Beautiful Behaviors - May 2017



  • jessiquoi
    jessiquoi Posts: 400 Member
    Good morning, all! well, I've been eating low carb foods, but I haven't been tracking, so I have no idea how I'm doing. today I start tracking again! it's another extra busy week at work, and i'll probably be in the office most of it, which although bums me out, helps with my food choices.

    I had a more than usually active weekend, and I'm feeling it today. I got to the gym Friday and Saturday, and did the food shopping and then Lowes for the house projects on Sunday. that's more walking than I'm used to, and I'm happy to have done it. I hope to keep it up! I usually walk more during the work week when I'm in the office, so the extra day in this week will support this.

    welcome, @snowflakkes63!

    @happysherri, love the new picture!

    @rheddmobile, good luck with your a1c. mine is sucky right now and I'm working hard to improve it.

    @nickiphillips1, losing inches is great! don't fret about the number on the scale, how do you feel? I bet you feel really good after all those guys asking if you lost weight! :)

    @KimF0715 good luck on your challenge! you got this!!!

    hi to everyone else! have a strong and powerful day,
  • jmacdow
    jmacdow Posts: 8 Member
    I am so glad for this post. I am on myfitnesspal mainly to develop some healthy habits. My mini goals are to:
    1. eat clean every day (mostly plant based, fresh fruits and vegetable)
    2. move every day (10,000 steps and ideally a boxing workout 3x a week)
    3. Meditate daily

    SO far, I can accomplish 2 od the 3 on any given day. Anyone else?
  • loftus4827
    loftus4827 Posts: 56 Member
    Yes. This. Weight loss is just one component of total wellness
  • KimF0715
    KimF0715 Posts: 114 Member
    Rocked the treadmill last night.

    Day Two of my Challenge. So far so good. Keeping it simple, but adding some weights to the mix tonight.

    I'll keep you posted. Have a great day!

  • happysherri
    happysherri Posts: 1,360 Member
    @str8bowbabe - You are recruited for my zombie apocalypse team! lol
    @snowflakkes63 - Welcome, it's not just about a number ;) This group helps me with the "feels" lol
    @jessiquoi - Yay, shop at Lowe's -I work for corporate. :) Busy weekends are great (but then followed by a lazy weekend ha) We're gonna keep striving for our low carb days
    @jmacdow - Sounds like a wonderful plan. Go for it!
    @loftus4827 - Agree, we are human and have emotions and make mistakes. I feel that others in this thread can relate to some of my journey.

    Update: The bf and I completed about 103 minutes of Back and Interval Treadmill last night. It felt good to sweat.
    This morning I shed some tears and feel a little sad because today is the 3rd year anniversary of my mother's passing. All of my sisters and I were very close with her and my dad was her soul mate. Time does ease it, but I will never get over it and think about her daily. I'm not really a "sad" emotional eater, so I should be fine with that aspect.

    Thought for the day: Never forget yesterday, but always live for today, because you never know what tomorrow can bring, or what it can take away. ***Hug your loved ones tighter, forgive more often, be kind and never skip a chance to say 'I love you'. Live for today. In the past I lived to cautiously, hoarding my money, passing up opportunities and always thinking what if. But after my mom passed I have learned and am still learning that cautious is no way to live. Sure you have to pay your bills and take care of yourself and others, but we need to enjoy too. Stop and enjoy your life: it could be as small as time with your children (pausing to listen to their laughter), as big as a vacation, sitting and having quiet time, go outside and feel the sun on your face, etc...

    Happy Tuesday to all.
  • fangcat623
    fangcat623 Posts: 22 Member
    I need to get my butt in gear with exercise. I am scheduled for Zumba tonight and my energy level is around my toes. I will get dressed and go. I will be glad that I did.
  • str8bowbabe
    str8bowbabe Posts: 712 Member
    @happysherri - if you only knew how bad I hate zombies you would know how very lucky you are to recruit me. LOL Actually they give me nightmares. Cant watch a movie, show etc about them so no problem pulling the trigger on a zombie.

    So jealous of your workout routine!!!!

    @KimF0715 - great job on that treadmill.

    Ladies I cannot tell you much I love this thread. Keep up the good work!!!

