Beautiful Behaviors - June 2017

jessiquoi Posts: 400 Member
edited June 2017 in Motivation and Support
This thread will be for people who are focusing on creating a set of gorgeous habits that support a healthy lifestyle.

Weight loss is a byproduct, and not the focus. We will practice self-care by eating healthy foods, moving our bodies, drinking enough water, and other activities that make us FEEL GOOD without harmful effects.

For example, taking an hour with your current book on your favorite lounge chair is a great way to take care of yourself. Get a massage or facial, spend time with a friend, crafting… all good ways to make us feel good without the harmful effects of immediate gratification activities like overeating or indulging in other unhealthy activities. It’s all about taking care of ourselves and loving ourselves and making ourselves happy EVEN IF we are not at a weight we love right now.

Yes, we want to lose weight, but there’s more to life than that. Sometimes giving yourself a foot massage will keep you from the donut. Sometimes it won’t but you will still feel better.

This is a judgment free zone. Let’s support each other and leave the negativity offline. I’m tired of beating myself up about my size. I want to plan to do the best I can and not feel guilty about life getting in the way.

I’m a big believer in baby steps, and setting realistic goals, and celebrating every little success! No reason we can’t enjoy the journey to a healthier lifestyle, no reason we have to feel “wrong” because we are where we are.

If you like the way this sounds, please introduce yourself in this thread. Share whatever you like and come back often! I look forward to meeting people with similar attitudes towards life.


  • str8bowbabe
    str8bowbabe Posts: 712 Member
    @jessiquoi half day at work...that makes me have a really good day. Love my job but this time is our slow time so makes for long days. Going shopping for new cleats because softball starts tomorrow night. week looks like this currently Tuesday nights - pickleball, Wed - sand volleyball (starts soon) Friday - softball. I went from not doing much to WTH am I doing? LOL

    @happysherri - glad you are getting some much needed rest. I did that over the weekend. Apparently my body needed rest so that's what I did on Sun and Mon. It could have been the volleyball on Saturday. I need to remember I am not in my 20's anymore.
  • nickiphillips1
    nickiphillips1 Posts: 114 Member
    @happysherri - I may have what you have going on. I have been barely hanging on this week. I swam Tuesday and barely finished practice. I have been really slow all week and my shoulder has been hurting. (finally icing it now)

    So today I went to pick up Vegan cupcakes for my demanding 16 year old - today is his birthday. I thought about binging on cupcakes. ??? Really? Where did this come from? I haven't binge eaten in a long time. I did buy one for myself. I guess I will break my no-refined sugar later tonight, after volleyball.

    I have no idea why I am feeling down this week. Argh! I went to put shorts on and my shorts were falling off. That did get me out of my funk. The scale hasn't moved much, but I guess I am still shrinking as I tried on these shorts only a couple of weeks ago.

    On the other side, my older son qualified for the state track meet yesterday in the 4 X 800 relay. He fell apart in the mile and didn't finish. He was dehydrated and totally cramped up. I am happy he made it to state though.

    I will piggy-back on Sherri's comment. "Happiness is not having what you want, it is wanting what you have!"
  • rheddmobile
    rheddmobile Posts: 6,840 Member
    Hello everyone! This has been a trying couple of days for me - appliances breaking, running errands, and I think my diverticulosis may be doing a thing again. But I did have one milestone success, I now weigh less than 200 lbs.

    @nickiphillips1 - good luck to your son on making it to State!
    @happysherri - have fun swimming! Getting outside is a good goal. Last year we house sat for a lady with her own pool and just lived in the water for ten days. It was like a mini vacation where we got paid.
    @aleahurst - I'm glad to hear your new person is not an idiot. Navigating the health care system is so much nicer with smart people to help out. I've had both idiots and wonderful people recently, and it makes me appreciate how truly wonderful good healthcare professionals are. My pharmacist even phoned me to ask how I was doing on my new meds and if I needed any advice on when to take them.
  • Sp1tfire
    Sp1tfire Posts: 1,120 Member
    @happysherri taking a few days off is so nice. Way to listen to your body!! I had 5 days off due to my food poisoning bout, but my body probably needed it anyway. Your thought about happiness made me think a lot too. Saying yes to plans is often hard for me since I tend to be on the introverted side. I enjoy time by myself but also need to remember to spend time with my friends too! The way you said 'planning adventures' inspires me to try and find some hiking trails to get my family to on sunday. Thanks for the thought!
    @321blueeyes I hope your ankle heals soon!
    @Aleahurst thats awesome! On the bright side, staying the same weight and feeling healthy is also a great thing in itself!

