Beautiful Behaviors - May 2017



  • jessiquoi
    jessiquoi Posts: 400 Member
    Good morning, everyone! starting day 3 of my low carb adventure take 2. so far, two good days with improved blood sugars and less insulin usage. AND I'm not cranky yet :) which is a good thing!

    this morning, john made me an omelet before I went to work. I didn't have the heart to tell him it's too early for me to eat (I leave at 6:30) because he had already started it by the time I came downstairs. he's so supportive of my efforts, I'm very lucky. (he's also supportive of my binges lol but that's another story.) so now I'm sitting here at my desk stuffed to the gills with just a little bit of heartburn, knowing I have to tell him when I get home not to cook for me so early in the morning. this should be the worst of my problems, as my mother would say! :smile:

    so I'm in the office, which means it's an easier day for me food wise... there's nothing for me to grab and munch while I work unless I go down to the lobby, which has a Tim Horton's, and I'm not going to do that until lunch time.

    @katadx good luck with your move!
    @str8bowbabe Garden of the Gods sounds like a beautiful place! enjoy.
    @happysherri I'm really interested in your carb cycling. I think i'll google it today.

    what did you do today to set yourself up for success? as I'm typing this, I have to answer honestly "nothing". I haven't been good at planning since my move... not having a kitchen is really starting to bum me out. my meals aren't planned at all, except for my meals at work, because I always get the exact same thing at tim Horton's. I'm not even wearing my fitbit, and I'm not carrying a water bottle around. I really need to kick myself in the butt a little. ok, starting tomorrow, I will wear my fitbit, and i'll track my water consumption starting today!

    have a good one,
  • nickiphillips1
    nickiphillips1 Posts: 114 Member
    Thanks for inviting me to the new May Beautiful Behaviors!

    I had a great wake-up this morning to a 1.5 lb loss! It seems like the loss has slowed down lately, but it was just because I lost so much right away. I at at a 25.5 lb loss. I want to be under 180 by June and I am at 181.5.

    I swam this morning in the slower lane and did some non-freestyle. It gave my rotator cuff muscle a little bit of a rest and wore me out. Maybe I burned some extra calories by doing something a little different.

    I have to go into the office soon for a meeting... sigh... I never get much done there.

    I am getting another massage later today to work out my messy muscles since last week's was very painful.

    I am going out to brunch with my older son and I will probably overeat.

    I am thinking of taking my younger son to get a pedicure with me later that day.

    So yesterday, I ate a bigger lunch, since I had a track meet to go to in early evening and knew I would have a late dinner. I am thinking I may need to start eating more for lunch. Maybe that will help. Then I got Chipotle for dinner. I ate about 2/3 and gave the rest to the dogs. I was full and didn't push eating it all.

    Have a great week everyone!

  • KimF0715
    KimF0715 Posts: 114 Member
    Hey all!

    I'm still in it....battling....LOL

    Last night wasn't great. Wendy's french fries through the drive thru for dinner. I NEVER do that. But that's how busy life got. I did not have a minute to eat.

    Honestly, if I eat fast food twice in a year...that's about the average.

    I still managed to stay under calorie goal, but my nutrition was in sad shape.

    Back on my feet today with those superfoods!!!!

    Have a good one!
  • str8bowbabe
    str8bowbabe Posts: 712 Member

    I have to share this. I am feeling pretty defeated today and well almost betrayed or sabotaged not sure quite the word to use. Last night my hubby calls and asks if I want to go to dinner. Yea! We don't get to eat dinner together throughout the week very often. He asked where and I told him the little pizza joint up the street. I told him we could order their grilled chicken and salad bar. He yeah that sounds good. I got there after him so he had already ordered. He had a pitcher of beer sitting there and already a big order of breadsticks. I thought, well maybe he was just hungry so he got those until we got our meal. Next thing I know a huge pizza is set down in front of us. I asked him why he ordered pizza and he said he thought I really didn't want chicken and salad. Instead of starting a fight, I ate the pizza and the breadsticks and then went home feeling so defeated that I ate oreos and milk too. How do you handle this? He was upset that I didn't drink any beer but I didn't want it. I just want to cry because I worked so hard on Tuesday getting back the calories I overate on Monday and now I am in the same boat today. Going to work out at lunch and probably try to get a treadmill workout in later tonight to hopefully repair some of the damage. I cant help feeling terrible. I cant help feeling a like upset at my husband. Both of us have high cholesterol and he is already taking meds every day for it. I don't want to live my life like that. I guess I should have just ate something else but then he would have been upset with me and himself. He works so hard and deserves to relax and enjoy but I just didn't want to do that. Anyway...rant over. Back to trying to get things under control.
  • Sp1tfire
    Sp1tfire Posts: 1,120 Member
    @str8bowbabe I'm so sorry you had a difficult day. It is so hard to resist unplanned for food, especially when it's been ordered and paid for already. I'm guessing your hubby probably meant well and was just upset that you weren't enjoying the meal. Do you think he could tell you were unhappy during the meal? Maybe you could find a chance to tell him that it is difficult for you to stay on track with those foods, and being guilted for not eating something (like the beer) makes things worse in the end and cause things you wouldn't have normally done like eating the oreos. Being straightforward while still giving him the benefit of the doubt will maybe help this not happen so much in the future. Also, please don't be too hard on yourself at the gym! You could cause an injury or develop an overexercising habit. Remember to love and forgive yourself as well as your husband! <3 I hope today is better for you.
  • aleahurst
    aleahurst Posts: 325 Member
    @nickiphillips1 - I love the new picture! Who's the lucky dog?
  • str8bowbabe
    str8bowbabe Posts: 712 Member
    Thank you all for the feedback. My hubby and I have had this talk about us losing weight often. This is nothing new. LOL The problem is when we are together we just want to please the other one I guess. Im over it. Moving on and so I had chicken and cherry tomatoes for lunch with some greek yogurt. Looking forward to a good healthy dinner...hubby already said he is going to stop by the market and pick up something good to cook...usually means a big grilled salmon steak. Im ok with that.