  • spdaphne
    spdaphne Posts: 262 Member
    @happysherri … that’s great your boyfriend works out with you. *hugs* to you about your mom’s passing anniversary. Be kind to yourself. I changed a lot after my grandma passed away several years ago and thanks for sharing your thoughts. So true!

    Just got a message from my nutritionist that there were changes at the doctor’s office and she is starting her own private practice. Changes! My appointment is on hold until she gets her site up and running, probably the 1st week in June.

    I got a cute Maxi dress in my Stitch Fix box I’m happy about. I also cleaned out my closet over the weekend and tossed out a garbage bag of old shoes that had seen their better days. I picked up 4 new pairs today with my birthday money from earlier this month and I’m happy to take them out for a spin.

    I’ve done well with my eating so far this week so I’m going to keep it going!

    Have a good night all!
  • mca90guitar
    mca90guitar Posts: 290 Member
    edited May 2017
    @rheddmobile yes I bowhunt. I work for an archery manufacturer. I am now starting to seriously shoot traditional bows. Moving from compound bowhunting to traditional hunting. Love to be in the woods for all that you see and feel.

    @happysherri - rock that profile pic!!!! Great job!

    @KimF0715 - get on the treadmill and go! You can do it!

    @spdaphne - buffalo burgers YUM!!!!!

    Huge archery addict here. Took up longbows and recurves a few years back and really enjoy them alot ,esp 3d with them.

    Started at 6yrs old and have been at it for 20 yrs now.

    Who do you work for?

  • str8bowbabe
    str8bowbabe Posts: 712 Member
    @mca90guitar hello and welcome! I love my recurve. I just started seriously shooting traditional but fell in love with it instantly. I have been hunting most of my life but started bow hunting in the early 90's. Just love being in the woods...such peace and beauty.

    @spdaphne new shoes!!!! Love shoes! Enjoy!

    Ladies and gentlemen, hope you all have a great day! I am out half day today dealing with class reunion stuff coming up on June 10th.

    Goal for today...its raining here so hit the treadmill for a few miles of H.I.T. training.

    Check back in later!
  • KimF0715
    KimF0715 Posts: 114 Member
    Good morning!

    Slayed the mighty treadmill again last night.

    That's my message for today: Kill it !!!!!!!!!!!

    Kim <3
  • happysherri
    happysherri Posts: 1,360 Member
    @fangcat623 - That's the attitude. Same-when I don't feel like going to the gym, I dress up in my workout gear and then I have to go. Kill that Zumba
    @str8bowbabe - I love scary and scifi movies! Love zombie movies! Good luck with the reunion and burn up that HIIT!
    @spdaphne - Thanks <3 Keep up your good eating habits and rock those new clothes!
    @KimF0715 - Wicked!!!! Slay that treadmill, love it! Keep up the great work and consistency.

    Update: I took a much needed rest night and wrote in my life book and sketched in my sketch book. My bf gave me a full body massage (Not Like That!!!lol) He stretched out my spine and back and worked my shoulders a bit and my calf muscles. I was craving chocolate really badly last night so when I went to pick up my prescription last night I bought 2 bags of candy (heath minis and reeses cup minis). I only ate about 3 a piece and still was under my calorie goal! BOOM!
    I weighed myself this morning expecting to see a combo of my rest day and the candy to show up. Instead I was down lower than I have been in the past year!!! Just in case anyone is interested my stats: female, 42 yrs, 5'7, 164 lbs currently. I am trying hard to balance retaining my muscle and trimming down a bit. I want to keep my butt and my leg muscles!
    **It is my HIGH Carb day - hallelujah!!! Let the carbs rain down on me! (I have to be careful because they still need to be somewhat nutritious ha) ;)

    Though of the day: Do not read the next sentence. You little rebel, I like you. ***Simply thought we all needed a giggle. Be a rebel, go against what "they" say you should be or what you've always done. Don't be afraid to be different. I like trying new things, however I also like routine - so sometimes life is weird for me, but I embrace it. :D

    Go out and punch Wednesday in the face and then hand it a lollipop (because we're wicked but kind) ha
  • mca90guitar
    mca90guitar Posts: 290 Member
    @mca90guitar hello and welcome! I love my recurve. I just started seriously shooting traditional but fell in love with it instantly. I have been hunting most of my life but started bow hunting in the early 90's. Just love being in the woods...such peace and beauty.