    I had a lovely friday. Fridays are my day off from work, but not always a day off in the literal sense! I was at the gym around 10, (sleeping in is my treat on Fridays!!) eating a nice lunch at the co op deli, and picked up my mother to walk around downtown for a couple hours. We walked and enjoyed some iced beverages and went to the local farmers market too! Lots of fun greens and veggies to buy. No berries yet, but I suppose thats later in the season. After that I grocery shopped for an hour, and finally got home by 6:30. Busy day! We grilled out chicken and purple potatoes when I got home! If you ever see them at the store get them! They are so fun and full of antioxidants.
    My beautiful behaviour this week was reminding myself that I can eat 'treats' within my calories and it will not make me automatically unhealthy or fat. I have often had a hard time mentally getting over the fact that yes, I have 'room' for 400 calories of ice cream and it's completely fine! I've been having little treats this week to help me get over this fear. I want to enjoy these things I love so i'll be taking small steps at a time!

    Have a great weekend!!
  • jessiquoi
    jessiquoi Posts: 400 Member
    hooray! i went to the gym two days in a row! this is for me a major achievement. i expect to go tomorrow too, which will be a first, three days in a week.

    @katadx, fridays are my days off too, and yours sounded just lovely!
    @rheddmobile , congrats on achieving onederland!!!
    @nickiphillips1, i hope you feel better. woohoo on the shorts falling down!
    @tabletop_joe , nice to see you too! dinner outside sounds lovely

    hi, everyone else! i hope you're having a fabulous and healthy weekend full of beautiful behaviors!

  • aleahurst
    aleahurst Posts: 325 Member
    Hello! Checking in... It's been a busy week and I just barely kept up!

    Once again, I'm changing how I record food. All food is now lumped into one meal. I don't eat meals anyway. I eat food and enjoy it whenever I want and rarely look at the clock!

    @nickiphillips1 - double take... Aren't all cupcakes vegan?

    Yay for the shorts being too loose!

    @rheddmobile - less than 200? I want to be like you!!!!

    @katadx - I totally agree that treat foods can be a part of our diets.

    @321blueeyes - good for you! Taking time to recover. I hope you are back on your feet soon.

    Love that mellow outdoorsish attitude, @tabletop_joe !!

    Great job getting to the gym @jessiquoi !!!

    @happysherri - Thank you for all the fabulous encouragement!!

    In fact, all the encouragement here is so good.

    Love to all.

  • nickiphillips1
    nickiphillips1 Posts: 114 Member
    It is Sunday and my son went to his dad's to visit with his Oma, who is visiting from Missouri for my older son's graduation. Quiet times!

    I went inline skating this morning for the first time in over a year. I was a little unstable at first, but then I was fine. I made it 45 minutes and actually stopped for a minute or two when I felt like I was going to fall. I had so much fun! I realized that I dream I am inline skating a lot! I forgot how much fun it is! I go where it is completely flat so I don't fall. I then mowed the front lawn after, so I am tired.

    The scale is finally moving too. I ate my steak yesterday and it was sooooooo good. I think my body craves that iron and red meat every week or two. I hope to do some cleaning after my smoothies and shower and some rest.

    I have a question for empty-nesters. I spent a great chunk of yesterday with my older son, who is graduating and going to Louisiana in August for college. I was very nostalgic last night and almost cried. I also noticed my son was a little huggy (he is normally not like that at all). I talked to step mom last night about it and she said that she and dad are feeling the same way and noticed my son is getting that way. Have any of you empty nesters gotten this way? I think it is all getting too real? I actually called this morning and asked if he was available today, but he changed his plans yesterday to hang out with me to today. I felt so good that he changed his plans to see me. That is also uncharacteristic of him.

    So my beautiful thoughts for today are:
    • cherish your time with your children while you can
    • cherish your free and quiet time when you get it
    • enjoy whatever comes your way

