Beautiful Behaviors - June 2017



  • rheddmobile
    rheddmobile Posts: 6,840 Member
    @str8bowbabe I'm sorry to hear you haven't been well.

    Well I'm not exactly done done with my new workout space but I got my weight bench set up and used it. And I remembered why I never became a pro lifter, I hate the squat rack on this thing. So I ordered a new one for my birthday! Yay! I also did bench presses and rows for the first time since I don't know when. I feel powerful, even doing little baby bench presses.

    Today was all about making the little indulgences which make life worthwhile fit within my new lifestyle. I did a bunch of squats, some Zumba, and a yoga routine AND played Tales from the Borderlands with my husband. I ate within my calorie allowance AND had chocolate ice cream and bacon. I feel refreshed mentally, like I can keep going, and I'm trying not to be too worried that something terrible will happen to stop my progress.

    I know many of you here have health issues of your own so possibly you will understand what I'm talking about when I say that in the past it seems my health issues slap me down every time I try to make positive changes. I'm traumatized and it's hard to believe when I see good things happen. But my victory today is working towards a better future anyway. I don't have ultimate control over whether bad things happen but I do know that good things won't happen unless I work for them.
  • aleahurst
    aleahurst Posts: 325 Member
    3 cups of water down today and it's only 7 a.m.!!

    @str8bowbabe - My O2 is 98%!!! This morning I feel fantastic! I haven't seen 98 come up on the pulse-ox for at least 2 months. My oxygen level usually hovers around 93, which is low, but not dangerous. Thank you for asking. I'm glad you are joining us with the water intake. Yay!

    I'm glad as well to have @happysherri join in! Yay!!! If you need a simpler salad dressing at a restaurant, ask the waiter for lemon wedges instead of dressing. It wets the salad, adds a lovely tangy flavor, and let's you taste the greens.

    @rheddmobile - yes, I do understand that. I build up some tolerance to exercise and whomp! That's followed by two days of staying in bed with 3 or 4 LPM of oxygen. Chocolate and bacon? I understand. There are days that you just allow for some food that makes you smile.

    I've managed to cut back on sugar intake. Sugar makes me sleepy, about 30 minutes after it gives me energy. I'm now using Monk's fruit powder. The first week of use was yucky. Now, I love it and won't drink coffee/tea without it. It is very low calorie and saccharin sweet. I buy it pure; absolutely no additives. Something about the overbearing sweetness is yummy. Odd, yes.

    Today, I hope to get outside. Yes!

    Happy Tuesday to all who read our posts!

    Love to all.

  • nickiphillips1
    nickiphillips1 Posts: 114 Member
    I am so proud of you water people!! All I drink is water (and my smoothies). I drink more than 10 cups a day anyway so I am always with you. When I was in high school, I went to a music camp and one of the professors told us that every time you pass a drinking fountain, you should take a drink. I actually had to cut back the amount of water I drink quite a few years ago because I always had to go to the bathroom.

    My mood has been so rough that I decided to go up on my anti-depressants a little starting this morning. I am sad about my son, worried about money, and I have some other stuff going on. I see this as temporary, but I want to stay ahead of it. I need to manage my stress better. Plus, my younger son has been noticing my moods.

    Small steps, right?

    I feel like I have so much to get done right now with my older son, who graduates Friday and runs in the state meet on Saturday. My parents are coming up Thursday for a celebration dinner Thursday night with my ex's mom and brother that night. Stress... Paying for college, getting loans, going to Louisiana (his school) for orientation in a few weeks, travelling to Philadelphia next week for work, things breaking down in my house (washer, water pipes outside), and more...

    Anyway, one day at a time. Thank you all for your support!

    My beautiful behavior is to count all of my blessings! A year ago we (school special ed and family) didn't think my now 18 year old would be ready for college. He has grown up so much and is all ready for college this fall. He has overcome so many obstacles and grown from them (Asperger's and ADHD). He is turning in to the man we have raised him to be! I am going to cry with pride now!

  • aleahurst
    aleahurst Posts: 325 Member
    @nickiphillips1 - yay for Aspie's. I'm an Aspie. Your son will be fine. There may be times he will need encouragement to keep going, because we Aspies tend to over think social situations to the point of scaring ourselves into never leaving our rooms. A little reassurance goes a long way! And if you cry with pride in front of him, tell him you are so proud.