    @spdaphne new shoes!!!! Love shoes! Enjoy!

    Ladies and gentlemen, hope you all have a great day! I am out half day today dealing with class reunion stuff coming up on June 10th.

    Goal for today...its raining here so hit the treadmill for a few miles of H.I.T. training.

    Check back in later!

    Hard for me to pick up my compounds anymore. Usually I just tune them up a month before opener, I'm on public land so the added range is appreciated. But for targets, 3d and small game the tradbows are #1. Too much fun.

    Enjoy it, it's a real challenge and I'll have my tradtech titan recurve in the tree for a few hunts this season as well.

  • rheddmobile
    rheddmobile Posts: 6,840 Member
    What a cool group of ladies! It's fun that we have so many archers.

    @happysherri - glad you had a good night! I found one of my older sketchbooks when digging out the guest room. I do all my sketching on the computer these days, I miss pencil and paper.

    So my A1c will not be back for about a week, but my doctor feels based on my glucose logs that he wants to take me off glimeperide. I'm doubtful. Yes, my sugars look great, but they are based on very good behavior at 1500 calories. There's no wiggle room - if I eat 50g net carb instead of 45, my bg goes up over 140, and I prefer to stay under it. So yeah, at this point I'm hoping he lets me keep my meds until I have lost a little more weight, which will hopefully improve my insulin resistance.

    In any case it was nice to be praised! He said he wished all his patients were so motivated.

    I'm continuing to work on the guest room. It's like the world's largest overstuffed closet, I can't believe I let it get so out of hand, I keep finding things I don't even remember owning. But I just started at one corner and am going through it. I have two more days before I need to do my legs day, and I need my squats rack set up, so that's the time frame I'm giving myself.
  • spdaphne
    spdaphne Posts: 262 Member
    Got quite a few things to do tonight before I head to sleep.

    But my beautiful behavior was doing some lower back yoga and a quick Kundalini yoga set to get my energy up. It felt nice, I forgot how much I missed yoga.

    Hope you all had a swimming day!
  • PKM0515
    PKM0515 Posts: 2,969 Member
    rheddmobile, congratulations on the doctor's appointment!

    spdaphne, nice yoga workout!

    I have a few days off and would like today's "beautiful behavior" to be a mani/pedi, but I've never had a pedicure and only had a manicure once about 30 years ago! Silly, but I'm nervous about it. :/

    I do plan to head back to the farm market, and I'm going to call to find out about a local Zumba class. I want to try something other than my usual walking for fitness. Also, I've been procrastinating about making a doctor's appointment that I need to make; today I'll do it.

    Have a wonderful day, all!
  • PKM0515
    PKM0515 Posts: 2,969 Member
    @aleahurst, how are you doing/feeling? :)
  • rheddmobile
    rheddmobile Posts: 6,840 Member
    Bleah - burned a sick day yesterday, I seem to have a stomach bug. Dinner was Halo Top ice cream, didn't feel like eating and didn't have the calories to spend after a day of being mostly collapsed watching old Bollywood movies. The weird thing is that usually when I'm sick my blood glucose is elevated, and yesterday if anything it was lower than usual, I kept having to make myself eat carby stuff to keep it from going too low.

    I did feel well enough to get in 15 minutes of Bollywood-inspired Zumba to Dhoom Again and a couple of other songs from the movie I was watching, Dhoom 2. It was fun seeing watching the movie and seeing how the Zumba choreography was inspired by it.

    I also used the grocery pickup service for the first time and was impressed, very polite and conscientious young people. And dropped 2 bags of clothes from the spare room off at Army Vets when I was out.

    I think the grocery pickup service is going to be a force for good in my life - instead of spending an hour and a half slowly wandering the aisles and waiting in line, I can spend 5 minutes loading my car and an hour and a half doing something more athletic and fun, like walking in the park! There's a very nice park in Collierville with a raised platform leading down to the Wolf River - it's a mile and a half round trip and lots of walkers and joggers use it. A couple of years ago my husband and I used to spend a lot of time there and saw a bunch of deer, beavers, and even heard a coyote pack there one night after dark, but I felt so rotten last year we basically stopped going. I want to start going there and walking regularly again.
  • KimF0715
    KimF0715 Posts: 114 Member
    Worked out again last night.

    I'm so happy I could slap myself! LOL ! :p