    And I just wanted to say:
    @aleahurst - sounds like you have a great attitude toward food to just enjoy it when you are hungry and not force yourself to eat at certain times
    @jessiquoi - good job with the gym - remember your exercise and healthy times can happen outside of the gym - especially in summer - a walk or swim in the lake
    @katadx - enjoy what you eat and make room for food you like - I had two dark chocolate squares last night and a steak for dinner and the scale was down yesterday - I also ate healthy all day and swam two miles in the morning - it sounds like you are making great choices
    @tabletop_joe - so nice to see you as well!
  • happysherri
    happysherri Posts: 1,360 Member
    @nickiphillips1 - OMG, Yes! I miss my kiddos. They aren't super far away but they have hectic schedules and then I have my schedule. And, yes, I randomly think of being without them and cry. Isn't that a great feeling when they make plans to actually be with you! Congrats, you are doing so well - inline skating Whoa!!!
    @rheddmobile - WOWZERS!!! Wonderful Work! under 200 is a success and hard work paying off! I did have fun at the pool, thx
    @katadx - Thank you for letting me know about my thoughts helping, sometimes I feel like I'm rambling lol. Oh, man, I forget about farmers markets, I can almost picture those veggies - and now I'm craving fresh vegetables. :)
    @jessiquoi - You are a Beast (and beauty)!!!! 2 days in a row! Great work
    @aleahurst - I call that intuitive eating!!! Which is a wonderful thing, be aware of what your body feels instead of feeling like you have to eat on the 3 meals a day schedule. I'm glad you are trying something new/different. Love the quote - sometimes we lose track of our small successes because we're focused on the bigger picture.
    @tabletop_joe - Hello there. Hope you're doing well

    Update: I completely took all last week off including the weekend. I ate delicious (not very nutritious) foods, didn't go to the gym and slept a bit more. Again, I felt like I was fighting through quick sand all week. I felt a little better on Friday, so now I'm ready this week.
    FUN FILLED Weekend - Friday night, my bf and I had a small argument and then brushed it aside and went out to dinner, again - I couldn't even eat half. Saturday my sister, niece and nephew went to a small water park - I used the lazy river a bunch so relaxing. You all should be proud, because I tried to back out of going to the drive in movies but I had texted my sisters to hold me accountable to get out more. My sister called me and said throw your hair in a pony tail and come on! I went to the drive in and didn't get home until 3AM!!!
    Sunday I couldn't get anything done because I didn't get much sleep from getting home so late/earlyAM. I am getting OLD, people! I felt like I had a slight hang over from not getting sleep!!! LOL :D
    I start everything back up today! Here I go....

    Thought for the day: You may see me struggle but you will never see me quit. ***Not once, not once, did I think about just continuing with eating poorly and not going back to the gym. I just went with how I felt that moment, I would have rather had my tired moment last less than a week, but it did. While I fully enjoyed my time "off" - other than feeling exhausted, I was thinking of starting back and going back to the gym. When we push "pause" on anything we shouldn't think of it as all or nothing. We're allowed to push pause and take a break and this is not failure but simply part of the process. I am getting back into my art in which I've taken a long pause from. I even felt like I've taken a pause on doing things that make me happy (not sure why). I'm pressing the play button now! <3:D

    Sorry that this was so long and happy motivational Monday!!!
  • str8bowbabe
    str8bowbabe Posts: 712 Member
    Hey ladies,

    Sorry I have been missing in action. Have been down and out for a couple of days. An old problem has crept back up and causing some problems. Good news...I will be losing weight this week I'm sure. Bad news...won't necessarily be a healthy way to do it. Not really hungry so not really eating. Haven't ate really since Saturday. Finally ate some jello and tried to eat a chicken tender last night. I did get a plain bagel down this morning but now hurting so not sure that was a good idea. Went to doc yesterday and he put me n antibiotics to help. We will see how it goes. Chow for now!
  • jessiquoi
    jessiquoi Posts: 400 Member
    @aleahurst and i are starting a water challenge today. for the month of june, we're going to focus primarily on our water intake. if you'd like to join us, feel free! i'm going to shoot for 8 cups per day for the month of june.

    how about you?
  • aleahurst
    aleahurst Posts: 325 Member
    Doing it! 2 cups down
  • happysherri
    happysherri Posts: 1,360 Member
    @jessiquoi and @aleahurst - Yes, you know that I am always trying to drink my water. so far I've drank 6 cups of water and 3 cups of coffee haha :D

    ***On another note - I put too much dressing on my salad and tried to eat the lettuce and spinach with none on it. So, Yay, I now know I don't like hardly any dressing on my veggies!
  • str8bowbabe
    str8bowbabe Posts: 712 Member
    @aleahurst & @jessiquoi - I'm in on the water intake for June. I definitely need to up mine...10 a day for me.

    Hello to everyone else too! Looks like everyone is doing good.
    @nickiphillips1 - congrats on the baggy shorts. Hard work is paying off. You kind of sound like me with all your sports. Very jealous of the swimming. I love to swim but don't do it near enough.

    @aleahurt - how is that oxygen doing? Good I hope.

    @happysherri - what I wouldn't do for a cup of coffee right now. No caffeine for days and none in sight due to the meds Im for. Looks like the silver lining is time to kick the caffeine habit. If I cant have it for 10 days then I might as well just quit it. LOL