 103 minutes of…
  • 103 minutes James Grage shoulders yesterday. 19.37 hours! Happy Saturday
  • @finngirl61 - Welcome. I love how you said 'it's really up to me to become healthier' because some people try to blame others, or lack of time, or genes, etc... Sounds as if you are a go getter and that you are setting yourself up for success, keep it up. @katadx - Uhm, you can come cook for me anytime! That all sounds…
  • I agree with others. This week I worked out Sat, Sun and Monday, by the Time Tuesday came I felt like I needed a rest so I rested. And that wasn't even my scheduled rest day. I felt the same way as you, I didn't want to take the day off, but I knew that I would feel burnt out if I didn't. So last night, I started back up.…
  • @rheddmo - I hope you are feeling better. I've never tried one of those grocery pick up services, that's great. OMG, I love Halo Top! @spdaphne - Yoga, I need to do it. It's so beneficial @SaraKim17 - Wonderful beautiful behavior - I've never had a pedi or mani, but it's on my bucket list. Zumba is fun, you go. @KimF0715 -…
  • 83 minutes of James Grage Rewired Arms and Abs 5/24 17.66 hours *Tonight is a rest night and dinner with my son. Happy Thursday!
  • @fangcat623 - That's the attitude. Same-when I don't feel like going to the gym, I dress up in my workout gear and then I have to go. Kill that Zumba @str8bowbabe - I love scary and scifi movies! Love zombie movies! Good luck with the reunion and burn up that HIIT! @spdaphne - Thanks <3 Keep up your good eating habits and…
  • ***Just checking in to see everyone kicking serious bootay! I took a rest night last night because I felt I needed it. It was also the anniversary of my mother's passing so I took some quiet time and wrote in my journal. Sometimes a little down time is needed too. :smile: Oh, and I was down at my lowest on the scale this…
  • Same - I grew up this way. And I have been eating my egg whites past a week old for several years and feel great at 42 years old. So this is what I will do until I 'kill' over. :D
  • I hate belly fat!!!! It's the last place I lose weight. You can't spot reduce, unfortunately
  • Mine has an expiration date and it's longer than a week. *And the ingredients listed are just egg whites. I've had my carton well over a week and I'm still alive :wink:
  • I'm the same I drink about 120 - 130 ounces of water a day. **Except I do struggle a little on the weekends, which is weird. If you feel thirsty - drink. :smiley: I had the nurse practitioner, who did my biometric screening tell me that 130 ounces was a bit too much and to slow down my drinking. It's become a habit, so I…
  • It sounds like you are doing well. If you are not hungry then I don't see a need to add back those calories. In my experience on heavy training days, if I don't eat enough I feel drained - so I would just be aware of that and go with how you feel. Everyone's journey is different. Great job and Congrats on the loss
  • I wear gloves because I pick at my calluses and I like having smoother hands. *Of course, I don't claim to be a pro, I just enjoying lifting. To each their own :)
  • 103 minutes of James Grage Rewired back and interval treadmill 5/23 16.28 hours - Not giving up B)