    Wow. I'm proud! Yay go Aspies!!
  • happysherri
    happysherri Posts: 1,360 Member
    @str8bowbabe - hang in there. I do love my coffee, that would be hard.
    @rheddmobile - Wowza, great workout! I love lifting, glad it's coming together.
    @aleahurst - Wonderful work on the sugar. I love sugar, I think that would be hard for me.
    @nickiphillips1 - I'm so sorry that you have all of that going on. I get stressed when I have so much happening. However it seems that you have a great attitude. Knowing what you need and being aware is awesome. I use the same technique - counting my blessings when I become too negative. Congrats to your son!!!

    Update: I completed 116 minutes of shoulders and cardio last night. I'm so proud of myself, I hit it hard and it felt great! My bf met me there because he worked late so we did lift together. I did very well on my first day back eating under calories. I actually cooked dinner! I have not felt like cooking in awhile. I brought left overs for lunch.

    Thought for the day: The Gym, where fat is burned and pride is earned. **Hard work pays off. I was checking myself out in the mirror in between sets last night and my muscles are popping! I felt so pumped. Even with taking a week off, I felt good. Just goes to show you that the scale doesn't always rule. Because the scale shows that I'm up a couple pounds - from all the sodium of Chinese takeout and soda. **Yet, I feel like I look great. And YES, I burned some fat on the treadmill last night, I was super sweaty!

    Happy Tuesday!

  • aleahurst
    aleahurst Posts: 325 Member
    edited June 2017
    Okay. Yes, I'm posting too often, but golly supper was good.

    440 calories

    Lea's Squash Supper - serves 1 (double everything for 2...)

    -1 tablespoon coconut oil into a skillet, medium heat
    -2 yellow crook neck squash, sliced, add to skillet
    -1 stalk celery, sliced, add to skillet
    -1 slice French bread (or whatever kind you have), cut into cubes, add to skillet
    Sauté for about 3 minutes.
    -2 eggs, add to skillet, on top, let them cook
    -Salt to taste
    -Pinch of Cayenne pepper
    When the eggs are done, place it on a serving plate.
    -2 tablespoons Parmesan cheese, sprinkled on top.

  • jessiquoi
    jessiquoi Posts: 400 Member
    good morning, everyone! i'm drinking my water and getting extra steps in with all my trips to the bathroom lol! i feel good, which feels good. it's a work at home day today, and there's not much to eat in the house because i didn't go food shopping this past weekend, so i think i'll be fine. i'll have to eat mindfully to make sure i don't run out totally before friday, my shopping day.

    lea, your squash supper sounds yummy!

    sherri, as always, your posts are so inspiring. thank you for showing up here every day and lifting our motivation!

    nicki, congratulations on your son's achievement!

    happy hump day to everyone. be healthy and happy.

  • happysherri
    happysherri Posts: 1,360 Member
    @aleahurst - That sounds so good! Post Away! :)
    @jessiquoi - Water!!!! That's awesome. Yep, I also need to go grocery shopping. I have some sides and a little bit of chicken, however I've been out of whole foods, like fresh fruits and veggies for some time. Keep it up

    Water - Yesterday I think I got in about 12 cups. So far today, I drank 2 cups coffee and about 4 cups of water.

    Update: The bf and I completed 85 minutes of lifting - Arms and Abs. I did really well eating, but I did manage to fit in some ice cream. Which fit my calorie count and my macros!!! Yay! Today is a high carb day, hoping I can make it. I am still tired all the time. Yesterday I had every intention on going home and getting a few things done before the gym. I sat down for a minute and poof I fell asleep again. It's kind of frustrating. I am making an appointment today with our office clinic to get blood work done and then I will go into my doctor. I'm sick of feeling tired and drained!

    Thought for the day: Let exercise be your stress reliever, not food. **As soon as I embraced the gym and how being there and that challenging my body and how this all was making me feel - I became much happier and better. It does feel like therapy to me. I am away from my house, working on me, just for me and no one else. And then of course the "after" effect is energy, accomplishment, results, victory, etc... I think if more people took time to find an activity they truly enjoy and embrace how it makes them feel (without guilt), we would have a lot more fit and happy people walking around. (not skinny, just fit) I know that some have medical conditions and some days are hard, but this group proves that you can still be active most days. You guys are warriors! Enjoy your exercise!!!

  • str8bowbabe
    str8bowbabe Posts: 712 Member
    Hello everyone!

