how do you do your HIIT

I love my HIIT , mine is an every other day kettle bell calisthenics , with reps of 20, 15,10,5 , my husband showed me this routine , and i feel in love <3 but i would like to mix it up , what is your fav. HIIT ?


  • NorthCascades
    NorthCascades Posts: 10,968 Member
    Hill repeats on a bike at 105 to 120 % of my functional threshold power.
  • stanmann571
    stanmann571 Posts: 5,728 Member
    I love my HIIT , mine is an every other day kettle bell calisthenics , with reps of 20, 15,10,5 , my husband showed me this routine , and i feel in love <3 but i would like to mix it up , what is your fav. HIIT ?

    Probably not HIIT.
  • HamsterManV2
    HamsterManV2 Posts: 449 Member
    edited June 2017
    The Magic 50 if you have kettlebells

    Tempo on any form of cardio (i.e. 45 seconds all out, 120seconds normal, repeat x5-7 times). Can be done with running, biking, rowing, jump rope, etc.

    If you have done kickboxing classes before and know how to punch, you can do Burpies Conditioning. No equipment or space needed, and you can gas yourself in under 15minutes.

    i.e. alternate Burpies and Shadow Boxing every 30 seconds, use the below pacing:
    "Beginner Program
    •4 x 2-minute rounds with 1 minute of rest between rounds

    Intermediate Program(s)
    •6 x 2-minute rounds with 1 minute of rest between rounds
    •4 x 3-minute rounds with 1 minute of rest between rounds

    Advanced Program
    •6 x 3-minute rounds with 1 minute of rest between rounds

    Master's Program
    •6 x 3-minute rounds with 30 seconds of rest between rounds"

  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,868 Member
    30 second sprint intervals on the bike trainer or hill repeats. I do them once per week as anymore than that would be overly taxing.
  • happysherri
    happysherri Posts: 1,360 Member
    I also like variety. I mix up with a lot of jump movements. jumping jacks, jump lunges, squat jumps, wall sits, burpees (different styles), monster tire jump/walk, skaters, etc... I will also put in some core work sometimes, mountain climbers, leg raises, planks, bicycle crunches, mason twists, etc.. I normally complete about 30 sec-1 minute work with about 40 second rest for about 25 to 30 minutes. Sometimes I will do sprint intervals on the treadmill 1 minute full run on and 1 minute off for about 20 minutes. I try to perform HIIT a couple times a week.

    Keep it up. Glad you found something that you enjoy!
  • SABoj
    SABoj Posts: 88 Member
    I try to incorporate a HIIT workout 2x per week - generally in the form of interval circuits or plyometrics (think INSANITY-style workouts). Mountain climbers, lateral jumps, burpees, jumping lunges, etc. An ever-changing variety helps to push my limits.
  • rheddmobile
    rheddmobile Posts: 6,840 Member
    I do 15 minutes on my stationary bike - started with 4 minutes moderate 1 minute fast but now up to 2 minutes fast 1 minute really fast - I keep upping the resistance too. Once a week or so I do a tabata run on my bike instead - 4 minutes of 20 seconds flat out 10 seconds steady.

    I also do tabata with various jumping exercises like jumping twists, burpees, squat jumps. The main thing is to pick an exercise that is strenuous enough.
  • MeanderingMammal
    MeanderingMammal Posts: 7,866 Member
    True HIIT, once every two weeks. I alternate with threshold training.

    The interval sessions are generally only 10-12Km total distance though, very short.
  • nifty50fitandlean
    nifty50fitandlean Posts: 7 Member
    I use the peloton app and use a spin bike. I do a 30 minute hiit 3 days a week, but it's a 10 minute warm up, 5 minute cool down - 8 bursts for 30 seconds.
  • Charlene_1985
    Charlene_1985 Posts: 122 Member
    I don't know if it's HIIT but I warm up for 1.5 miles at 9:00/mile, then I do anywhere between 8-12 intervals of 1/4 at 6:45/mile followed by 1/8 at 10:30ish/mile. 1.5 cool down.
  • Alisonswim46
    Alisonswim46 Posts: 208 Member
    Tabatas! On the treadmill. 20 seconds all out, (I step to the side of the mill) 10 seconds rest. 8 times.
  • estherdragonbat
    estherdragonbat Posts: 5,283 Member
    I'm not sure if it's HIIT but a strength-training book has a couple of workout routines that mix up cardio, dumbbells, stretching, and (for one of the workouts), a beach ball.
  • Psychgrrl
    Psychgrrl Posts: 3,177 Member
    edited June 2017
    One 30 minute workout per week, times with songs. I have an awesome hard rock version of the Mary Tyler Moore song that is 60 seconds. That's my interval. Then I recover for 2-3 minutes. With timed songs.

    On the elliptical.
  • MeanderingMammal
    MeanderingMammal Posts: 7,866 Member
    I don't know if it's HIIT but I warm up for 1.5 miles at 9:00/mile, then I do anywhere between 8-12 intervals of 1/4 at 6:45/mile followed by 1/8 at 10:30ish/mile. 1.5 cool down.

    Sprint intervals. Not technically HIIT, but very few people claiming to be doing HIIT really are. It's a fashionable description for circuit training classes. Someone doing true HIIT isn't doing it more than once a week.
  • naomillion
    naomillion Posts: 351 Member
    I follow the Hasfit channel with Coach K on YouTube, although I think half of the HIIT workouts are more circuit trainings. Still good though if you like using kettlebells and dumbells :smile: Enjoy!
  • samhynes7469
    samhynes7469 Posts: 23 Member
    I love my HIIT , mine is an every other day kettle bell calisthenics , with reps of 20, 15,10,5 , my husband showed me this routine , and i feel in love <3 but i would like to mix it up , what is your fav. HIIT ?

    Probably not HIIT.

    This dose not answer the question i posted , this thread is meant to be helpful , inspirational , a fun way to share those things that make us all feel superhuman , so please leave awbs comments out of it , so , please enlighten do you do your HIIT ? :p
  • stanmann571
    stanmann571 Posts: 5,728 Member
    I love my HIIT , mine is an every other day kettle bell calisthenics , with reps of 20, 15,10,5 , my husband showed me this routine , and i feel in love <3 but i would like to mix it up , what is your fav. HIIT ?

    Probably not HIIT.

    This dose not answer the question i posted , this thread is meant to be helpful , inspirational , a fun way to share those things that make us all feel superhuman , so please leave awbs comments out of it , so , please enlighten do you do your HIIT ? :p

    With a HRM 30 seconds at target intensity 60 seconds at recovery intensity. Repeat.

    Note, one round may take 5 minutes or longer. Do not exceed 10 rounds or 30 minutes... whichever comes first.

    That's HIIT.
  • katie2400
    katie2400 Posts: 78 Member
    I love using the Rotating Stairs (stairmill?) I will do 30 seconds as fast as i can then recover 30 seconds.. repeat till i die.
  • kwtilbury
    kwtilbury Posts: 1,234 Member
    Tabatas - 20 seconds on, 10 seconds rest, eight rounds

    I do them with burpees and mountain climbers...sometimes other stuff