    @aleahurst - my mom went thru having to have oxygen with her all the time. I feel for you. I know it can be pretty irritating at times. Just remember, its for the best.

    Hope everyone has a blessed night!
  • KimF0715
    KimF0715 Posts: 114 Member
    @happysherri - I did fit them, hey! Fries and success. I'll take it!
    @aleahurst - I think you'd be hard pressed to find a nutritional value to fast food fries. LOL. Keep searching. On the plus side they were gluten free. Some fast food fries aren't.
    @str8bowbabe - Hmmm. That's a really tough one. It's hard to fall out of those habits. Have a talk with hubby, and tell him while you appreciate his thoughtfulness (asking you out, ordering for you) the future you really have to order for yourself.

    Yesterday was my daughter's birthday. We officially have a teenager in the house. My inlaws came over and we did our usual pizza order and ice cream cake.

    Luckily, mother in law is in the same boat as me so the two of us ordered a grilled salmon dinner over spinach with olive oil and split it! It was great. We had the restaurant's salad....famous for their dressing (creamy...ugh)....but said the heck with it and had it the dressing. We did each have a small piece of the cake.

    I fit everything in!!! It was hard, but I still came in at a baby deficit....although the pizza aroma almost drove me into a frenzy.

    Sometimes my illness is a blessing. Pizza pizza everywhere but not a bite to eat. I can't eat a regular pizza even if I wanted to . If I don't order a GF pizza there's no option for me.

    Silver lining and all that.

    Have a great Friday!!!!!

  • happysherri
    happysherri Posts: 1,360 Member
    @aleahurst - **taking on my "mom" voice**: little girl, you need to listen to your body, and if your body needs the oxygen, then you shall use it! I am stubborn too, and have learned that it's better to listen to my body. I Hate Hate that I know I could lift WAY heavier on squats and more legs, however my knees say, -girl, ya know ya in your 40's now and ya need ta back off a little smidget!!!! I now have to wear a compression sleeve on my right knee on leg day. Take care of yourself :wink:
    @str8bowbabe - There you go! See, that day was your high carb day lol You have the right mind set, I'm not worried. Great work - cherry tomatoes, chicken and greek yogurt (I can have all of those on my low carb day, yay)
    @KimF0715 - WIN! Wow, you are awesome. You practiced willpower and had a victory! Remember perfect is not ideal, allowing yourself the piece of cake was a good treat. Keep it up

    Update: I had dinner with my son and asked him 20 million questions about his girlfriend because he's never had one and I had to find out through social media that he had one :smiley: lol They just started going out the other day. She sounds nice and I told him to be a gentleman. My son is suppose to take me to the movies on mother's day and the hard part is going to be not getting popcorn (and it's a low carb day) I feel slightly tired today but I will survive. I have fluctuated down about 1 and 1/2 pounds from Sunday, so I'm going to keep going.
    Yesterday was my first high carb day and did I learn a bunch!!!! I learned that it's harder than I though it would be, I was about 40 grams under my carb goal. I learned that I need to plan and meal prep better for high carb day. And that it's not as enjoyable as I thought it would be. Trial and error :blush: I just think it's funny that I had better success on low carb days - because I love me, my carbs!!!

    Thought for the day: You're not going to get the butt you want by sitting on it. **Ha ha, just though this was cute. I've read a lot of everyone kicking themselves in the butt to give an extra oomph this week. BRAVO! While we practice self love and we definitely don't want to have negative self talk, we also need to motivate ourselves. We've heard the excuses before, and some of them are legit but other times we just need to get off our butts! I need this the other day when my bf encouraged me to go to the gym. And I feel like I will need an extra oomph tonight because I feel kinda tired.