    @aleahurst 98!!!! Woohoo! That's great!

    Looks like everyone is doing well.

    My water intake is through the roof right now because I cannot have caffeine. I feel pretty good other than if I eat a meal, my stomach hurts for hours afterward so I am just eating little soft stuff until this passes. I hadn't eaten a meal since Saturday night. Its been jello mostly. LOL I am about sick of jello. Any way...I felt good enough yesterday to play 2 hours of pickleball so got a big cal burn in. Its in the mid 70's today so this afternoon I am taking a long walk in my small home town. Looking so forward to it.

    My beautiful behavior today? Mental...I will be focusing on just me this afternoon on my walk. No busy streets, not a ton of people...peace!

    Keep on keeping on everyone!
  • ginagee48
    ginagee48 Posts: 6 Member
    Enjoy your walk I love to walk and started a think beautiful thoughts go back to moments in my life that were lovely and relive them what a tonic it is puts a smile in your heart x
  • Sp1tfire
    Sp1tfire Posts: 1,120 Member
    Today is going super well so far! I got my workout in before work. I'm still fairly new to lifting, and I was reminded of this today. But it was a good thing. I've been at my new gym for like 2 weeks and everyone is very nice especially the long timers. One came up and introduced himself to me while I was trying to work my triceps (and doing it wrong!) and very kindly showed me how to do it properly. After doing 3 sets of it the right way, my triceps were burning! He also showed me a way to get more out of my bicep curls. I guess I go a little too fast. Partly because I'm on a time crunch before work. It was a good reminder that slow curls could get me the same results as many fast ones! Also, my two favorite things were on sale at the grocery store - Sushi and halo top! Quite a lunch :smiley:

    Two days to friday! Hope everyone has a great wednesday.
  • KimF0715
    KimF0715 Posts: 114 Member
    Hey All !

    Been working the food...not so much the treadmill. Gotta get back into the swing on that.

    Beautiful behaviors: Got a fabulous new hair cut and highlights. Also working to make my diet more plant based.

    We are works in progress!

    Have a great one!

  • happysherri
    happysherri Posts: 1,360 Member
    @str8bowbabe - Awesome job on the water and the stress free walk. I hope you feel better soon.
    @ginagee48 - Walks are so nice. It's important to try and destress and think lovely thoughts.
    @katadx - Yes, form is key to lifting and getting results. I'm glad you are learning and open. OMG! Halo Top, I love that stuff! Enjoy
    @KimF0715 - Yep, one thing at a time. Nutrition is about 85-90 percent of weight loss and health. You will get back to the treadmill or other activity, I believe in you :blush:

    Update: GEESH! I was so frustrated last night!!! I fell asleep AGAIN! On my commute home I begin to feel drained and sleepy. I sat down and fell asleep. My bf got home and we went to the gym. I didn't do any cardio, since I was so tired. My lifting was horrible - I had to go way lighter than I normally lift, in between sets I was making faces and feeling tired. My bf could tell I was drained and felt bad for me. After an hour of pushing through, I told my bf to continue and I went to stretch and sit down. He ended about 15 minutes after that. I hope the doctor can figure this out, this is super annoying. I am also out of preworkout powder, so I will be purchasing some tonight.

    Thought for the day: Tough times never last, but tough people do. ***This group!!!! We are warriors of our own lives and situations. We all go through things in life and conquer them. I know I have been through so much and I feel stronger for it. OH, this reminds me of listening to music on the way to the gym to try and get my energy up. I control the music and 'Fighter' came on by Christina Aguerrlera (sp?). The lyrics were so true.

    Makes me that much stronger
    Makes me work a little bit harder
    It makes me that much wiser
    So thanks for making me a fighter
    Made me learn a little bit faster
    Made my skin a little bit thicker
    Makes me that much smarter
    So thanks for making me a fighter <--Feel strong today, because you have overcome! (just like me last night. it may not seem like much - going to the gym when you are tired, but it felt big to me.)
  • Sp1tfire
    Sp1tfire Posts: 1,120 Member
    Happy friday everyone! I had a busy day today so far. I worked out this morning, followed by going to the Gamestop I applied at and speaking to the guy who does the hiring. I accidently submitted my online application before my availability was fully put in! (it only said mondays!) So I decided to go in person to explain. After a quick conversation I got an interview for next tuesday! I hope it works out because my current job only gives me 30 hours a week, and this Gamestop job would only be able to give me 10 a week which = a perfect 40! Then I'll work there while I go to school too. After that I went to GNC and got a sample of the cinnamon crunch protein (anyone tried it??) and grocery shopped. I really learn to appreciate CICO on days like today. I was able to have 2 slices of hawaiian chicken pizza and a bowl of cookie crisp for lunch. I usually don't eat such things because they don't keep me full but I threw caution to the wind today!!

