

  • I'm eating this way to lose weight. In 2005 I weighed 165, in 2007 I weighed 185, and at the beginning of this summer I was 228. These dates correspond with meeting my wife, getting married, and having our first toddler. I want to set a good example for her, but also become more healthy, active and at least half of the 60…
  • Body weight fluctuates everyday all day long. Weigh yourself once a week at the same time of day. Remember though that weight isn't everything. Take measurements as well. I've been working out this summer and maintaining weight, but losing inches. Now I'm losing weight again.
  • Ya it makes perfect sense. I never associated the ab muscles with other groups of muscles before. After a little bit more research it seems like I worked out my obliques and lower abdominal muscles that are attached to the hip flexor muscles near my inner thighs and groin. It seems like I could benefit from stretching them…
  • I've worked through pain (and lots of it) in the past. This feels different. I don't want to risk injuring myself and not being able to workout for a while.
  • I have done Plyo in the past. It's not too bad. I liked it better than Chest & Back. I'm going to try to do Plyo this afternoon and maybe Shoulders & Arms tonight. I don't know though. Today is our 4 year anniversary, so we'll see what gets done and what doesn't.
  • Are you doing Plyo tonight or the scheduled Shoulders, Arms and Abs?
  • I have thought of measuring body fat, but I don't have a caliper. I need an inexpensive way to get it measured.
  • I am now on WOWY. I am SeaMonkey83 on there too. I joined tonight, but the website seems to be down for maintainence right now. I just finished DAY 1 Chest & Back and Ab Ripper X I did 100 pushups, 90 chinups/pullups using red resistance bands and 192 ab exercises. My arms are shakey. It feels good. I don't have a lot of…
  • No real need to do my spreadsheet if you are doing your own. I'm just thinking about creating one for those people who don't already have one.
  • I have newer shoes with good support. I have been running 3-4 miles on Tuesdays, 4-6 miles on Wednesdays, 3-4 miles on Thursdays and 6-9 miles on Saturdays. I have noticed that my form feels ugly, but I was contributing that to my added weight and thought it might improve when I lose some. I was used to running 7-9 mph…
  • I am on a 50% Protein, 30% Carb and 20% Fat diet for the next month or so (Phase 1 of the Diet plan for P90X). I am training for a marathon, so I am running alot. It does seem to be giving me a little more energy, but it is hard to get that much protein in. I am at 222g of Protein a day unless I exercise and then it is…
  • It's supposed to be 50% Protein, 30% Carbs and 20% Fat.
  • I'm doing Phase 1 "Fat Shredder" ratios from P90X for now. 50% Protein, 30% Carbs, 20% Fat
  • Any suggestions?
  • It all depends on who you ask. P90X says not to eat them before your workout and to eat them after your workout (within 30 minutes). PowerBar's website says you can eat them before or after a workout. If you eat it before a workout make sure it is 30-60 minutes before the workout. I think that it should be used as a snack…
  • It's not my legs I need to strengthen, it's my stomach/abs, my back, my chest and my arms. I just need to tone my legs and lose weight,fat and inches.
  • The problem is I don't feel that hungry to warrant eating more. Should I increase my calories anyways?
  • This is a great website. I just started this year myself. I lost 10 lbs in January and maintained it. I just started working out again. Here is another helpful website to help: You can build your own nutritional labels to input your recipes into myfitnesspal. I just found it today and plan to put all…