    FRIYAY, could not be happier to see you!
  • jessiquoi
    jessiquoi Posts: 400 Member
    good morning, all. i caved last night and carbed out, after a stressful day at the office. back on track again today, but i think i'm going to think about carb cycling, like @happysherri. i seem to be fine low carb for 2 - 3 days, and then i explode. if i plan a healthy carb dinner every 3 days, it may avoid the explosion. i'm going to think about this for the weekend.

    i'll be at my mom's and then my daughter's this weekend, and they both cook healthily. it's all the traveling in between that i'm concerned about. i love to stop at the rest stops along the way on these three hour drives. i'm going to pack whatever i can find in the house to help tide me over, but truthfully, there isn't much available by friday (our usual food shopping day). so i'll do the best i can and love myself anyway. :)

    i'll be offline probably for the whole weekend, so have a happy mother's day if you're a mom, and have a beautiful weekend to all!

  • CT0526
    CT0526 Posts: 24 Member
    Hello all!

    We are on the second day of three days of rain around here. I'm ready for the sun and some warmer weather!

    @str8bowbabe My husband and I started MFP together back in February. It has been so much easier for me to stick to it with him weighing food and counting calories as well. He never realized how many chips he would snack on in front of the TV. Now he weighs his chips. It's great! He's lost about 18 pounds and is 7 pounds from his goal weight!

    @aleahurst Take care of yourself! I have asthma, which is no where near the breathing problems that you have, but I feel for you and think of you often.

    @KimF0715 Happy Birthday to your daughter! The teen years are a rollercoaster ride! But I've enjoyed watching my two boys become young men.

    @happysherri I wish I had your will power with exercise. I'll stick with it for a week or two and then don't do it for a month. I will make my goal this weekend to get back on that treadmill and use my dumbbells. Your thought for the day has inspired me!

    Happy Mother's Day to everyone!

  • Sp1tfire
    Sp1tfire Posts: 1,120 Member
    @jessiquoi that sounds like an awesome thing to explore. Then its all planned out :smile:
    @happysherri haha! Thats a great thought. Being a college student, we do a lot of butt-sittin in class and doing homework.
    @kimf0715 What a delightful treat! Things like that that are only available once in a great while it's especially fun to enjoy.

    My beautiful behavior I completed today was making sure I stretched properly after my elliptical workout. I don't always do a good job taking care of myself after a workout. I don't always make time for the proper stretches, but I did today! And I also didn't hold off on breakfast like I usually do I made sure to give my body some pineapple right after I finished up at the gym. My other goal today is to treat myself to a pint of halo top! It's on sale at pick n save so I'm going to try a new flavor. I still feel guilty eating it sometimes but I need to remember that it is nourishment and it's okay! Especially within my calorie goal. P.S I'm trying to sneak it into the movie theatre tonight when I see Guardians of the Galaxy Vol 2!

    Hope everyone has an amazing Friday!
  • KimF0715
    KimF0715 Posts: 114 Member
    Welp. I did great on Thursday ...salmon over pizza and all that....and blew it last night.

    Sangria and rice. Lord help me. And before you ask...NOT a small portion of rice. Portuguese BBQ. My goodness. Thankfully grilled shrimp and broccoli completed the meal, but no. Epic fail.

    Extra long cardio session tonight to recoup.

    LOL...Talk soon!

  • aleahurst
    aleahurst Posts: 325 Member
    @KimF0715 - hey! No epic fail is a big win! Good for you!

    @katadx - a good stretch makes you feel good, and sci Fi afterwards? YES.

    Anyway. My non scale victory today was to get out of bed, shower, and put on a clean nightie. My son brought a load of stuff to paint Friday and good golly, it took all day until 10 p.m. I'm beat.

    Love to all.

  • aleahurst
    aleahurst Posts: 325 Member
    edited May 2017
    Whoa! What a weekend! Yes, I chose poorly and went over calories on Mother's Day. Johnny Carino's some food thing that wasn't good for me, but I did enjoy it. Pleasure from food makes it a half good choice. GERD symptoms made it half bad. I really liked the good half!

    @CT0526 - thank you. I love your sweet nature!

    Well, I get back to the real world today! I'm thinking of ways to derive pleasure from food. I know it is fantastic to have chewy foods. After that, who knows?

    I'll report back if I found it.

    Love to all.

  • str8bowbabe
    str8bowbabe Posts: 712 Member
    Hello ladies,

    Sorry I have been missing in action the last few days but I was in action so...

    I played pickbleball Friday afternoon for an hour.
    On Saturday, I mowed (pushmower for almost an acre) the grass, weedeated and then moved a bunch of rock boarders for the flower beds.
    Sunday was a great day of hiking and climbing with my kids and extended family at Shawnee National Forest. Hours of hiking and climbing rocks and laughs making memories. Then home to spend another few hours moving river rock. My body is sore but that good sore not that "what the heck are you doing?" kind of sore.

    I hope all the mommas had a great day!

    @CT0526 - my husband is on mfp. We have 2 very different jobs. He is active all day while I have a desk job. After work, I want to go walking etc and he just wants to relax. As far as food well, he wants to eat well he just gets tired of chicken and fish and salads. He's a good guy. This is not on him. This is on me! I cannot place blame for what I do on someone else and that is what I did. It was my choice. Better choices this week.

    @KimF0715 Sangria with anything is wonderful. Rice and Portuguese BBQ sounds delicious.

    Well everyone have a great day!