    @happysherri I hope you find your mojo and energy soon! Way to keep pushing through.
  • aleahurst
    aleahurst Posts: 325 Member
    edited June 2017
    @happysherri - oh my! Get some blood work done. The mom in me says your minerals could be low. You said something about stress reactions one day that I could have made into a meme!! Yeah stress exercise is far more satisfying than stress eating.

    Tomorrow will be better... No, tomorrow will be different. I didn't keep any diet promises today. It was a total rest day. I flushed my system with water. I must have drank 15 cups. Seriously. For the past week, my family has kept me running. Today nothing happened. Well. The oxygen guy came by and gave me six full tanks. Next week is all mine!!!

    So, this book I'm reading gave me an exercise for today. It was to list 5 self care promises that you can make or renew. And I can only think of one. Oh surely there is something.

    Let's see...
    1. Go outside barefoot at least 5 mornings every week.
    2. Go over my prayer list and simply listen afterwards, at least 5 days a week.
    3. Shower and put on clean clothes that I like at least 4 days a week.
    4. Pull weeds at least 2 days a week (more than that is work)
    5. Stop everything and love my God a little every day.

    Okay!!! Five!!!!

    @katadx - I hope you absolutely love the jobs you get!

    @KimF0715 - Post a photo of the new do!!!

    Love to all.

  • happysherri
    happysherri Posts: 1,360 Member
    Ok, so my blood work All came back good: organs, viatmins, thyroid and more. Next will be a trip to my doctor to get a sleep study.

    Work has been so crazy and busy, which I kinda thrive in. I have been having small adventures every weekend like I promised myself. Have been a little more relaxed in my eating the last couple days. Didn't get to the gym today but swam at a local small beach.

    Thought for the day: Love your body, the whole thing. ** Embrace your curves, scars, crooked, flab, stained, boney, bumpy, all flaws a long with the good. I've learned to love my body at any stage. This doesn't mean I want to quit progressing and pushing for results. I do have goals but I'm enjoying the journey (not just the end). We're all beautiful :)
  • Sp1tfire
    Sp1tfire Posts: 1,120 Member
    edited June 2017
    Today was kind of rough. I'll be leaving a huge vent paragraph below!

    So, I work morning to early afternoon shifts at subway and I'm also caring and cooking for my family to 'earn' my rent while I go to school. I'm also hoping to add that second job to help pay for school. I get home from work, and BAM I have a mountain of dishes to do, a sister asking me to cook something for when her boyfriend comes over because she was coming home from a wedding (with 2 hours notice) and my parents insisting I go to a late night bonfire by the lake afterwards. I am exhausted. and feeling a little fed up. My family is horrible at planning things ahead of time. Every time my extended family wants to do something, it's STARTING around 9pm. I have to get up at 6:00 am to workout and then get to work on time afterwards. So, I often have to bail and be "lame" by not going to these things. (they often go way past midnight). I'm starting to feel like something's gotta give. I need by jobs to pay for school, and if I didn't take care of the house I'd feel like a freeloader and it would be a horrible mess. (I've stopped doing dishes before to see what would happen and there was a mountain of dishes piling up for a week.) If I lose my workouts I lose a very important aspect of who I am and my sense of health. It also gives me an escape from home and work. Also, My dad isn't very understanding of my sleep/work schedule. He tells me 'thats just how it is'. He assumes that sleep deprivation is part of life. But he is used to and averages like 5 hours of sleep a night and gets to sleep in on weekends. When I request that things start a little earlier (like 7pm) I'm asking for the world apparently.
    I know that a social life is important (and my friends are usually way better at plans- we often have dinner and it's over by 8 because some of them have morning jobs) but my family is all night people. I wake up in the middle of my sleep (1am) and my dad is awake. I feel so bad skipping out on family things, especially with family I rarely see, but I also feel like it's important to take care of myself. My quality of life would be hard to keep up with if I was constantly up past 10:30.

    Your thoughts and input is appreciated! Is your family like this? Do you ever feel like a "morning person stuck in a night persons world"? Thank you for allowing my vent.

  • rheddmobile
    rheddmobile Posts: 6,840 Member
    katadx wrote: »
    Today was kind of rough. I'll be leaving a huge vent paragraph below!

    So, I work morning to early afternoon shifts at subway and I'm also caring and cooking for my family to 'earn' my rent while I go to school. I'm also hoping to add that second job to help pay for school. I get home from work, and BAM I have a mountain of dishes to do, a sister asking me to cook something for when her boyfriend comes over because she was coming home from a wedding (with 2 hours notice) and my parents insisting I go to a late night bonfire by the lake afterwards. I am exhausted. and feeling a little fed up. My family is horrible at planning things ahead of time. Every time my extended family wants to do something, it's STARTING around 9pm. I have to get up at 6:00 am to workout and then get to work on time afterwards. So, I often have to bail and be "lame" by not going to these things. (they often go way past midnight). I'm starting to feel like something's gotta give. I need by jobs to pay for school, and if I didn't take care of the house I'd feel like a freeloader and it would be a horrible mess. (I've stopped doing dishes before to see what would happen and there was a mountain of dishes piling up for a week.) If I lose my workouts I lose a very important aspect of who I am and my sense of health. It also gives me an escape from home and work. Also, My dad isn't very understanding of my sleep/work schedule. He tells me 'thats just how it is'. He assumes that sleep deprivation is part of life. But he is used to and averages like 5 hours of sleep a night and gets to sleep in on weekends. When I request that things start a little earlier (like 7pm) I'm asking for the world apparently.
    I know that a social life is important (and my friends are usually way better at plans- we often have dinner and it's over by 8 because some of them have morning jobs) but my family is all night people. I wake up in the middle of my sleep (1am) and my dad is awake. I feel so bad skipping out on family things, especially with family I rarely see, but I also feel like it's important to take care of myself. My quality of life would be hard to keep up with if I was constantly up past 10:30.

    Your thoughts and input is appreciated! Is your family like this? Do you ever feel like a "morning person stuck in a night persons world"? Thank you for allowing my vent.
    I'm actually a night person stuck in a morning person's world. My husband and I both work long distance with coworkers who are in other countries, and we both feel more creative and alive at night, so left to our own devices, we frequently stay up working until dawn. My mother is a morning person and is always doing things like calling to say she wants to meet me for lunch and shopping at 11 am, at 10:30 am. She doesn't seem capable of understanding that this is the equivalent of me calling her to go someplace at 3 am. Because she's the older dog and presumably less able to learn new tricks, I try to accommodate her schedule, but it's sometimes physically painful, difficult to make it work with my medication, and messes my sleep schedule up for days at a time.

    Unfortunately the majority rules in these situations. You have my sympathy.
  • rheddmobile
    rheddmobile Posts: 6,840 Member
    edited June 2017
    Hey everyone! I want to assure you I've been reading even when I didn't comment. You all make me smile.

    This has been a stressful week - my husband has suspected skin cancer and this week was his biopsy. It's more than likely basal cell which is not that serious, but it still involved a lot of dealing with medical professionals which is always exhausting. We'll know something when the biopsy comes back.

    I did find time to just sit in my garden. I have a new little friend - he's a tufted titmouse, which is a small, adorable bird. He seems to like me and comes over to say hi when I come outside.

    My beautiful behavior was entertaining a bored child at the doctor's office whose mom was there for an appointment. Mom was just past it, and her son kept trying to get her attention, so I asked him to read a magazine to me. I'm a very shy person and this was hard for me to do, but it made me feel good.
  • jessiquoi
    jessiquoi Posts: 400 Member
    good morning, everyone! my beautiful behavior today is to TRACK ALL MY FOOD! i've been neglecting this, and this is truly something that makes it all work for me. i HATE it, i'm not sure why. :) love/hate relationship. just like with food. sigh.

    @rheddmobile i hope your husband gets good news!
    @katadx you deserve to live on the schedule that's most comfortable for you. i myself am a morning person and my fiance is a night person. we see each other when we overlap. :) you may need to make a choice between going to these events and taking best care of yourself. maybe you can make some of them. maybe if you stop going to all of them, your family will get your point.
    sherri, congrats on the blood work!
    lea, your self care promises sound lovely.

    have a marvy monday!